The SilverHazed Mind.

I hardly ever use my Volcano. No matter what temp I use, it all has the same vapy taste to me. What’s your secret?🤐
I experienced the same phenomenom early in my vaping journey!

I've read alot of websites and people recommending to slowely "walk" the temps up between bags while vaping.... I don't find I get the entire flavor profile doing so. Slowely raising the temp each bag will vape only certain terpenes and cannabinoids efficiently, leaving the rest to be vaped at higher temps. Doing so will omit the other compounds which combust or vape at lower temps.

When we smoke, we use a very high temp. This completely destroys the compounds which vape at very low temps. Essentially we never taste them. Intuitively we are much more likely to taste the compounds which have a higher temp when becoming volatile. In addition to this, we taste the actual smoke itself.

I prefer to fill my chamber with less bud, but I use a higher temp to better simulate the flavor I get when smokimg. I have the Volcano Hybrid Onyx Edition. I will set the temp between 380 Fahrenheit and 400 Fahrenheit, with my preffered temp being 389 as a starting bag or 391-393 if the sample isn't properly dried.

This serves to release nearly all of the volatile cannabinoids and flavinoids. As opposed to low twmp vaping which isolates certain compounds but leaves others intact. I don't experience the flavor of smoke, there is none. But the vapor is warmer which is closer to what's experienced than with low temp vaping. We get used to a certain feeling when smoking which we don't necessarily get when vaping.

The high or stone is often different as well. I feel that vapimg produces a cleaner effect. What I mean, is that we dont experience the negative effects of smoke. Examples would be a heavy lung, though thick clouds can HIT, no residual effects from carbon dioxide. This causes the high to be headier, some would say more cerebral. Add to this that certain compounds which affect the body
I put the test buds with sugar leaves in a small white paper sandwich bag and let it dry for ~4-5 days in a dark cool place. The buds vape pretty good after this procedure and you get an idea how they will taste after a proper drying and curing.
I have a small brown paper, unbleached candy bag. I'll use that and vape it once dry. I noticed last night that the bottom most branch got pinched, and will likely die off in a few days. I might as well test out. Unfortunately the heads aren't as cloudy and the bottom few branches hadnt swelled out like the rest of the plant. It won't be the bret test, but will be fun!
I experienced the same phenomenom early in my vaping journey!

I've read alot of websites and people recommending to slowely "walk" the temps up between bags while vaping.... I don't find I get the entire flavor profile doing so. Slowely raising the temp each bag will vape only certain terpenes and cannabinoids efficiently, leaving the rest to be vaped at higher temps. Doing so will omit the other compounds which combust or vape at lower temps.

When we smoke, we use a very high temp. This completely destroys the compounds which vape at very low temps. Essentially we never taste them. Intuitively we are much more likely to taste the compounds which have a higher temp when becoming volatile. In addition to this, we taste the actual smoke itself.

I prefer to fill my chamber with less bud, but I use a higher temp to better simulate the flavor I get when smokimg. I have the Volcano Hybrid Onyx Edition. I will set the temp between 380 Fahrenheit and 400 Fahrenheit, with my preffered temp being 389 as a starting bag or 391-393 if the sample isn't properly dried.

This serves to release nearly all of the volatile cannabinoids and flavinoids. As opposed to low twmp vaping which isolates certain compounds but leaves others intact. I don't experience the flavor of smoke, there is none. But the vapor is warmer which is closer to what's experienced than with low temp vaping. We get used to a certain feeling when smoking which we don't necessarily get when vaping.

The high or stone is often different as well. I feel that vapimg produces a cleaner effect. What I mean, is that we dont experience the negative effects of smoke. Examples would be a heavy lung, though thick clouds can HIT, no residual effects from carbon dioxide. This causes the high to be headier, some would say more cerebral. Add to this that certain compounds which affect the body
Great feedback and advice. I agree with most that you say, and the temperatures, but it’s the lack of taste, and a lighter high that makes the volcano lower on my choices of inhalation. It’s me because I also avoid vape pens. I agree that the volcano would be a cleaner smoke. variety is the spice of life, and on that note, I’m heading over to a fresh bong hit of mango haze.😊😵‍💫🤙
Interesting findings Diesel, I prefer to smoke my SSH cut over vaping (taste and smell wise).
Smoking brings the incense far more than vaping.
I always tought that it was strain dependant but I will set my vape in the higher range next time.
My vape of choice is the tinymight, blows my volcano out of the water by far, the vapor is far more concentrated.
I have popped a LOT of beans and these two both have different smells than anything else I have popped before. I look forward to discovering many more though. I went a little crazy buying G13 crosses and am excited to hunt the G13xHaze packs I have. So many beans so little time 😎.
I have aquired G13HzAc. I Aam so excited to try it out! I hope the forum pics it first for me to try out. Vote and help decode which of my 3 u.released lines I showcase first!
@Swifty Have you tried vaping your SSH cut on a higher temp? Also, I'm wondering at what percentage of ambers you harvested your SSH cut. I am just noticing ambers staring on my leaning pehono of SSH. I have a different pheno, though that is LOUD. She doesn't even have 90% cloudy and is 0%amber. But she has an incredible terp profile and is strong on the nose. Her buds aren't as nice, but I don't care. She smells incredible!
@Swifty Have you tried vaping your SSH cut on a higher temp? Also, I'm wondering at what percentage of ambers you harvested your SSH cut. I am just noticing ambers staring on my leaning pehono of SSH. I have a different pheno, though that is LOUD. She doesn't even have 90% cloudy and is 0%amber. But she has an incredible terp profile and is strong on the nose. Her buds aren't as nice, but I don't care. She smells incredible!
Not yet Diesel, still in Mango test mode now.
I will let you know when I tried it.
My preference is to harvest with lesser amber and mostly cloudy.
I do try to harvest when they smell very loud, With my SSH cut I noticed distinct changes in the smell when they are nearing a harvest window.
Running your cuts multiple times will teach you when you should harvest by your preference.
@Swifty thanks for the input. Most of my remaining SSH are starting to mature. I'll be harvesting some soon. I'm waiting for more fading fan leaves.

I noticed last night that the bottom most branch got pinched, and will likely die off in a few days. I might as well test out
I vaped this bud today, one bag so far. There wasn't much flavor yet, too much chlorophyll. I felt a head rush and my mood was immediately elevated. I was motivated to rearrange my lung room. Needless to say, I'm happy with this early sample.

While moving around my tent I checked on the light trap... most of the tape sealing it and holding the filter had peeled away. It is causing major light leaks. I found another light leak further up in the tent. No wonder my poor babies were so stressed.

For how bad the light leaks are I'm shocked I didn't have more issues. I taped it back up as best I could but will be making a new light trap next payday.
@Swifty thanks for the input. Most of my remaining SSH are starting to mature. I'll be harvesting some soon. I'm waiting for more fading fan leaves.

I vaped this bud today, one bag so far. There wasn't much flavor yet, too much chlorophyll. I felt a head rush and my mood was immediately elevated. I was motivated to rearrange my lung room. Needless to say, I'm happy with this early sample.

While moving around my tent I checked on the light trap... most of the tape sealing it and holding the filter had peeled away. It is causing major light leaks. I found another light leak further up in the tent. No wonder my poor babies were so stressed.

For how bad the light leaks are I'm shocked I didn't have more issues. I taped it back up as best I could but will be making a new light trap next payday.
Pics please! :)

I have a routine I do after every harvest to prevent light leaks, I think it could help you for the next grows Diesel.

I used to grow year round in tents and I noticed that wear an tear can compromise the tent after a while.
After each grow I pull all the gear in it out for cleaning and after cleaning the tent itself I put everything back.
Then I smoke or vape some and put a little stool in it and turn on the light of the room itself.
I then sit down on the stool and ask my wife to close the tent like it should.
I close my eyes for a couple of minutes and then open them and hope that everything is pitch black.🤞

A nice experience, and with the right strain it can be a bit psychedelic!

Tapes always come loose after a while, I suspect that the softners in the plastic are responsible for this.
I bought a black fabric that is used to darken curtains and put this over the sides that have problems, the fabric is fire retardend so no danger there.

Hope it helps!
Then I smoke or vape some and put a little stool in it and turn on the light of the room itself.
I then sit down on the stool and ask my wife to close the tent like it should.
I close my eyes for a couple of minutes and then open them and hope that everything is pitch black.🤞
My first grow, I climbed into my tent and zipped it up. I then proceeded to freak out from my closterphobia. Lol 🤣 for some reason I brought a pocket knife in with me, but not a flashlight to easily find the zipper. I almost cut my way out in a panic. 😆.

I'll have my my sister zip me up next grow before I start my unreleased auction wins.

Thank you so much for all the feedback. I really appreciate it.
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Three of my SSH are now beginning a 48-hour dark period. I'd prefer at least a 72-hour dark, but I need some Medicine! :geek: I'm finding faster finishing phenos with my SSH than my Medicine Man. They could have used a bit more fade in the fan leaves. I fed them too far into flower. Once they began swelling and the pistils maturing, they developed quickly! I'll have to keep this in mind when I next run them. At the moment I am unable to upload any photos. I'll post some up once we're able to post photos.

SSH#5 finished at 18 1/4" with a good amount of frost. Her trichomes are about 97% cloudy with 1-2% amber/clear. Her narrow/long flowers smell of bergamot and fresh grated parsnips. Ones fingers are very sticky after handling.

SSH#7 finished at 20 1/4" tall with frostier flowers than her sis #5. Though frostier than the other two SSH, her flowers are stacked calyxes forming frosted foxtails. The flower development is better mid plant, where the top has sparser buds with calyxes spaced further apart, running up the stem. Most of the girls began to form foxtails when I had the light at 100% and temps were in the 90s. SSH#7 was the only girl to continue developing her flowers as a foxtail once lowering temps and light intensity. Her trichomes are about 95% cloudy, 5% clear and no amber. She has very little aroma. A slight sweet laundry softener smell when undisturbed and a bit of bergamot when rubbed, though still not loud.

SSH#8 finished at an even 18" tall with all of her flowerers fully swelled and developed. All of the pistils have turned a beautiful rustic orange. She has the largest flowers with dense, golf ball sized, arrowhead shaped nugs with plenty of frost and calyxes nearly the size of peas. She was the only girl not to exhibit foxtail type growth while at 100% LED power and temps in the 90's. Through everything I put these plants through she had only a single nanner in her top nug. Her trichomes are about 97% cloudy, 1-2% amber and 2-3% clear. About three weeks ago all of her trichomes were a deep cloudy color. This is also when she was the loudest. The strength of her aroma has only become muted since then. She put on more weight with a nice swell in the last three weeks, but I'm going to pull her early around the 7'th-8'th week next run. I imagine that without the light leaks and other environmental stress I put her through, she would have yielded even better and possibly maintained more of her aroma. She smelled divine before.

Stay Hazed my friends.