Mango Haze: Selection In Small Spaces

She looks very healthy still.

Isn't it time to cut her back a bit? (I've never revegged plants except cuttings myself).

I don't think I've posted in here before, nice thread cannatari.
She looks very healthy still.

Isn't it time to cut her back a bit? (I've never revegged plants except cuttings myself).

I don't think I've posted in here before, nice thread cannatari.

I've never done this're suppused to cut it back? Makes sense but I will report where the best new growth originates from her.


So..'lil update.

I wanted to report that I am seeing the first signs of improvement with the round 3 plant since i enlarged the fresh air intake, nice shiny leaves:


They did have a pale and dull look to 'em before. It only took a few days to start seeing the effects. Looks like I have found my X-factor!



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Thanks for the tips, Elmer. I've taken clones from flowering plants before and...yeah...they were pretty bushy. I can imagine that revegging would have the same effect. I think mango lights is going to be a mother plant from here on out so I'm cool with getting lots of clones from a bushy plant.

Thanks for sharing the info gives me allot of confidence that this plant wil do alright.

I've been away for a bit. This show just keeps getting better every time I come back for a peek. :D

I've got one plant that started to flower in a 1.5 gal container and I wasn't ready for it so I put the thing in a 10 gal container (1.5gal pot and all) and she started reveging. Now I gotta go trim the lil tiny branches that shot out of the middle of her so she can get a breath. She's going to be full of Buds galore once she finishes. :D

Yep, That MH ya have, Cannatari, has the potential to be a great mother.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, MJP. I checked on her today and she looks stasis but fine.

This also means that I got some dried product of Mango Lights:

As I smell the bud it has that Nag Champa smell to it still. When I break the bud up and get beyond the sweet smell it kinda smells of tar. It's flavor is very mild to smoke and leaves a very slight hint of Nag Champa in the room. After a few tokes I start to notice a minty quality to it. It makes my mouth feel like when you chew on a mint toothpick. Woodsy, minty and a little numbing. The effect is high then stoned, then high again, then it balances out with good duration. The grower reports the same tendancy to get anxious with caffine and that others have said it smells like Nag Champa. They are very happy with the end product. I think they were hoping for something a little dankier but the effect is A+ for them as it has a good body stone without making you sleepy. It's very clear headed with some visuals. I like it allot. Nothing Mango about it I should add but there's nothing Nag Champa about Mhz either.:p

I'm also happy to report a new variety that I'm gonna be working with. It might be next year before I have a chance to crack 'em but I'll definitely share the grow.



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Did some work on the reveg of Mango Lights today. I learned that new growth stems out of the leftover bud. There is evidence that new growth emerged from leftover calyxes. I think she's gonna be a big bush in another week or 2.

Before and after grooming:



Disturbing vid BTW, HHHG...I like it.


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This thread is fucking incredible. Serious dap for ya, Cannatari!

I wonder if one could veg one of these indoors to about 6 feet tall and put it out in April or May, and end up with a literal tree-sized (like over 25 feet tall) plant? My life's goal is to grow a titan the size of which nobody ever seen.
To paraphrase a good friend of mine who was talking about British People attempting to play the Blues after they saw Buddy Guy for the first time, "It was at that point I realized I better buckle down and get real serious, because there were a bunch of people in a far-away land that I've never seen who have been at this for quite awhile longer than me and were A HELL OF A LOT better than me at this. To do anything less is a disservice to myself and those people."

Holy shit at the linked thread. Unfortunately, in my case, November 5th or so is as late as I can go. :(

But there ain't nary choppers, nor rippers either.
This thread is fucking incredible. Serious dap for ya, Cannatari!

I wonder if one could veg one of these indoors to about 6 feet tall and put it out in April or May, and end up with a literal tree-sized (like over 25 feet tall) plant? My life's goal is to grow a titan the size of which nobody ever seen.

Hello, T234. Thank you for the nice compliment and welcome to MNS.

A 25 foot Mango Haze is nothing to wonder about. It has been done more than a few times around here. I think they're digging 350 gallon holes and back-filling them with soil mix to get those results. Check out the work of member Bushweed if you want to grow big trees.

Mango Lights Re-Veg

Mind blowing amount of growth she has had in 7 days time:


Here's 7 days ago:


I took some clones off her and flipped her into 12/12.



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Documenting My Feeding Regime

So, since Sensimilla13 is running his Angel Heart on the Dutch Master Gold formula, I decided to keep track of the stats on a Mango Haze/DM grow since I suspect that he is probably dealing with some MH pheno's. The pheno in the re-veg project is an 8 week incense pheno. The capacity of my hydro is 8 gallons under a 150 watt HPS. My tap water accounts for about 70 ppm of my stats.

I've simplified the DM mix into a dosage system:
-A dose is 2 TBSP ADD.27 and 1 TBSP each of parts A&B. Zone and Silica always go in at 1/2 TSP/gallon. I do res changes every 2 weeks.

The first pic was fed at 1.4 EC, pH 5.6 of DM Gold. (2 doses in 8 gallons of water and I didn't even need to add any pH down)
7 days later EC was at 1.1 and pH at 5.9.
Fed her last night with 1.8 EC and pH 5.5. (add-back of 2 more doses and 2 gallons of water + 2ml/gallon of POTASH+)

(Multiply EC by 500 to get PPM (Hanna))

If I had fed her stronger at the time of the first pic, the pH would have been 5.7-5.8 but for regular maintenance, the formula worked perfectly last week. When you nail the formula, DM will go 2 weeks before the pH jumps out of range if you have good res volume. Use it like they say, always set/adjust the pH at 5.5 and wait for it to climb to 5.9 before you drop it back down. DM is more stable at higher strengths so most pH crashes are due to underfeeding. In the case of MH, the EC will skyrocket towards the end of flowering because they shift into "water only mode". I would anticipate AH to do the same thing since it is true with both of my MH pheno's.

Earlier I mentioned Potash+ (0-4-9). I picked it up so that I could treat N sensitivity and K deficiency. I don't as of yet have anything conclusive to tell about it other than the sats gobble it up. I miss fed this plant in the last round because I didn't think it was gonna be done in 8 weeks and I was late on all of my feeding transitions. Now that I know to expect the EC spike, I think I'm going to pull the A&B and replace them with P+ in my dosage towards the end of flowering which is also advice from the DM rep. Interesting to note is that the P+ requires 1/2 it's own volume in pH Down to balance out.:eek:

So for my feeding transitions, she is starting her first week of flowering and I have her on a moderate EC of 1.8:



Next week it looks like I ought to bump her up to 2.0 EC.

In week 3 I'll need to double up the P+ in my doses.

Week 4 looks like a major jump in consumption. Week 3 data will determine how hot I can feed her but I think she could take as much as 3.2 EC, no joke. It's very difficult to overfeed with DM. I've used it beyond 4.0 EC (Hanna meter tops at 2000 ppm).

And just like the experience I'm having, the plant shifts gears in week 5 from feeding aggressively to not feeding at all, practically overnight. Now how confusing would that be to a grower if you didn't have the chart?;)

Why do I trust these charts? Because they determined that Dutch Master Gold was the best line of nutrients to fit the same criteria as the regime and it works exactly as I predicted it should if NPK ratios were relative to the plant's uptake which was revealed through tissue analysis at each week of flowering.


I want to add that I've used the DM program where you feed 'em the same for 6 weeks with great results until the Mango Haze gave me some challenges so these formulas are specific to this family of plants.

Oh, and feel free to post your stuff here, Sensimilla13. I don't mind you couch surfing while your threadless.:p

Hi Cannatari, I don't have the words to describe this thread, but in 5 years of being on this and one other site, this is easily the most detailed grow thread I have ever come across, and it's great. Keep up the good work and thank you for this thread because I will use it as a guide when I pop my mango haze beans. Outstanding!! Thanks again for your time and effort.
Thank you for the very nice compliment, Digger.

I just started a run of 18 MH F2's so you'll get to see it all over again very soon. They are seeds from the Potzilla plant and should be ready for cubes in a few days.

I'm taking my MH to F3 so you'll get to see it again another time after that.

Like a Mango Haze broken record around this place.:p

mango fruit

Hey CannaT, what percentage of the seeds you grew produced mango scented girls? Also, was the scent present in flowering or after cure?
F2 Germination

As predicted, these beans are suffering from excellent germination rates. I kept them warm to the point that condensation accumulated on the lid of their container for the first 24 hrs. Once I saw them cracking I replaced the water and left just enough in there so that they sit about 1/2 way deep.

Here they are at just under 72 hours:




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Thank you for the very nice compliment, Digger.

I just started a run of 18 MH F2's so you'll get to see it all over again very soon. They are seeds from the Potzilla plant and should be ready for cubes in a few days.

I'm taking my MH to F3 so you'll get to see it again another time after that.

Like a Mango Haze broken record around this place.:p


That's what's up!! Forgive me if you answered this already, but the past week I've read so many threads on Mango Haze and Neville's Haze, all the info is getting convoluted as to who did what. I have some Mango haze F2's from a breeder, and they are supposed to be a strong mango smelling pheno, that isn't too hazy like other mango crosses he made. But have you ever run the Mango in soil? If you have did you give liquid nutes or amend the soil before planting? Thanks and once again great thread.
That's what's up!! Forgive me if you answered this already, but the past week I've read so many threads on Mango Haze and Neville's Haze, all the info is getting convoluted as to who did what. I have some Mango haze F2's from a breeder, and they are supposed to be a strong mango smelling pheno, that isn't too hazy like other mango crosses he made. But have you ever run the Mango in soil? If you have did you give liquid nutes or amend the soil before planting? Thanks and once again great thread.

LOL! I also have "which thread was that" disorder.

I have not yet ran the MH in soil.

I'd be really interested to see the results with your F2's.

Thanks. Hopefully I've acquired the skills to run a sativa without any serious issues. The last few I attempted all went downhill in flower. I'm trying to build my skills up before I run neville's haze. If things go well, the mango's should be getting popped either later this year or very early next year along with a few others. I need to amend my promix and let it compost a while before I use it.