The SilverHazed Mind.

Hi all. As you may remember, I recently had to pull three girls because of nanners and sacs. I'm positive that they likely went south because of environmental issues and possible PH problems during tea application. Interestingly they were 3 of the 4 plants showing round and fuller bud formation. These were the girls who were going to yield the best. The interesting part is that my girls throwing foxtails didn't show any intersex issues. The ones still going in the tent were also the girls I'd posted pictures of, including the leaning girl who was the 4'th indica style nug girl, who survived.

I thought I'd post up some pics of the SSH. They are humming along nicely, the calyx's are beginning to form. Little budlets as some might say. The leaning girl will be the best yielder by far, but one of my fox tailing girls is putting of some NICE frost. First up is SSH#8 who leans and has great buds. She'll likely finish first of the three. Then SSH#7 she has the sparsest bud formation and is one of the two Foxtailers. Then, SSH#5 she is also foxtailing but, her frost is really good and she has more pistils than her sis #7. So, hopefully she will yield a bit more than #7. Here is a new girl for you, SSH#2. She is about two weeks behind the others. I didn't give her a veg tea early in flip like I did the first wave of plants. Because of this and the light intensity being higher, she is hungry and not as developed as the other girls were at her stage. She has beautiful purple stem.




Interesting you mention hermys and tea in the same sentence because i had a similar experience once. I usually do not give teas but tried it once and lost 1 out of 4 to extreme herming. It wasnt a nanner ir two, it was first all bushes of white hair beginning to show a nice bud formation and then it went balls deep. Smell wise it had an amazing bubblegum smell...really hatedbto lose it...maybe even the same as with your description i would have to check my pictures but at least the girls that made it thru the torture chamber with all their XX in effect where definitely foxtail spears.
^^^ What strains caused this? Was this MNS or someone else?


No not MNS in my case. I dont even think it is related to a real hermy prone issue neccessarily (even it is obviously a trait that CAN be expressed if the plant feels an emergency situation arise) - just wanted to chime in with a related experience with giving bad tea.
That round i faced multiple issues and while trying to fix them i was creating a whole different mess :ROFLMAO:
Interesting you mention hermys and tea in the same sentence because i had a similar experience once
I've no idea if the tea was part of the cause, but the PH was really alkaline, PH8.8. That and @musashi mentioning that some teas require dilution has made me wonder if that could be part of the issue.

I don't blame the genes at all. It isn't Mr. Nice's fault that I had to chop them. It lies squarly with me. All canabis plants can go south if stressed enough.

The temps had been in the high 90's when my hygrometer stopped reading properly, might have been over 100 one day when my heater and vent had an issue. I had very high humidity for a while then very low. VPD had gotten up to nearly 4 kPA which is WAY too high. The LED has been on 100% power, that could stress them. The tea had a very alkaline PH and might have needed dilution. And to top it off, the SSH were by the front of the tent near the zipper and my Gorilla shorty tent has some small light leaks by the zipper if I don't carefully close it.

Those three gals will be rerun. They deserve a real chance to show what they have to offer. The shape of the buds forming, amount of pistils, frost, and aroma were all AMAZING. I only have myself to blame for their stress.

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I just pulled a pair of anthers off of SSH#8, my leaning girl. The last of my non-foxtailing styled buds. It was on a bottom node, and I couldn't find any more. Because it was a single set and #8 is my last decent yielding pheno left, I've decided to pluck it off and watch the plant.

I to save up for a new LED. This one heats my small 3x3 far too much. I also need to get a decent RO system and properly monitor ph, even during tea applications. Far too many variables out of sync.

I refuse to not see what Super Silver Haze has to offer. I'll rerun these and pop new straws, whatever it takes to get me a killer pheno of this legendary plant. I will find a lady similar to what I smoked so long ago.
the best weed i ever grew was in full sunshine on the equator in 20L pots with a soaking of mild teas made with blended fruit waste every day.
see in your minds eye how much flowers you want on your plant.
feed your plant that much fruit in teas, most of it in the first 4-6 weeks of flower.
its simple, i think the ppm on the teas was like 200ppm, didnt check PH or anything else and they only got about 1.5L of water a day, the soil had a bit of clay in it to retain moisture. the PH should always be low if the ppm isn't too high, they are directly proportional to one another.

your other SSH look beauty
How is everyone's day going? Fabulously, I hope.

Two of the Super Silver Haze, #8 and #5, are looking like they will be finished shortly. Pistils are 80-90% matured and the trichome heads are all a deep milky white. Huge trichome heads btw compared to my Medicine Man. I like big trichs. I don't see any amber yet, but I also see NO clear heads unless I look on the bottom of the plants. SSH#5 was flipped on 12/1 and is 17 3/4" tall, and SSH#8 was flipped on 12/6 and is 17 4/5" tall. #5 is sporting foxtail style flowers with decent frost on them. #8 is frostier than her sister with much larger flowers. Her clusters are about ping pong size and shaped like arrowheads. The calyx's are fairly large, where #5 is sporting a bit smaller calyx size. If touched, the resin released from the flowers on #8 has an oily feel to it. Bag appeal will be Fuego!

Here is a photo of SSH#8. Enjoy!

Edit: The sugar leaves are all frosted, even on the bottom. You can kind of see how frosted the bottom of the leaves are. That will make some nice bubble has to test for @longball
Very nice! I'd recommend to pre-harvest one or two little buds to compare them with some that are harvested later on, so you can find your own sweet spot for each phenotype.
I found that letting my SSH B go for a few days longer than my first run, was not that good in the end 'taste- and highwise'...
Edit: Your plants look damn sexy to me 🤩
:LOL: Thanks @pleased420 I'm super tempted to harvest a nug like you suggest. I've usually let my plants amber up a bit, and I've often found that I miss the window for flavor. Indeed, this girl was much louder a week ago. She has actually been cloudy on her top nugs, for about two weeks. She clouds up early. SSH#8 is the girl who kept leaning to the side, she has a PERFECT nug in the middle of her canopy that had no shade because of the stem above, leaning away. It would be the perfect test nug. I just wonder if I have enough self-control to refrain from plucking off nugs here and there, once I start. She may be bare come harvest time!:ROFLMAO:

If I did decide to take a test nug. How would one go about drying and curing such a small sample in a way that lets me appreciate if she has any flavor and what type of high? I would mainly want to harvest earlier to maintain terps and "volume" of flavor. But, without a decent dry and cure.... flavor tends to not shine through.

If you could give me any tips you use for a quality test, I'd appreciate it. This would save me having to wait until I re-run her as a SOG and harvesting plants at different stages to find out what her ideal window is. At the rate she is swelling and frosting up, I'm concerned that her last feeding should have been the first day of her flush.

I can't help but imagine what kind of squat, NLD, frosted goodness I would reap should I make f2's with #8 and my male I showed earlier in the thread and in @Swifty Stud thread. She is quick, not too tall, frosted, smells AMAZING, and has perfect buds for a sativa dom. Plus, she handled the stress I put the girls through MARVELOUSLY. Combine that with my male's short stature, extremely long and narrow leaves. Some choice f2's could pop up from that mating.

Thanks again for the advice and kind words. I hope you have a hazy day!

Edit: Except for 2 small golden nugs of three-year-old CBG buds I found squirreled away in the back of my closet, I'm out of bud. I've been taking 2-3 hits a night with it to try and ease my back before bed. You have me wondering if I should just chop half the plant as a tester. I could let the bottom half ripen up further. The middle nug I mentioned, has the same level of cloudy trichomes as the top nug. I could chop directly above it, and still have a good sample to allow ripening. Hmm....:unsure: This would give me a few grams of bud.
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I think this really depends on personal preference...
In my last few grows I found out that I don't like too much amber in my trichomes 😅
I get what you are saying about the proper cure and drying...
I cannot give you a good advise about a quality test smoke. Many moons ago I used to pick up buds early from my grow, put them in the oven... and smoked the crumbly hay! (I recall somebody else on here did this, too.... @High-mish ?!)
Please be patient and don't try this at home!
When you pre-harvest some buds, just dry them the way you would normally do.
Even if a proper cure will increase the taste and high of your buds, a pre-cured bud (maybe two weeks) will still give you a good idea about the flower.
Oh, don't forget to label everything with dates and such! (That's what would happen to me easily 😬)
Sorry to hear that you are pretty much out of bud at the moment...
Maybe don't pre-harvest half of your favorite pheno, but a little bit of something else?
I'm thinking vaping will give the best indicator. An incandescent heat lamp does wonders for quik dry. Set your bud in a little cup made of foil. I've used my small toaster oven too. But do try from top to bottom of plant. I think each plant has a sweet spot according to each individual's sweet spot 🪴🔥😶‍🌫️

When I want a sample I just microwave it.

It's always disappointing, so I generally like to wait now.

It's slightly better if you put a glass of water in their with it and swap out the glass for a new one if the old one starts to boil.

Still kills the flavor though.

I know this doesn't really help, but over time I have learned to put a high priority on never letting the jar get empty.

I remember in moments of desperation searching the carpet in numerous houses for salvageable weed.

Trying to smoke a pipe with dog hair and carpet fibres in it and god knows what else.

Listening to it crackle and hiss and then the inevitable coughing meltdown.

Or even worse, drying out the dregs in the bong.

Ahhh but now I'm getting nostalgic.
When I want a sample I just microwave it.

It's always disappointing, so I generally like to wait now.

It's slightly better if you put a glass of water in their with it and swap out the glass for a new one if the old one starts to boil.

Still kills the flavor though.

I know this doesn't really help, but over time I have learned to put a high priority on never letting the jar get empty.

I remember in moments of desperation searching the carpet in numerous houses for salvageable weed.

Trying to smoke a pipe with dog hair and carpet fibres in it and god knows what else.

Listening to it crackle and hiss and then the inevitable coughing meltdown.

Or even worse, drying out the dregs in the bong.

Ahhh but now I'm getting nostalgic.
Those nostalgic moments are me this time of year every year haha. I run out and have to get creative. As it gets closer I’ll take a bud and chuck it in the hot water cupboard takes a couple of days, bugger all flavour and smell but still works. The other option is go without and then the weed is far more efficient when you have some. Feel the real power of the plant again before tolerances build up again.