Mango Haze: Selection In Small Spaces

Day 65 12/12

So you shall, Jeb.

The MHz:


The new hydro is performing excellent! It's been maintenance free since I first filled it 3 weeks ago. The pH is perfect and I've lost very little reservoir volume. I bet I get 6 weeks unattended on this one! We'll have to see how long she can go with larger, more demanding plants before I can accurately gauge her efficiency but I'm sure I've reached my goal of 2 week maintenance intervals for the entire garden at it's highest demand.


Just setting the cube right in the net-cup these days:


Here's a topped MHz in the bull-pin, getting her veg on:


In other news, the Mega Watt male started showing pistils after 2 weeks of flowering. I guess he's confident that that's how he want's to roll.

I pulled the short pheno's down about 10 days ago. They are so heavily seeded that I cannot even get a sample off of 'em.:mad:



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MHz HPS Cycle - Day 0 12/12

I decided to move a MHz and a #4 Male that I call "Mango Haze Male" into the flowering area today. They will have their first 12 hour dark period tonight.

The MHM is the only plant that is more vigorous than MHz is why I equate him to be a good example of what a MH male should be. I'm going to pollinate the MHz with him and store pollen for the future though I'm not culling him. I'm pretty certain that MHz, MH and MHM are my keepers and I'm eager to free up some space for some new beans. I'm mostly going to focus on maximizing the MHz pheno in the Haze Garden for a few rounds.

Just now I chopped the top 20% of the MH plant. I'll be damned if it ain't an incense pheno! I just got done working about 60 seeds out of the bud and I gave it a good whiff when I was done and behind the green smell is an astringent quality that leaves your nostrils like Nag-Champa. My fingers smell like you would think ancient Chinese opium to smell like! LOL! I wonder if this is the expression the oldtimer's (I have little room to talk) are chasing. I'm stoked! This came from nowhere. This plant gave me no indication that it would finish like this. It's always just smelled sweet with a hint of bubblegum/blueberry. I took a whiff of MHz to compare and I could not detect any similarity. MHz is still mostly sweet/fruity smelling but became very mango after comparison to MH (which now needs a new name).



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2nd Attempt Day 7

Here is the MHz I put in flowering last week. It's already bigger than the Nelly plant ever got. The spot where I topped her has healed up to invisibility.


MHz budshot from today:




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Day 14 round 2

This girl grew a lot for 7 days.

Here's from last week:






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Thank y'all for your kind words.

I hope I do a proper job with her this time around for ya.

The MHz is still flowering with all kinds of new pistils. She's looking like a 14 weeker but between the seeds she's making and a hiccup, the new one might not take so long.

Looking back at my posts I realized that never shared my thoughts on why I decided to train this one with the chopstick.

The idea is to train the plant away from the center to encourage growth at the first few nodes which would otherwise get shaded out when the plant gets larger. I think it's a shame that so much growth gets wasted in such a prime location. It doesn't make any sense for a plant to keep growing on top of itself indoors. Ivy is better which is why I like the screen technique but it still wastes a lot of lower growth.

I started off by FIMing the tops of my mother prior to taking clones so that when I did take clones they would already be healed. It worked great. This was my first time topping prior to cloning and it makes my wonder why you would do it any other way. It's not even brilliant but yet it is. I'm calling it the "T-Top". :D

This is the highest amount of growth I've ever seen in my garden. She'll be wall-to-wall in no time if she keeps this up. She's just getting started. Her stalk is already as big as her mother's.

BTW, I did the deed yesterday and culled 10 MH plants.:( 8 males and 2 females. Pineappall and Mango Skunk females are gone forever. Fact of the matter is that I may never run the remaining pheno's. They cannot compete with the MHz. The selection process is done as far as I'm concerned. I think it's safe to say that the plant that grows 4 times bigger and faster than the others is all there is to Mango Haze selection unless you are lucky enough to get multiple phenos.

Also the plant I call Mango Haze Male has been flowering along with MHz in round 2. He grows retarded fast and started dropping pollen so I put him outdoors. I'm sure he's the closest thing that I've got to a true MH male. MHz and MHM smell the same, have the same leaf shape, have the same purple leaf stems and whereas MHz outgrew all the other males, the MHM out preforms MHz in vigor. He incidentally survived the culling and will be sticking around for future outcrossing. Up first is a BSHW x MH. I think there's an extreme chance that BSHW and NL share a common indica parent which may prove to be a nice recombination. If not, BSHW is what I got to work with.




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hey buddy. all looks great. how ya been other than growing? me im doin great about to harvest in a few weeks. check my ytube channel. peace!
Round 2 Day 21

My ppm's went down from last week so I bumped the nutes up from the low 600's to the low 800's today and I've been keeping the pH between 5.6 - 5.8 with less than 1 adjustment per week.

Check out the 3 week comparison:




Thank you all very much for the nice comments since my last update. I'm very happy to have y'all checking in on my stuff. I'm only working on this one plant this time around so I can give it my full attention and represent it accurately for 'ya.



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Bud Shots!

Please enjoy these pics of a sample I took from the round 1 MHz. I put it on the quick dry for a little treat for 4/20's sake. 90% of the plant has another week or two before it looks as mature as the sample which is not quite ripe.




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Round 2 Day 28

Happy 420 everybody!

I'm pretty sure this girl doubles in size every week. I can already tell that this single plant is going to be a new harvest record for my grow cab.:D

I imagine she's going to have 5 maybe 6 colas like the round 1 plant's main cola.


She's showing off her sativa influence well at this point. I swear she is an indica in veg and turns sativa in flowering. Trippy.


The macro of the dried bud is the sample from yesterday's post which I will be burning down in a few hours!



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Well the MH joint I rolled yesterday got clogged with resin about 1/2 way through so I packed what was left of it in a bowl. There was not much more than a candy smell to the bud and not any distinguishable flavor to the smoke but it made the room smell like frankincense and lemon, kinda like good furniture polish. It was a nice happy, conversational high. I'm looking very forward to a proper sample and will definitely give a detailed report on it.

Day 35

Thank you for the nice compliment, MJP

So she's looking pretty killer here at the end of week 5. I'm seeing a little tip burn after an adjustment that left the ppm's at 840 so I'm thinking 750-800 is going to be the sweet spot for this plant. I'm glad to know that she's not underfed during this phase of flowering which I would say to be about 2 weeks behind your 8 weeker's.

The photo's look like buds but there is no bud there. This plant is still all pistils. Any other plant I've worked with finishes this stage when what you're seeing as colas would be little cotton balls all about the plant.


Here's day 7 for extra profoundedness:




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