The SilverHazed Mind.

I'm taking clones atm. I felt compelled to mention that the SSH#10 I posted earlier in the thread has even less lateral shoot growth than SSH#2. I don't know why I missed this before. She still has the thinnest leaves out the group, with wicked sharp serrations. She'd male a great SOG with her single stem and thin leaf growth. Lots of light penetration.

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None of the Super Silver Haze had any definitive pollen sacks. A few of my Black Widow did, but they need to green up a bit before taking clones so I stuck with cloning the SSH. The Widows will veg another week then get clones taken.

Becuase none of the males were declared, I cloned all of the SSH. I figure having to pull out the males as they show, will force me to engineer a breeding/male chamber. Not much space in my room, but I'll need to figure it out for F2's.


Edit: no double post this time!😂
Update: all of the Super Silver Haze have successfully rooted and most have been transplanted into their final home. The root mass on a few I transplanted yesterday were huge and well developed.

As a side note, only a few of the fems I got elsewhere have been transplantes and MOST didnt root at all... even after a month and a half. Same clone tent as the Super Silver haze, though the haze have only been in there 2-3 weeks. Needless to say, I am extremely pleased with the root development and how easy they have been to clone.

Two or three of the Super Silver Haze are developed enough to flip over to flower. The majority will have to be shuffled between the flower tent and clone tent 2x a day to keep them growing before 12/12.

Some nice aromas being exspressed during transplant. I can't wait to see them flower and eventually sample.

I hope you all are having a Super Silver hazy day!
Anyone here have experience growing SOG style under an LED? Should I aim for as much rootmass as possible before flip, or let them fill out after? We've had some talk that the LED's dont always promote as fast root growth as the HID.

I only ask, because last round I grew some in small containers and the roots were barely visible when I chopped and popped them from the container. When I previously let them veg and vet bigher the roots were clearly visible when uppotted. I don't want to hamstring the quality or quantity by not letting the roots fill out enough. At the same time, rootbound isnt good.

Thanks in advance for any feedback
high AF @Diesel840
you've done a beauty job recovering those plants.
when i was 16 i left one plant in my dads garden about the same size as your SSH when you repotted them. it had been demolished by snails and i remember digging what little was remaining of it into the soil and thinking, "it doesn't have a chance".... then 6 months later in Autumn I got a phone call from my dad saying he had found an 8ft sativa in the garden !

wise words, grows wouldnt be the same without MNS...

Can't wait to see what your pack of SSH produces
no doubt there will be something special
Not exactly some SOG experience, but much mycorrhizae use will enhance the root growth under LED and gave me good root mass in the past.
So if you transplant and go directly into flowering, I think those plants will still grow some nice roots.
Can't wait to see your ladys flowering 🤩
One of the Super Silver Haze has weird leaf damage as does one of my Medicine Man. I'm hoping it's nothing. I usually water with a ph. of 6.6-6.9, 6.8 and 6.9 being the most common. Temps have not been extreme either way. I keep inspecting for insects. I don't see a single one nor do I see eggs. I used my Jewlers loop when checking for the bugs and eggs. Anyways, otherwise, they're looking good.

I got to the house too late last night to transfer my plants that still need veg to the other tent at lights out. I didn't want to disturb the Medicine Man. One night of 12/12 shouldn't trigger flower? Right? I imagine they weren't too stressed, hope I'm right. 😅
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I decided to clean up the dead and wilted leaves from the mother plants. Super Silver Haze #14 declared himself a proud male. Little sacks clearing displaying. So, I pulled up the clone which hadn't been thrown into flower yet. He had lots of good roots. To avoid waste I'm drying the leaves for tea. The clones were never sprayed so I might as well make good use of them. The father plant is patiently waiting for a time when f2's are an option.


Edit: SSH#4 is also a male.

@musashi I decided to check the remaining SSH clones rooting. They all look good except #9. It does have a very tiny root starting, so I mixed michorazae into the soil, used a little rooting hormone, and stuck it back into the soil.
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"it doesn't have a chance".... then 6 months later in Autumn I got a phone call from my dad saying he had found an 8ft sativa in the garden !
🤣 Your story reminds me of something similar my uncle did. My grandmother had a beautiful flower that grew like a weed in her backyard. She didn't know what kind of flower it was, just that for once she wasn't killing something. She would water it everyday and LOVED her mystey plant. Long story short, my uncle got back from college and suddenly the flowers started dissappearing from her plant. "Someone" chopped her beloved plant. 😅

Super Silver Haze's #5 and #7 were the first flipped, back on 12/1. They are stretching more than my taller pheno of MM, which was flipped a few days prior. The nodes are also significantly further spaced than my MM, especially MM#14b which could actually use more stretch to make room for the future buds.

They are the same deep green as my MM. I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest for flower, amended with worm castings. I've read reports of FF OF being too hot for some SSH, this hasn't seemed the case for me. There is perhaps the barest hint of the tips crisping on a leaflet or two per plant.

No smells yet. Not surprising since aside from stretch, they seem to be developing a little slower than the MM. One of the bottom shoots on SSH#5 has stretched out and is a whopping 5" long, whereas the other lower bottom shoot is only 3" long. I'm unsure if I should trim this away, growing the plants SOG style. I will reassess in a week or two when the plants have filled out, I may just trim it down a node or two. SSH#7 has much shorter bottom shoots than her sister. She won't require any trimming.

I took out the MM#7 to compare the SSH and MM. The MM look almost like body glitter has been sprinkled on the leaves. Much more so than yesterday when I commented on it in my MM thread. The SSH have this to an extent on some leaves. I'm hoping this is a precursor to the trichomes developing.

The leaves are a bit thinner than my MM, though not by much. Nice sturdy looking main stems.

Btw, all of the SSH clones have been up potted. Within the week as they reach 5" with visible roots, I'll transfer them to the 3x3 flower tent.

SSH #10 has indeed declared himself a male. He's a deep green, same shade as his sisters, but with leaves half as thin and twice as long. Distinct deep serrations as well. For those watching this thread, he was pictured earlier as unique in veg bs the others. He retained his amazing leaves and has stretched less than the other SSH. Still more stretch than my MM. He is a handsome gent with his 10 fingered leaves. He has been pulled from the flowering tent and laid to rest. His container is needed to transplant the Black Widow clones once they root.

My LED is only set to 40% and a good distance away from the tops. The plants seem to be happy and 🙏 so I've no plans to dial up the intensity for now.

Btw, I'm puffing on some nice, cured bubble right now. It totally made me forget to put my MM back in her tent. 😅 been walking around the room singing to my babies for nearly half an hour without noticing I've been stepping around her this whole time. 🤣

@pleased420 here are some pics of the flower tent and SSH week 1 of flower.





Edit: I forgot to post the heights of my SSH. Unfortunately, I also forgot what the numbers were. However I do remeber that they were about an inch taller than my MM whoch was 11 1/2" for the tallest. Btw both SSH are almost the same height with similiar leaf shapes.
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