Mango Haze: Selection In Small Spaces

Breeding Potentials

A few ideas for potential F2 pairings with the different pheno's:

Nelly x Haze Pheno Male - In-house NL5Hz

Ska x Haze Pheno Male - Maximum Haze

MHz x MHz Pheno Male - Can I make more of these suckers?

Nelly x MHz Pheno Male - Maximum Indie cross.

Pineappall x MHz Pheno Male - Add floral/fruity tones to Skunk

Pineappall x SkHz Pheno Male - Maximum Skunk

MHz x SkHz Pheno Male - Cuz that's how SB made more of these suckers.:D

Questions and comments welcome.

Shit .....and your only in the second week of flowerin

great read, sorry i havent poped over before

nice plants by the way

be good
#12 is a male

As I predicted, the #12 plant that had to be re-cloned for sexing has started to show male flowers. That makes 100% of the females to show pistils in veg. Good Beans.

Shit .....and your only in the second week of flowerin

great read, sorry i havent poped over before

nice plants by the way

be good

Welcome, herbmister. Thank you for the compliments.

This is my first MNS grow but from what I've seen, these plants initiated flowering much sooner than typical examples I have seen around here. I have not seen one instance where all of the females showed pistils in veg either.

It might actually be the 16/8 light cycle. I would like to see somebody try it to find out for sure.

These Dutch Master nutes are some good shit too though. Those ladies are in 400ppm nutrient solution. I've got a winning combination going here with MNS and DM. The nutes are probably the reason these plants seem to be in a hurry to flower. They're that good, no BS. I've left plants in a DWC for over a month with no adjustments and it grew like wildfire. If you like to go on vacation you need to try this stuff.:D

Does y'all's stuff show pistils in veg? The pics are from day 15 of 12/12.

EDIT: Ah..I see. The post said going into week 2 when they were at the end of week 2. My bad.
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Dont really need anything to make music...

Hi C,

A+ so far my bro... I read your thoughts on section. I appreciate your efforts and diligence. I read and look at the great pics and it is as I am right there too. Thanks for this.

Well, your thoughts on pheno characters is great and I wish I could send you some NL5. I got some dropping shortly... I will post in my journal shortly. If you like, it is yours and easy for me to send into Cali. Probably could have it by next week...

I am interested if you would share how to segregate male and introduce your female more if you may? If it is asking to much to take some pictures as well (knowing you, you probably intend too...).

I am working in my grow and lacking proper set-up, I am one of those people that adds to much complexity to situations thinking I need a list of things in order for something to work out... but I am slowly changing this bad habit of mind, and g13hz, nl5hz and nevil are all about getting it on... and all I really need to do is play some baby making music and turn the lights down low... I guess it cant any simpler then that!

Braps to you,

My veg area light turns on at 8AM and off at midnight....which is 16/8 not 18/6.:eek:

This could explain why the plants showed pistils in veg.

This must have happened when I built the Haze Garden. The plants were at 18/6 prior to that which may be an important factor.

Maybe I made a discovery?

I'm sticking with it.:D

i see pistols in veg under 24 hr on if the plant is given time to mature
i have a seed plant thats a cross of my own right now thats 24/0 and its showing pistols
Hey, Chana.

I'm glad you're enjoying following along. TY for the kind words.

To segregate the males, I put them in a tray in the window sill and when they start poppin' I'll put plastic bags over them to contain the pollen for storage. In my experience, male plants will finish what they started. Once the male is showing good clusters you can bag him up and leave him just about anywhere and you'll get pollen.

I'm not sure what you mean by "introduce" the female. I think of myself as these plant's pimp. No soft music needed when you're dealing with nimpho whores.:D

Bob Bitchin, thank you for stopping by and answering my question.

Hey cannatari, Nice show.

I'm interested in the MHz so I thought I'd check this out. You've got some beautiful plants ta work with here.

I've read, in DJ Shorts book, that males that exhibit female pistils are something special to be had. He says they will almost eliminate any hermaphroditism in future generations.
I've got very similar pheno on the go to your mhz , looked very much indica in veg but after 3 weeks of flowering its stretched at least 250% so far . Seems to be slowing and after some trimming i could really smell mango's. Good luck with yours, after reading what you said about Mhz I had to post .
Day 18 Of Flowering

@ MJPassion, Thank you for the compliment about my plants and the info about the males with pistils. That's great news that this is a desirable trait.

@ Mr Sativa, Thanks for dropping in and welcome to the forum. I hope you stick around and share your Mango Haze grow with us. Is your pheno still flowering?

Day 18



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To help trace the early flowering trait, here is the order of pheno's that showed pistils in veg:

12/12/10 #15 Mango Skunk
12/12/10 #10 Pineappall
12/14/10 #9 Nelly
12/18/10 #14 Mango Lights
12/18/10 #16 Ska
12/21/10 #2 Mango Haze
1/14/11 #3 MHz (11 weeks from sprout)

#5,#6,#7 & #8 started off as my shortest indica pheno's and all ended up male.

All of the males developed nanners at about exactly the same time and started dropping pollen last night.

I should add that my veg process included a hiccup that caused about 2 weeks of non-development.
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This plant is trippy.

It's looking like some Thai genetics coming out in this pheno. Just a guess.

I've been harvesting lots of pollen off him for storage. I'm excited to see the progeny this guy produces.

He is the prime candidate to help me solve some herm problems I have with my Maui Wowie that came from bagseed purchased in Maui 17 years ago that I made F2 and S1 beans with 10 years ago. This stuff smells incredible. I'll call the cross Mango Wango.:D


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Starting week 4 of flowering, the ladies' aromas are pretty distinct:

#15 Mango Skunk, #14 Mango Lights, #16 Ska, and #2 Mango Haze: All smell like glue, like Liquid Nails or linoleum adhesive.

#10 Pineappall: Her skunky smell has fruity/floral undertones now.

#9 Nelly: Continues to smell gassy/skunky.

#3 MHz: 100% Mango!:D


A: I'm stoked to have the mango pheno.
B: I'm super stoked that she is the resident bad-ass.
C: I'm stoked that 4 plants smell the same. Ska is the obvious choice if I decide to keep this flavor which brings me down to 4 potential keepers thus freeing up 3 more locations in my veg area for 10 total!:D

A good day in the garden.:D


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Colored Pistils

I knew something was odd about the color of #1's pistils. It wasn't the color, it's the fact that that the pistils are turning color from the bottom up.

Anybody seen this before?



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Colored Pistils

Some of the females are showing pistils that turn orange from the bottom up today.

They are:
MHz-Showing the most.
Mango Haze
Mango Lights- Showing an incidence or 2.

I busted my brains for most of the day yesterday trying to trace this trait. I reached a whole new level of research skills in the process of trying to find pistils that color from the bottom up. Needless to say there were very few examples.

The primary examples were pink. In all, the varieties consistent with this trait that I found are:

Big Sur Holy Weed
Strawberry Cough (NL5Hz x Strawberry Fields)
Highland Oaxaca

I found the trait appear a couple of times on Afghani's and the color was the same as what I'm observing on the MH.

The Afghani never showed a full blossom of colored pistils like the BSHW and the HO which tells me that it's at least sativa dominant trait.

The trait occurs only in my Mango phenos and not in Mango Skunk or Ska (my major sativa pheno).

I decided that the trait must have originated with the HO as a parent of Haze.

Since Ska (SkHzA pheno) does not show this trait I decided that HzC is the best suspect for how it came to be initially seen in the #1 male now called Mega Volt.

As I understand, HzA is a Thai leaning sativa which leads me to believe the not-so-far-fetched theory that HzC is probably an HO pheno and that both A and C are progeny of a HOxHT male that my #1 could be a throwback of having re-united HzA and HzC in MH.

This is my best possible guess as to what the #1 plant is all about and since I'm breeding with it I feel compelled to understand as much about it as I can.

In conclusion, I feel like the colored pistil trait has good potential as a trace marker.

Please share your experiences with this trait if you've identified it in a known variety.

I've considered that this mutation is due to the pole-shift.:eek:


PS-I want to add that I get side-tracked by things like this happening in the garden. It happens especially when I find a gap in my understanding about something. The highlight of this thread at this point should be on MHz as she is giving me every reason to believe that she is as magnificent of plant I should ever have the pleasure of working with. She alone is the future of my garden so my apologies for focusing on the freak show before she steals the spotlight.:)
In the time it took me to type the previous post, all of the females are showing the trait.:eek:

I will not delete the post to serve as an example of speaking too soon.
Mega Volt! That plant is killer. Has it dropped any pollen yet?Selfed? Or are you going to pollinate it with another male?

I know alot questions and probably too early but im living vicariously thru you for the moment. The reason im asking is because in the "criteria for choosing males" thread it mentions most pollen from these males are sterile.

Mine La nina he/she dropped a little bit of pollen. I put some on a shit and dj blueberry to see if its viable.

I cant recall seeing the hairs coloring from the bottom up.
Heya, Resinfinger.

Yeah man, MV is throwing a pollen party and is showing the early stages of seed development himself and I've collected about 1/8 tsp of pollen from him so far.

Here are some pics of what I call "Bleeding Pistils" though there ought to be a more scientific name for it.

The close-ups are all MHz:

It almost looks like they're being injected with some kind of stoney goodness, maybe pure CBD?:D


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Thank you for the kind words, Dawn.

IME, I DO NOT have a green thumb. What you're seeing is Dutch Master nutes at 400 PPM. It's that easy.

Seeds Showing

Mega Volt is showing some visible seeds so it's so far looking like his pollen is viable. I pollinated him on the 5th. There are incidences of multiple seeds per very resinous calyx.

I've got the feeling that beans are going to be falling in a week's time as the calyxes are already loaded. I'll be able to watch the seeds develop right before my eyes, this will be interesting to watch.

4 days after pollination:



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Hybrid Phenotypes

Here in Week 4 of flowering, the plants are starting to show their bud structure which I have conveniently made a chart for.:D


-Ska is my only bottle brush pheno.
-MHz is my only menorah pheno.
-Mango Skunk is my only x-mas tree pheno.

The other 4 ladies are all "flipping the bird".
In order of height:
-Mango Lights
-Mango Haze

Note that none of these plants have been topped or trained in any way. All of them are in fact main chute topping cuts from the seedlings and make excellent representations of how the plants naturally grow.

In addition to bud structure, I've made observations in stretching:

-MHz grows twice as fast as the pack so for me to say she stretched 200% really means that she is 400% larger than a plant that has stretched 200%. The next largest plant is 1/3 her size, no joke. You can't really measure an explosion in terms of stretch.

-MS and ML are both nearly as tall as MHz but aren't nearly as wide as her.

-Ska has been a very tall plant up until now but she isn't stretching much and is looking more like a big version of Pineappall.

-Nelly is about caught up with PA and MH in height but MH is 2nd to MHz in width as she's got a little more Menorah than Bird to her.

-Mega Watt is MHz size but has about 1/2 the density.

So there are basically 3 categories: tall and bushy (1), just tall (3), and just bushy (3).



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