Mango Haze: Selection In Small Spaces

Hi Canna, nice design and graphics... you have a gift brother...

Is your design up for discussion?



Hey, Chana. Thanks for the compliments.

All my stuff is totally up for discussion, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

This bad-boy is almost up and running.:D
nice sketch man . that looks like a winner to me man. 600 might be a lil much but better than not enuff right?
Hi Cannatari,

Thanks for being cool brother... it nice to learn from one another, and I am learning here with you.. especially with regards to haze.

I just love your concepet and think it will work regardless of what anyone else thinks, ultimately it is your brain child and is exciting. As I understand you are in transit so I am wishing you the best.

I just wanted to ask if you are going to be be running variious strains in your system,i.e. indy, sats and crosses?

If mostly indica, I think your stystem is perfect. But for your haze selections, I would maybe just combine one chamber for mothers and clones, and use a larger space so you can bloom... or just use your design for just bloom and maybe find another space for your mama's and clones? Just a humble suggestion though.

As to Hempy's advice, I think he has a point, but not everyone has the luxury of growing in larger or multiple rooms indoors. It has taken me many years to get to the multiple room level and I am still working at it. Before that is was 250 watter in a closet for years and an amoire for mama's and clones.

I have seen some beautiful grows here with regard to multiple plants in a small spaces, i.e. L33T NH and HHHG's Haze C test. I am not sure you took a look at his journal but brother puts Mr. Miyagi to shame... BONZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!

Any who, I am getting a vibe though that you are a sativa connoisseur so my only humble suggestion is combining two of the three chambers for bloom, as I dont believe you need to veg your haze before you decide to flip... your veg can be accomplished in your cloning chamber.

I also do not think it is necessary for the water cooled tubes. Just get a larger extractor and you should only have more negative pressure to get rid of smell and the heat. I really like vertizontal shades , or something similar for your space where you get great light spread and if you can add another 600 you will get some amazing cross beams. Cheaper too less deficiency to run into in the future. And you dont need a/c or water lines to cool the tube.

I personally have 8, 1K cooltubes and will be changing them when time and budget allow for the vorzontial shades... I think for smaller spaces vented shades are not the best and need more auxiliary material and supply to make them only a little bit more efficient. But it is just from my experience.

All the best C!

do you guys know how big even a 50/50 haze plant can grow to by the end of flowering you will need the flowering space for 1 plant not 4 600wats for that small space for haze is over kill.

Hello, Hempy. Thanks for your thoughts. I have no idea how big a haze plant is going to get. Your insight is very welcome here.

My height is actually 6'6 and my container is only 10 inches so I have 5 1/2 feet to work with and that's the best I can do. If need be, I can wrap the flowering tops across the ceiling for an extra foot or two. The drawing is for show, I only plan on putting 2 plants in there.

I am adding different colored dyes to my cooling reservoir to knock back the light intensity as well. This setup was originally designed to accommodate all phenotypes and climates so I wanted the option to go 100 watts/ft2. The dye will knock it down to about 70-80. I have learned a lot from reading your posts about wattage and Haze varieties, Hempy. I am taking your advice to heart. Thanks, man.

Here's what the light looks like with the dye in it. I'm thinking about trying pink or orange dye next, sunset colors.


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Chana Masala:

Hi Cannatari,

Thanks for being cool brother... it nice to learn from one another, and I am learning here with you.. especially with regards to haze. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

I just love your concepet and think it will work regardless of what anyone else thinks, ultimately it is your brain child and is exciting. As I understand you are in transit so I am wishing you the best.

I just wanted to ask if you are going to be be running variious strains in your system,i.e. indy, sats and crosses? -See my response to Hempy

If mostly indica, I think your stystem is perfect. But for your haze selections, I would maybe just combine one chamber for mothers and clones, and use a larger space so you can bloom... or just use your design for just bloom and maybe find another space for your mama's and clones? Just a humble suggestion though. The area in question will root my clones (I don't like them to be near the T5) with fluro's and after they're rooted I will switch them to flowering. Once I learn how long it takes for a particular cut to reach 30 inches, I can subtract that amount of time from flowering them in my larger space. If I should flower from rooted clone, it doesn't make much sense to use all of the resources of my flowering area for 2 little clones for a few weeks. I have been using this technique with great success and harvesting 25% more often this year by converting my veg area to flowering for 2 weeks. When I can estimate a plant to be 2 weeks from harvest, I take clones from my veg area and throw the switch to 12/12. 2 weeks later, I harvest, fill my flowering area with plants that are already 2 weeks into flowering, switch my veg area back to 18/6 and start vegging the rooted clones, all on the same day. I knock 2 weeks off of my harvest intervals this way. Because the Haze gets flowered as soon as the clone is rooted, I have to build an enclosure. I'll never have to use it for rooting and flowering at the same time is it all happens under 1 roof.

As to Hempy's advice, I think he has a point, but not everyone has the luxury of growing in larger or multiple rooms indoors. It has taken me many years to get to the multiple room level and I am still working at it. Before that is was 250 watter in a closet for years and an amoire for mama's and clones.

I have seen some beautiful grows here with regard to multiple plants in a small spaces, i.e. L33T NH and HHHG's Haze C test. I am not sure you took a look at his journal but brother puts Mr. Miyagi to shame... BONZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!

Any who, I am getting a vibe though that you are a sativa connoisseur so my only humble suggestion is combining two of the three chambers for bloom, as I dont believe you need to veg your haze before you decide to flip... your veg can be accomplished in your cloning chamber.

I also do not think it is necessary for the water cooled tubes. Just get a larger extractor and you should only have more negative pressure to get rid of smell and the heat. I really like vertizontal shades , or something similar for your space where you get great light spread and if you can add another 600 you will get some amazing cross beams. Cheaper too less deficiency to run into in the future. And you dont need a/c or water lines to cool the tube.

I personally have 8, 1K cooltubes and will be changing them when time and budget allow for the vorzontial shades... I think for smaller spaces vented shades are not the best and need more auxiliary material and supply to make them only a little bit more efficient. But it is just from my experience.

All the best C!


I have been running this gear all year. The Haze Garden is really just the 2.0 version of what I've been using. I got the tallest enclosure that I could for the purpose of growing some fine sativas some day. The day came alot sooner than I expected but I did what I could to allow me to grow some tall ones when I picked it out. I grew some indica with this rig earlier this year and it just put me to sleep is why the sudden change.
nice sketch man . that looks like a winner to me man. 600 might be a lil much but better than not enuff right?

What's happening, Jeb?

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I think this rig is going to be a powerhouse for the 14 ft2 of floor space it occupies. I'll be able to turn a 10 week strain every 6-7 weeks and have room to go through another selection process at any time without upsetting my cycles when I want to add a new strain or test the progeny of my breeding projects.

I'll probably outgrow it before it ever operates to it's potential.:D
Hi C, well it seems you have already built your system so with regard to design it is done and but before I move forward my only real thought is the space that you have to use with regard to the coolant reservoir. Valuable bloom space is lost.

What happened to your 1.0 unit. I would be utilizing that for mother, veg, clone and selecting. But that is my approach and belief. Utilizing what we already have, at least with regard to existing gear.

I like my spoon analogy. We all have spoons, some of us eat with them, others can make music, while there is always the one who can dig a tunnel to China. And then there is the Avatar, the one that can eat, make music, and dig… lol

You are a creative soul, and one with skill if I would add so that being said, forgive me, as I usually work with people who are on limited budgets, so when it comes to plant numbers , quality and yield, I look for the no frills approach, and then as they develop the space and their skill, one would treat themselves to upgrades or things that make the process simpler. But again it is my way and what has worked for me to-date.

When working with Haze the great thing is that one ultimately vegs while their plants bloom, so feeding N up until week 4 to 6 seems to be the norm with the journals and cultivators I have had an opportunity to learn from.

In my humility, I would look to Yosemite Sam with regard to blooming haze indoors. His C5 and NH are wonderful examples of simplicity vs. complexity. I believe he just choices which ones he wants to battle more on a day to day basis with regard to deficiency, growing style and method.

Creatively speaking, it a pretty system and you will crop out, god willing. But I would just look for more bloom space and utilize my existing system for just as important things… just my 50 cents.

One great thing I have learned about C5 and its 25% contained in Critical Haze is that it loves to be cut back. I usually let the root space fill out its blooming sized pot and then cut it back. Like really back… similar to outdoor haze growers when they are training. The plants are none the worst for ware. I believe they do better by it. I usually cut back the same day I induce bloom. You may know this already, but I find you get more colas not just one tall overpowering main stem. The overall height seems to be controlled or easier to tie off and yield is still exceptional.

All the best to your on your new creative environment.

Hi C, well it seems you have already built your system so with regard to design it is done and but before I move forward my only real thought is the space that you have to use with regard to the coolant reservoir. Valuable bloom space is lost.

What happened to your 1.0 unit. I would be utilizing that for mother, veg, clone and selecting. But that is my approach and belief. Utilizing what we already have, at least with regard to existing gear.

I like my spoon analogy. We all have spoons, some of us eat with them, others can make music, while there is always the one who can dig a tunnel to China. And then there is the Avatar, the one that can eat, make music, and dig… lol

You are a creative soul, and one with skill if I would add so that being said, forgive me, as I usually work with people who are on limited budgets, so when it comes to plant numbers , quality and yield, I look for the no frills approach, and then as they develop the space and their skill, one would treat themselves to upgrades or things that make the process simpler. But again it is my way and what has worked for me to-date.

When working with Haze the great thing is that one ultimately vegs while their plants bloom, so feeding N up until week 4 to 6 seems to be the norm with the journals and cultivators I have had an opportunity to learn from.

In my humility, I would look to Yosemite Sam with regard to blooming haze indoors. His C5 and NH are wonderful examples of simplicity vs. complexity. I believe he just choices which ones he wants to battle more on a day to day basis with regard to deficiency, growing style and method.

Creatively speaking, it a pretty system and you will crop out, god willing. But I would just look for more bloom space and utilize my existing system for just as important things… just my 50 cents.

One great thing I have learned about C5 and its 25% contained in Critical Haze is that it loves to be cut back. I usually let the root space fill out its blooming sized pot and then cut it back. Like really back… similar to outdoor haze growers when they are training. The plants are none the worst for ware. I believe they do better by it. I usually cut back the same day I induce bloom. You may know this already, but I find you get more colas not just one tall overpowering main stem. The overall height seems to be controlled or easier to tie off and yield is still exceptional.

All the best to your on your new creative environment.


Alright, here's a pic so you have a better idea of what's going on:


It's a shelving unit on the left and an enclosed cabinet on the right. I think maybe my drawing makes it look like 1 big enclosure.

I won't be adding the preflower area for a few more weeks.

I can't get a pic of the whole thing 'cause the room is too small.

Yeah, I've been watching Yosemite Sam and learning much from him. The foxtails he was able to get that NH to produce are amazing! Most of the information I come across always goes back to replicating a tropical climate. I'm gonna let things get a little warmer this time around, mid-high 80's, and definitely pull my nitrogen about week 4 or 5.


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Nice brother, sure looks no frills save and accept the water cooled reflector.

Thanks for sharing your set-up.

Imho, I would get rid of the cloning and vegging area and open it all up. Looks like you could add another 600K for sure and possibly even a third buld.

Yo Sammy got the crown right now!

Bless up,

Nice brother, sure looks no frills save and accept the water cooled reflector.

Thanks for sharing your set-up.

Imho, I would get rid of the cloning and vegging area and open it all up. Looks like you could add another 600K for sure and possibly even a third buld.

Yo Sammy got the crown right now!

Bless up,


Yeah, I would definitely like more flowering space but with the gear I've got and the space I have to work with, I don't really have the option. The pre-flowering area is going to increase my harvest intervals by at least 3 weeks.

Damn..just had a great idea. If I clone and preflower 2 indica's along with the MH, I can finish them in the pre-flowering cab as long as I can keep them under 30 inches. Nice! This will increase my yield by 30%! This is why we have discussions.

Minutes later.....

OK, so...after doing the math, what I need is a pheno that finishes 3 weeks before the haze pheno that I can keep under 3 feet tall. Then my preflowering area is always flowering, I keep my 3 weeks of pre-flowering and I get to run 2 pheno's! It's a happy medium between your suggestion, Chana, and what I've got to work with. Thanks for the nudge. Hopefully the pheno I need is in my MH.
Yeah, I would definitely like more flowering space but with the gear I've got and the space I have to work with, I don't really have the option. The pre-flowering area is going to increase my harvest intervals by at least 3 weeks.

Damn..just had a great idea. If I clone and preflower 2 indica's along with the MH, I can finish them in the pre-flowering cab as long as I can keep them under 30 inches. Nice! This will increase my yield by 30%! This is why we have discussions.

Minutes later.....

OK, so...after doing the math, what I need is a pheno that finishes 3 weeks before the haze pheno that I can keep under 3 feet tall. Then my preflowering area is always flowering, I keep my 3 weeks of pre-flowering and I get to run 2 pheno's! It's a happy medium between your suggestion, Chana, and what I've got to work with. Thanks for the nudge. Hopefully the pheno I need is in my MH.

Finding a AAA 8week should be easy at least for an indica dom plant, but in your MH?!?!? I only wish the what you would like in your pack...

It is a nice system you got brother, I am sure people with similar space are taking some notes...

Cheers my brother,

Yeah, an 8 weeker in this MH is pretty optimistic. I need to get a few rotations of the MH under my belt and allow the opportunity for enhancement reveal itself out of the experience.

I want to express that the whole idea of the 12/12 pre-flower area is to conserve resources. It's wasteful to occupy my entire flowering area with 2 rooted clones so I've designed an accommodation within the space I have to work with. With your suggestions I've converted the space to full-time flowering and I can root cuttings...wherever. I agree, the spot is overkill for cloning.

So here's the math, I'll get accurate numbers after the first rotation but I'll have to make a guess as to when to take clones for the 2nd rotation.

flowering days - (rooting days + days to reach 3 feet) = cloning day

84-(20+30)= 34 days after the switch to flowering are cuttings taken. Which means that the pre-flower area should be vacant for about 54 days. It's a close enough estimation to see that I have a good chance of squeezing an 8 weeker in there and keep the space productive. Both phenos could share the space for part of that time. Hell, I may be able to squeeze a 9 or 10 weeker in there if I can keep it short. I've got a bag of tricks from my stealth speaker cabinet growing days for that.

Awesome. I've basically added 30% yield potential with the extra wattage and the height restriction is now an accommodation to shorter/faster pheno's. Variety is back!

Chana, thanks for helping me steer this thing bro.
Hi C,

You are most welcome and I hope you harvest well...

I enjoy your post and strains...

If you look to perpetual harvest you will achieve what I believe you would like... you could easily fill multi strain crops in your space and harvest a section out every month once it is all humming and tuned... we are taking now my friend... better turn around, same electricity bill (if hydro is a concern)...

What say you about your 1.0 unit. Can you not use that for mothers and cloning...

Respect once again,

My 1.0 version was just the 2x3 cabinet I called the Medi Cab. My veg area was the T5 unit mounted under a platform in the room. Medi Cab 2.0 is the addition of the 2x4 shelving unit and pre-flower area. I've always had a knack for keeping the garden perpetual, you've got to when you have a small garden. I'm sure that as soon as I have it tuned in and running smoothly, I'll start working with some new beans and throw it all off again.:D
Haze Garden

Did some work today on the rig today and found a camera that could snap a shot of the whole thing, thought I'd share. The yellow leaves on the seedlings is due to underfeeding (my first time). They perked right up after I got the flood&drain working. They're about to go off. In the flowering cab is a Strawberry Cough in a pan-style DWC starting it's 4th week.

All coming together!


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Day 45

Here are some shots of the kids at 45 days from soaking. The tall ones are about 14" and the stalks are about pencil sized. They recovered from the underfeeding nicely after they had a few days to establish themselves in the new hydro.


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The "Flood Tote"

Here's the new hydro, I call it a Flood Tote. It's the same 10 Gallon Rubbermaid Roughneck tote that I use for everything. I wanted a recirculating bed of Hydroton that I could just set the RW cubes on top of and let 'em rip. Because of the logistics of my shelf unit, I needed something that could easily detach from the system for working on the plants. This is what I came up with:



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Day 50

I like to keep my rotations nice and tight. My flowering area is about 2-3 weeks from harvesting so I took cuttings today that will be rooted and ready to flower on the same day that I harvest my previous rotation.

Only a few of them wilted but they perked right up after a few hours in the dome.


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Nice set up !

Hi! Cannatari... I started a grow like yours just to see the potential it could provide growing tomatoes. I notice your reservoir is separate from the plants? I myself always look for a better way and this is very affective for growth. All I did was buy an 18 gallon black bin and put the plants directly in the top few inches from the reservoir using 10 gallons only of nutrients. The pump you run comes on every four hours for 10 minutes each time right? I let mine run 24/7 and this is the result outside. I was thinking you were set up Ebb& Flow? from what I see? Great set up! especially with MH as the clone source. Wishing you well. resinbud,:cool:
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