Mango Haze: Selection In Small Spaces

Looking good!

The F2's went into cubes today. 16/18 are fully germinated and the 2 that did not are very small seeds compared to the rest. I squeezed them with a set of pliers until I heard 'em pop and put them in cubes as well. I'm predicting 100% germination.:D

Further proof is in the seed of the seed.;)


Glad you got a good germination rate. And thanks for the info you gave someone else about mango's having lots of pheno's and a high rate of males. I was only going to pop 5 but now it will probably be 10 and I'll just omit one of the others I was going to do.
Mango Lights Day 7

It looks like I fed her a little strong last week by the pH going down and the ppm's going up. I had excellent growth this week so there was no harm done. I added back the 2 gallons of water that she has consumed which stepped the pH up a notch and the EC down a notch so I didn't make any adjustments. I think she will start to feed more this week so I'm anticipating the pH to be close to 6.0 and EC of 1.4 on my next visit in which the first res change will be due. I chose EC 1.6 for the new recommended week 1 feeding because I feel like if it had been 1.7 there would have been no fluctuations and I want it to raise gradually over the course of the week.




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Glad you got a good germination rate. And thanks for the info you gave someone else about mango's having lots of pheno's and a high rate of males. I was only going to pop 5 but now it will probably be 10 and I'll just omit one of the others I was going to do.

Hiya, Digger.

I don't remember saying that MH had a high % of males. If I remember correctly, I had 7 females and 9 males.

If you crack 5 beans you will probably get 2 females and that is not enough MH to select from. 10 beans would give you 4 or 5 females which is allot better but it's still not enough to get an accurate idea of what you're dealing with but still probably enough to find a good pheno. Good luck with it!

Hiya, Digger.

I don't remember saying that MH had a high % of males. If I remember correctly, I had 7 females and 9 males.

If you crack 5 beans you will probably get 2 females and that is not enough MH to select from. 10 beans would give you 4 or 5 females which is allot better but it's still not enough to get an accurate idea of what you're dealing with but still probably enough to find a good pheno. Good luck with it!


Hi cannatari,

If I remember correctly in was in a thread by Dawn. You were telling them they needed to POP more than 10 beans if they could to make selections and because of the high number of males. I think 9/16 is enough to be called a high number. However that isn't high compared to some tahoe og's I recently ran. I got 2 girls out of 10. I'll find the male quote later tonight.

I would love to pop all of them but I'm not set up for clones and fathers yet, so I may only do half or 5, keep the other 15 for when I'm better prepared to keep cuttings. I also have 5 Hawaiian sativa x ssh that i would like to get to, and since I don't know how big these will try to get, I was going to keep my numbers low.
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Hi cannatari,

If I remember correctly in was in a thread by Dawn. You were telling them they needed to POP more than 10 beans if they could to make selections and because of the high number of males. I think 9/16 is enough to be called a high number. However that isn't high compared to some tahoe og's I recently ran. I got 2 girls out of 10. I'll find the male quote later tonight.

I would love to pop all of them but I'm not set up for clones and fathers yet, so I may only do half or 5, keep the other 15 for when I'm better prepared to keep cuttings. I also have 5 Hawaiian sativa x ssh that i would like to get to, and since I don't know how big these will try to get, I was going to keep my numbers low.

It is possible to categorize your phenotypes and sexes prior to flowering with Mango Haze. Girls will show pistils in veg and NL and Sk dominant pheno's will expose themselves when you feed 'em plain water. All is accomplished in veg space and prior to taking cuts. Flowering opposite pheno's together is a nightmare but this way you'll be able to do 2 runs of 4 or 5 ladies that all feed similarly. And get to crack all your beans.:)

This is how I plan to rock the F2's so we'll get to see if I'm talking shit or not.

I'll have to try that after I get a separate flowering area. I can't wait to see how your F2's turn out. When you bred did you try to keep the pheno of your male consistent with the females pheno? Meaning, if you had a haze looking male, did you put him to a hazey female or a nl or sk girl?
I'll have to try that after I get a separate flowering area. I can't wait to see how your F2's turn out. When you bred did you try to keep the pheno of your male consistent with the females pheno? Meaning, if you had a haze looking male, did you put him to a hazey female or a nl or sk girl?

I have seeds by 2 different pollen donors. One is a freaky plant that displayed intersexed traits. The second is as you said, what I considered to be a male version of my choice female, big and rambunctious.

The beans I got going now are by the intersexed plant and Potzilla. It recently occurred to me that my F2's are technically S1's since the pollen donor also produced seeds of her own. Is this correct? An S1 mating between siblings?

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Hi cannatari, I think you are correct. The beans from the intersexed plant would be S1's but someone with more experience will be able to tell you. Good luck with both of them. Do you run across a lot of intersexed plants with the Mango's?
Cool. That's good to hear. I take it the intersexed plant must have been very good because under normal circumstances, wouldn't a plant like that be culled? It will be nice to see how the beans turn out, if they show intersex traits immediately or in their offspring. Man, I'm getting hyped just thinking about starting to run these beans.
S1 or F2?

Selfing: Applying female pollen to the female from which it was collected. Example : selecting a particular Willie Nelson cutting, reversing it, and putting the pollen back on another clone of the same plant. Applying that pollen to a different Willie cutting, or to another strain altogether, is not selfing.

S1: The first selfed generation. Selfing an S1 produces an S2, etc. Anecdotal evidence from Sam_Skunkman indicates that continued selfing to the S3 and S4 produces plants so weak that they must be handled very carefully, “like kittens” in his words.

R1's (aka Reversed F1's): When feminized pollen is used to pollinate a different female than the pollen donor. R1's will tend to act like a tradional male x female cross, only all female, while S1's appear to have some different properties that are not yet fully understood. Early reports indicatee that S1's are more consistent than R1's on average, but there are many exceptions, and more research is needed.

So my situation is definitely not S1, and R1 refers to cross pollination and reversal, neither of which is the case.

This was a mating between siblings, they are F2.

Cool. That's good to hear. I take it the intersexed plant must have been very good because under normal circumstances, wouldn't a plant like that be culled?

I thought it was a rare occurrence at the time so I went with it. The freak was vigorous, very resinous and smelled like blueberry muffins so he was a good candidate up until he decided to go drag queen on me.

Haze Garden 2.0

The 2 problems with the first Haze Garden were negative pressure in the flowering area and height restrictions in the veg area.

To create positive pressure in the flowering area, I designed an enclosure for the light so now it's completely separate from the plant's ventilation. I also added an intake fan to the grow area to increase the pressure a little.

In addition to the height restrictions, the veg area was an all-around pain in the ass. It was hard to access for the most part and it sucked to not be able to move the plants around. To solve both problems, I'm going to switch to RW cubes in the veg area. I have found that the cubes will go a week without watering so they meet that criteria. It will take about the same amount of effort to hand water everything as it does to do resi add-backs. This is going to add 20" of vertical space to my rig but now I have to start buying cubes but at least they're for long term plants. Still no RW needed for flowering.

I'll do a show when I get her built but here's the blueprint:


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Haze Garden 2.0 v1.3

I made a few adjustments to my design.


New in version 1.3:

-The clones were moved to the very top shelf to free up more space. That spot is where I currently keep my nutes which will have to move, but that's why I didn't put 'em there before.

-The lower section now has a location for a single large plant in a 3 gallon container that will provide me with a regular supply of clones to share. I can keep a total of 12 mother plants in 1 gallon containers on either side of her.

-The upper section is primarily for selection/seed runs. I can fit 50-4" cubes, 32-6" cubes or 18-1 gallon containers (shown) up there.

Because of the versatility of using RW cubes in this rig, there isn't much point in me drawing all the different ways they can be arranged so this is probably the end of the design phase.

I wanted to note that the Mango Lights clones are bursting with roots today, 11 days from cuttings!:eek:

The seedling heat mat I recently dug up and started using again was definitely a big factor.

Question about flowering light

Hi cannatari! Nice design, it's inspiring me for my design once I get into a permanent living situation. I was wondering if you plan on not moving the light in the flowering chamber or if the glass that separates the light and it's heat away from the flower tops is able to be moved up and down.
Hi cannatari! Nice design, it's inspiring me for my design once I get into a permanent living situation. I was wondering if you plan on not moving the light in the flowering chamber or if the glass that separates the light and it's heat away from the flower tops is able to be moved up and down.

Hiya, Digger. The light is stationary. I will have to elevate the hydro when the plants are small but that's usually about the same amount of effort as moving the light. There isn't a really good way of isolating the fixture and make it movable within the area I have to work with so this is not necessarily how I would go about things in a different situation but when building cabs, it's a good idea to treat the upper section as the fixture itself.

The finished product will look more like this:



I hate these posts....All the seeds are dead. All turned to white mush! AARRRGGG!

Maybe too wet, maybe too warm...IDK. Frack!
