Mango Haze: Selection In Small Spaces

The Round 1 Monster

Very nice..should be amazing at 90-100 days..

Hiya, Bushweed.

14 weeks, eh? Below is a picture of a spot on the Round 1 plant that I've been keeping an eye on. No doubt that it's going to be a long time before the Round 2 plant looks like this:


There's not even any amber trichs on her yet. Round 1 [EDIT: Round 2] might go even longer than 14 weeks for a full ripening. I wanted a sativa when I chose this line, looks like I got myself one.

The longer it takes, the Hazier it is, right?

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your insight, Bushweed. I take it that I have a good pheno since you are familiar with it.:D


Nice shot man, they just dont stop getting bigger. ;)

Thanks, MJP.

Dude, check out the Round 1 plant, it's like a 3 foot mega bud:


I'm gonna hang it intact so it cures like 1 gianormous cola.:D

I'll bust out the hi-def camera when her time comes.



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HOLY SHIT!!! :eek: That thing's a MONSTER!!!

Super NICE job cannatari. I'd really really like ta see what she can do in soil, my medium of choice. :p
Day 69 (Spoken like Bill & Ted)

I have to cheat and post my update a day early.:p

So, through week 9 she starts yet another round of pistil makin' and foxtailing:


Even more bud is on the way.:D

The round 1 plant is doing it too and I have no idea where it thinks it's going to put all that bud. She's been nicknamed "Potzilla" by the locals.



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Hiya, Elmer. Thank you for the honorable mention.

How 'bout some pics of my seeded branch that's been drying for a couple of days:




These are by my MH male that most closely resembled my female pick. He dominated the other MH males in the same fashion that my female MH did the other MH ladies.

I'm starting to understand the description of an "unripened mango" smell as this bud has lost some of the sweet candy smell since it's been drying.



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Hiya, Elmer. Thank you for the honorable mention.

How 'bout some pics of my seeded branch that's been drying for a couple of days:




These are by my MH male that most closely resembled my female pick. He dominated the other MH males in the same fashion that my female MH did the other MH ladies.

I'm starting to understand the description of an "unripened mango" smell as this bud has lost some of the sweet candy smell since it's been drying.


Nice. Who's the baby daddy?
@ Elmer, "That bud was like a time capsule bro .
Reminds me of some of the gear I used to get back in the dark ole days of my youth."

I think that might be the nicest compliment I've ever received. Thank you very much, Elmer.

@HHHG, from page 18:


I forgot to mention that the reason I pulled the seeded branch when I did was to avoid the seeds falling into the hydro. I think about 8 weeks has gone by since I pollinated.

Thanks for checking in, y'all.

So check out the grow cab I helped a fellow patient out with including a vortex hydro and the MH pheno I call Mango Lights.

She's 2 weeks into flowering under a 250 HPS and is doing fricking awesome.



I will be keeping updates when I check on things over there so this begins round 2 of my 2nd choice MH pheno.:D



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Day 77

Not much has changed other than a few more red hairs and some nice trich development:


I'm having some mold issues deep within the fat colas so I had to chop the 3 biggest colas off just now. Now that I've had a closer look at the buds, I'd say this plant's calyxes are finally starting to swell.:D There's still a ton of bud left on her and now I got plenty to smoke in the mean time so it worked out alright I guess. The round 1 plant doesn't seem to be affected but her buds are spongy whereas round 2 is rock hard for some reason.



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looks good man. was good bro? hows that weather? ck my tube channel. big things happening. indoor/outdoor grows.

So here is the Round 1 MHz after 23 weeks of flowering. My arm was too short to photo the whole thing and hold the Kahlua.;)

Round 2 is getting chopped tonight at 13 weeks. I figure if I like it at 91 days, I can do 4 crops per year but I will probably let it go for 100 days at some point.



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wow!!man thats a big bud. so long on the flowering. 16weeks would be my limit on a strain. you got patience and skillz to keep from too many issues all the way to harvest . are some pics from right before I chopped her at Day 91.


Here's a 1/2 oz. nug that has been drying for 1 week. The pic in the lower right is how the bud looks with no manicure.


Potzilla has been drying for a week. I'm controlling her transpiration with a plastic trash bag:


So..I've been smoking the Mango Haze for about a week now but I want to get some more experience and feedback with it before I do a smoke report. I will say for now that the rumors are true about this strain having no shelf. It's energetic with no paranoia or anxiety as well. I can only smoke 1/2 of a joint of it so it's pretty strong too. The flavor reminds me of some Brainstorm Haze that comes around from time to time and that flavor reminds me of old school brick. It still leaves the room smelling of furniture polish like I've mentioned before so that was not a fluke. More to come.



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Dude, thank you very much for the nice words, Sensimilla13. I read back at this thread and count all the times I put my foot in my mouth. It's like my evolution into reality. I've learned allot from working with this strain and documenting it. I'm glad to hear other people do to.

In other news, Mango Haze Round 3 started today:


I got rid of the hood to increase airflow and hung the bulb vertically for indirect light. The top of the hydro is about a foot lower than it was with the new vortex hydro in there (marks on back wall). All stuff I learned from the other cab I built for the Mango Lights grow.

My apologies for those who hoped to see the color filters I promised for this grow. I have to make application of this new information first.


EDIT, I forgot to mention that the little plant on the left is a Mango Haze F2 that fell off of Potzilla....landed on Nelly's RW cube.....sprouted....and has been in the cab....damn, about 15 weeks. She was fathered by that weird male that turned female on me. She has actually been in total darkness since I harvested. Both plants are in kinda rough shape, I have this bad habit of seeing how they respond to harsh conditions. In all the stress I've put these plants through, I have not seen a single late nanner. Good job MNS! I kinda feel like my F2's are probably better than allot of retail beans out there.


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Mango Lights Day 40

Man...look how good she looks!

So..I was wrong about the light, it's a 150 watt HPS with a hardware store bulb.

She got her first res replacement this evening and I bumped her nutes up to 1100 ppm to see if it helps with the pH crashing.



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