Mango Haze: Selection In Small Spaces

very nice plants sir, that sweet 16 is looking unique should be a good show ill be watching.

Thank you mrsmokey, nice to meet you.

Yeah, I've been keeping an eye on 16 from the start. I'm stoked that she's a girl. Thanks for dropping in.

Just found a pistil on #2. She's kind of a short version of #16 and tied for first with #3 for best performers of the short phenos. Now at 6 females total!:D
DAY 70

As a back-up, I took 2 clones each of plants showing pistils in veg. The clones that I took for sexing do not look all that great and I don't know how I'm going to separate the plants through sexing so I figured that it would be best to take clones of likely candidates and use them for my first harvest instead of the sexing plants. I'll lose about 2 weeks but I think it will pay off to start with healthier clones for my first MH crop.

I'm pretty sure that the feeding problems I've been having are mainly due to the instability of the RW cubes. I've never worked with RW outside of cloning and the large cubes really need to be pH stabilized before use. I soaked mine for about an hour and I should have soaked them for a day or two, however long it takes for them to hold pH. I've had plants in these cubes for 7 weeks now and the pH is just now becoming stable and some of the weaker plants are turning into performers.

The rooted clones will be transplanted tomorrow and wake up to their first day of flowering in the new year under a 400W MH which means I'm also harvesting. The SC looks great, has lots of purple tones and smells better than ever. Every feeder leaf has yellowed and dropped, nothing but buds, I don't even need to trim it. She's been on lemonade for 4+ weeks.



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Mmm...I really want that NL5Hz. I'm looking to knock up a MH with that and SkHz male. I have to make my selections before I have room for new beans and more selections.:(

I ll soon start a thread in here concerning a X of my special nl5#haze lady with a Mango haze male.
It should be interesting also.
If you re interesting of crossing a nl5#haze with a skunk haze it could be a good thing to do a side by side thread and help each other out with our similar but yet different projects.
Let me know....
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I ll soon start a thread in here concerning a X of my special nl5#haze lady with a Mango haze male.
It should be interesting also.
If you re interesting of crossing a nl5#haze with a skunk haze it could be a good thing to do a side by side and help each other out with our similar but yet different projects.
Let me know....

Hello, maxibiogreen. Nl5Hz x MH is at the top of my list for a breeding project this year. Hazy Lady had good success with MH x SkHz so I figure if I pick up Nl5Hz, NL5Sk and SkHz I'll have the ability to steer my breeding project in any direction I want and stay within a small circle of parental stock. I'd like to produce my own SSH from those packs and compare it with Nev's at some point as well. I think it would be a good learning experience and reveal some insight as to Nev's work. Once I get through the selection process with this MH I'll be able to generate a calendar and guesstimate when I can get a breeding project under way. Hopefully this summer. Stay in touch on the subject.
Day 1 of Flowering (Day 84)

Finally got the new hydro built and the flowering area ready for the clones. They had their first 12 hour night last night and are under an Agro Sun Gold 400 watt MH. The new hydro is a 27 gallon RDWC with 250 GPH pumps for each of the 2 vortex generators that run 24/7. The supply lines are 1/2 inch and the drain pipes are 1" PVC. The nutrient solution in this rig is so much more alive than with the old "air-stone in a bucket" DWC.


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The #3 mother showed me some pistils today. That makes 7 females that showed pistils in veg: #2,#3,#9,#10,#14,#15,#16.

#16 is starting to smell peppery.:D

#8 decided to double in size.

The flowering clones have micro roots on the new growth. A good sign that my DO levels are good in the new hydro.

A good day in the garden!
Hi C,

I am here with you man...

Keep it up brother... looking forward to them in a few weeks...


Yes, hanging in here too. You really do a great job on your plants AND the pictures. Nice work! Thanks.
Hi C,

I am here with you man...

Keep it up brother... looking forward to them in a few weeks...



What's up, Chana? I haven't seen you in a minute. I hope the new year is treating you well.

Yes, hanging in here too. You really do a great job on your plants AND the pictures. Nice work! Thanks.

Hello, nOpe. Nice to meet you. Thank you for dropping in and for the kind words.

Hi Canna- Plants must be getting big....hope you have many more good days in the garden...

Hey, Surfd. Thank you for your blessings and you'll be happy to know that the good days in the garden are becoming more frequent. I wish you the very best as well.

After 3 days in the new hydro the plants are going crazy. The roots are growing faster than I've ever seen. The vortex, imploder, whirlpool technology is proving itself in full. Not 1 air-stone in this hydro and no sign of low DO. I've got to thank Cabron for showing me how to do it.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the #12 clone that didn't root now has a rooted backup clone that was added to the flowering area so I'm back to having all 16 in flowering.


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Day 6 Of Flowering, Day 90 Overall

8 boys! #'s: 1,4,5,6,7,8,11 and 13 are showing early signs of nanners. #12 is now the only unknown left but I'm guessing it's a boy too since 100% of the females showed pistils in veg otherwise. I had a strong feeling that the keepers will have shown pistils in veg and even entertained the idea of culling the plants that didn't. Two of these boys are real champs, a sativa pheno and a hybrid pheno with huge shiny leaves.:D


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12 Days of 12/12

The boys are about to start releasing pollen so the time has come to make some selections. I need to choose 1 for seed making and I'd like to permanently cull 4 or 5 others and restart the veg area. I have kept the males for as long as possible for observational purposes. I used the standard criteria for my selections: tight floral clusters, not early flowering, soft not woodsy stalks and avoiding males that are better suited for fiber production. At a glance I was able to identify 3 males with tight floral clusters. 2 of which are late flowering. One smells like mango and one smells very faintly of latex. The mango smelling male looks more like the females and in fact has a few pistils. It also happens to be plant #1. I never understood why late flowering males are preferred but because my latest flowering male is showing pistils I came to the conclusion that you want a male with female traits and concluded than numero uno was the best candidate to make F2's with. I kept thinking to myself, "what would SB do?". LOL!



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I kept thinking to myself, "what would SB do?". LOL!

Hi C, great post! I really love your selection method, it makes total sense in theory, going to be a few more months to test out those beans and see if your theory was practical... I will test some if you need any help :p... Pictures are lovely btw!

When you got a second, could you explain how you are filtering the pollen from the other spaces? Is it as simple as a scrubber!

Peace and enjoy the mating...


Good morning, Chana. Thank you for the kind words.

I'm not doing anything to control the pollen other than isolating my male when the time comes (none of them have started releasing pollen yet). When my selected male starts releasing pollen, I'm going to bag him up and manually apply his pollen to the pistils of all the ladies.

I have a lot of confidence that the #1 male and the #3 female are the royalty of this garden. The #3 lady is a proud girl as she is 4 times the size of the indica pheno and taller than the sativa pheno. This is the kind of plant I want in my garden. Potency is great but it has to come from a plant like this for me. I took into account that Mango Haze is Shanti's representation of his NL5Hz female, Mango. It's easy to compare MH to SSH because of the lineage but a 50/50 hybrid pheno is SB's intention with this line, not a hazy sativa pheno, IMHO. The #3 lady is looking like the one. She is far more vigorous than the others and has that hybrid phenotype, right in between lettuce and bamboo. She's the one on the top left in the After Culling shot.
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Hello Mr. Smokey.

This is my first MNS grow and I don't have any experience with SSH so I can't tell you for sure what the difference is in the desired phenos. I've seen some very hazey SSH though and I don't believe that there are rumors of an 8 week SSH like there are MH.

Are you thinking about getting some beans?

My veg area light turns on at 8AM and off at midnight....which is 16/8 not 18/6.:eek:

This could explain why the plants showed pistils in veg.

This must have happened when I built the Haze Garden. The plants were at 18/6 prior to that which may be an important factor.

Maybe I made a discovery?

I'm sticking with it.:D
Phenotype ID

Going into week 2 of flowering the ladies are starting to show their uniqueness so I though it would be a good time to analyze the propensity of each individual to it's parentage.


The Females:

#3: "Megahertz" (Mango, 112) This is the highest performing pheno of the bunch. She starts out as an indica pheno and becomes more sativa upon flowering at which time she will define herself being twice the size of the other plants. Because of vigor and very hybrid phenotype, I have to say that this is the plant that Shantibaba worked so hard for us to have in our gardens. This plant is NL5Hz112 "Mango" all the way. Thanks Shanti.

#9: "Nelly" (Indica Pheno, NL5) Nelly distinguished herself as the indica pheno from the start. Of all the plants, she is the most dominant for the 9 fingered leaf characteristic so I am so far concluding that NL5 is the contributor of this trait which is dominant in all of the mangoey phenos. She's kinda skunky smelling and is the easiest to identify.

#10: "Pineappall" (Skunk Pheno) The easiest of the bunch to identify by smell. She stacks much like a pineapple and smells appalling with small, dark, 7 fingered leaves. She expresses that her purple branches and vertical nodes are Skunk contributions to the line.

#16: "Ska" (Sativa Pheno, SkHzA) The Hazeiest pheno in this group. She has a fruity/peppery smell, thin purple branches and the same leaves as the Skunk pheno. I'd have say that she best resembles what I would guess to be a SkHzA female. She looks a little overfed where the rest of the plants look fine. Has many old-school 5 fingered leaves. Her male counterpart, #4, is the biggest plant in the veg area.

The Pack:

The majority of the plants are good performers with hybrid phenotypes and are not as distinguishable ;) as the afore mentioned.

#14: "Mango Lights" The shortest of the hybrid phenos and is dominant for the 9 finger leaves. Smells like mango and armpit.

#15: "Mango Skunk" Has the vertical nodes like Pineappall and 7 fingered leaves.

#2: "Mango Haze" A less rambunctious version of MHz for when somebody asks me for a cut.;)

Mentionable Males:

#7 is a very hazey male with a plastic/glue smell, very nice structure and tight floral clusters. HzA grandson maybe?

#1 male is a Mango Haze pheno that initially showed a few pistils but now it seems to be turning female completely.

#11 is a male counterpart to Pineappall with nice, tight clusters.

#13 is a MHz pheno male and late flowering. Maybe "slow to develop" is a better way of putting it.


This line could be everything I ever asked for in 1 package. I have an indica, a sativa, a good skunker and a kick-ass hybrid. I was going to start hunting these down after I selected my MH female for the kick-ass hybrid but this 1 pack of Mango Haze looks like it has it all. Best mix-pack of all time.

-Happy Customer


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Intersexed Male

I thought that I would share this since it is such a rare occurrence and all. This is my #1 male which initially developed normally with all the other males but started producing pistils after about a week of flowering. Now at 2 weeks, he appears to have stopped producing nanners and is turning female. I will flower another #1 clone in time to see if it's made up it's mind yet. This plant is perfect in every other way so I hope it does. I'm glad that this seed-pack included a freak so I can have some first-hand experience with one of the many unusual traits that cannabis has to offer. IMHO, all traits should be preserved, however irritating they may be to a cultivator. I will let this plant do it's thing and store the pollen and seeds in the spirit of preservation, it's a good food-source trait that may have been intentional by ancient breeders.:rolleyes:

There are a few nanners with pistils coming right out of the tri-sections like a snake tongue but I couldn't get the shot.:mad:



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