The SilverHazed Mind.

For me it is every picture that you have ever posted since you joined the forum. Not a picture to be found - and you know I did my research! Hopefully it is just my computer - but I can see all other members pictures.

Hi all. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season, and if you don't celebrate than a wonderful week just the same.

I took some photos of two SSH a few days ago to show but didn't have time to get them loaded. They are both showing interesting behavior, likely caused by less than stellar environments. I'm not particularly concerned about their behavior, as I am intrigued. Thusly, I decided to share them. One is "leaning away, while all the others are growing straight up towards the light. The other has a single finger on the top fan leaf coming from the main bud which is curling.

A little info. Temps have been a bit high, as much as 82 f. I worked the light up to 80%, and 100% since taking these photos. I've dialed the humidity down to the 40's%-50's%. Between the lower humidity and the higher temps, VPD had gotten too high and reached 1.9kPa. I've since opened the window; I can't believe we're having Christmas in the 60's instead of below zero like it used to be, just crazy. Anyways this has allowed me to get the lows back down to 71 and highs at 77-78, even at 100% LED power. The lower temps have gotten VPD back in an ideal range of 1.12kPa-1.5kPa.


Again, @longball I'm not asking anyone to go down a rabbit hole of research for me. lol. ;) ;)I'm just sharing some interesting behavior. Even if these are signs of stress, the Super Silver Haze and Medicine Man are both much happier than the fems I got from another company. They are coming along flawlessly right now. Some of the pistils are even starting to color up a bit on the tips.
Thank you Swifty. His leaves are by far the longest and thinnest of the entire straw. He is also the only plant to show 10 fingers so far.

Don't you worry, he is a promising candidate for f2's down the line. 😉

Not much of an odor yet, a generic "fresh" green scent with a hint of frankensence and the tiniest "generic" skunk. This is only when he is putting off a scent though. Some days all I get are green, and others I can smell the underlying aroma. Whenever I mess with the roots is when I get the most smell. At least this early.

When I have the time and equipment for f2's, I'll flower him out and see how he does. If he excells in aroma, sac development, and or frost then I will use him and see what he offers. Aesthetically, he checks the boxes for me.

Great work Diesel840 . This male looks like stallion 🐴very sativa leafs and very compact same time .
I after this kind off traits.😄😍
Great work Diesel840 . This male looks like stallion 🐴very sativa leafs and very compact same time .
I after this kind off traits.😄😍.
Thank you very much. :D He is a handsome young gent. I may have to stud him out. :ROFLMAO: I'd imagine his short, stacked stature and NLD would aid in light penetration and some serious bud development. I look forward to eventually seeing what he has to offer. :love:
Thank you for stopping by @Apollo
I've a question. Do any of you ph adjust your aerated compost teas and if so, do you adjust pre or post brewing? No need for anyone to do any research or dig up links. I'm just curious how YOU do it.

I watered the ladies with their aerated worm casting tea last night. The ph was nearly 9. I didn't adjust it, concerned that the acid would kill off some of the biome I'd spent 24 hours cultivating.

I've heard that the microbes and fungi will protect the plant, if organic. Though the containers are a bit small, I don't imagine much of a ph swing would occur with a single watering. I ph adjust the water every other time.

Anyways, just curious.

Mini-Update: The Super Silver Haze are HUGE! At least, for my little tent and how short they were at flip, they are.

I flipped them at about 6" each, +/- an inch. Some have grown over 3 1/2 x their original height. The tallest is 22" and still stretching. 😳

On the other side of the tent. My Medicine Men have stayed much squater with an average height of 11", in comparison along with a sativa leaning outlier or two.

Btw, both chemovars are starting to exhude very pleasant aromas. Especially the SSH! The hazes aromas are a bit stronger currently. It's a very sweet aroma, some fabric softner, it does have a creamyness to it, a little fruity, very nice! 😁. The MM have that dry afghani smell with... over ripened mangoes. Not quite rotting but not fresh either. I can smell the SSH on the MM. I think the tent is going to reek of the SSH soon. 😻🤩

If the tips of your leaves get burnt or go brown then the plants didn't enjoy the ph.
Brown tips are not necessarily a sign of overfeeding.
Can be a sign of a ph imbalance or even a potassium deficiency.
No brown tips developing over the next week, no problem would be my assessment.
Would be nice to hear some more opinions on this one.
If the tips of your leaves get burnt or go brown then the plants didn't enjoy the ph.
Brown tips are not necessarily a sign of overfeeding.
I haven't seen any since watering with thr higher ph tea. I should be good then. I'll keep an eye on it though and report back if I do. Thanks for the tip.
...I watered the ladies with their aerated worm casting tea last night. The ph was nearly 9. I didn't adjust it, concerned that the acid would kill off some of the biome I'd spent 24 hours cultivating...

A pH of 9 indicates alkalinity. Acidity is typically <7 pH, with 7 being neutral. I usually check pH before I put anything on my plants. In soil, 6-7 is my target depending on veg vs flower teas. Some teas, considering their density, should be diluted before application. I pre-water my plant soils with a yucca/H2O mix for better absorption. I then water with a tea.

A pH of 9 indicates alkalinity. Acidity is typically <7 pH, with 7 being neutral. I usually check pH before I put anything on my plants. In soil, 6-7 is my target depending on veg vs flower teas. Some teas, considering their density, should be diluted before application. I pre-water my plant soils with a yucca/H2O mix for better absorption. I then water with a tea.
Normally when watering I always ph adjust to 6.5-7. Seeing the ph at 9 and very alkaline worried me, but I was paranoid that the ph down being an acid would kill off some of the good stuff I'd brewed. I'll ph my water before brewing next time. I'm not sure if mine was strong enough to need dilution.

Thanks for the tips!
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SSH#2- 18 1/4", she smelled of parmesan when her stem was rubbed, her pistils sparse and short.
SSH#6- 18" without rubbing her stem she smelled of parsnips and spice. Her frost just starting to set.
SSH#17- 12 3/4" smelling strongly of fresh grated parsnips and bergamot. Her frost spreading from the sugar onto the fan leaves.
Never shall they know the great joy of hanging debaucherously in @longball basement. Let us bow our heads in remembrance as they were chopped for sacs and Nanners. They will live on in our hearts forever, unless they grow more Nanners and sacs next run. :ROFLMAO:

So, unfortunately three of the Super Silver Haze have grown sacs and nor Nanners. They were all located on the bottoms. I wasn't overly shocked though having found out last week that my hygrometer wasn't working properly. After swapping with my backup hygrometer, I realized that the plants had been experiencing much higher temps and VPD than I had thought. I've been doing nightly checks since, just in case.

I'll run them again later. Hopefully they don't get stressed out next time. I was hoping to find something with Parsnip type terps, and they were expressing themselves as such.

The remaining ones are going strong. OMG, they are smelling great. Especially one, who has a kind of Sweet Tarts scent about her. They are all frosting up nicely!

Here they are before chopping.
Hey all. I have to tell you. For a hybrid, SSH is capable of some serious stretch! I flipped all of my clones between 5"-6", the visual difference between Medicine Man and my SSH is pronounced. The tallest SSH are 4x their original height.

I'm beginning to notice difference in flower structure for some of the plants. The one located in the very back corner is already forming foxtails. Her pistils are the sparsest, especially closer to the light. I'm sure my hygrometer malfunctioning, and the plants being exposed to high 90's has helped trigger this phenotype. Dreads or not, if they have good effect and are flavorful, I'll run them a second time.

Here is a picture of the girls with their friends MM. There are 11 MM in this shot, and 5 SSH. The SSH are the two tall ones in the back right and the right most row. The front right one is SSH#8 who I recently showed. You can see her leaning like Michael Jackson into the shot to hang with her buddy Medicine Man. She is frosted btw and putting on weight. her calyxes have begun to fill in and she has a wonderful aroma. The rest are all MM.

I hope you're all doing well and having a great year.

