Mango Haze: Selection In Small Spaces

Improvements and Stuff...last day of week 1.

So I've changed everything around again. I re-installed the hood that I just took out because I switched to a 400W MH that is horizontal mount. It's fricking hot this week so I had to install my window A/C unit and I wanted to cut down on some wattage and because I'm still trying to copy the Mango Lights grow.:p

So here is something cool..a nice improvement to the Vortex Hydro using parts that come with the Eco Plus pump:


It's gonna work great to keep the roots out of the drain.


Also is a 3 inch fan for added oxygen and cooling. The VH is basically sealed so how is it supposed to get fresh O2? The temp in the res has dropped from 78*F to 71*F in the first 6 hours. I have the feeling this is going to do allot for the roots. I'm stoked about this.


I also made a cozy for the vortex generator to avoid some algae that grew on the last one.


A handy little lid for sampling and adding ferts and water.


I'm really likin' how stuff is set up right now. I definitely feel a step closer to the results I want.



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NICE! Res temp is down to 69*F which is 9* below current ambient temperature. If I knew I'd get nearly 10 degrees drop in res temp I would have done this sooner.


Hey man! That is impressive! I just got a chiller as well, not quite as economical as yours ;) but I think that I've got a much larger volume and if I'm not mistaken your rez is separate from the plants environment???

Unfortunately, I can't get my rez's out of the room...but I found this 1/15 hp chiller and I am running a split in the hose to chill 2 stainless steel 50' coils to chill both rez's. The chiller has a seperate rez that is inside a large styrofoam cooler to insulate the chilled rez. The cool thing is I can run different nutes in each system this way...I'm stoked on it!

Got the DM gold in the DWC with 4 cuts of my prized Angel Heart #7 girl...and a mix of AH, Spice, Med Man and Blue Haze (HGF) in the NFT with Canna Aqua.

Talk to you soon Cannatari!

Sounds like a tight setup. Being able to use 1 unit to cool multiple reservoirs would be my requirement for a chiller setup too.

What you ask about my res being separate from the plants environment...I guess I actually have the fan in the plant's environment and not the res section of my hydro.

As a bonus it creates a nice breeze blowing from underneath the plants through the net-cup voids.

Love Rollercoaster

That was a dope performance cannatari :cool:
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More Changes

So....I ditched the vortex generator. I was checking in on things yesterday and there was a pearl film on the surface of the hydro, probably dust from the new fan I got blowing on the res. I took a chopstick and tried to stir it up but it would not because there was no surface movement if that makes sense. So I pulled the vortex and now I have the output hose shooting water to make lots of bubbles and getting the surface movement I want. A bonus to this is that my res temp is down 2 more degrees from the jet of water passing in front of the fan so now my res temp is down from 78*F to 67*F! :D

That was a dope performance cannatari :cool:

I like those old live performances. Those dancers are dope too, that tall guy has moves like poor quality still-life animation..crazy! I might have to say that's the best move I've ever seen!

I like those old live performances. Those dancers are dope too, that tall guy has moves like poor quality still-life animation..crazy! I might have to say that's the best move I've ever seen!


I think that dance is called the Jerky Robot :cool:
Isolated Frequency Experiment

Well apparently the joy I get from gardening is due to all of the opportunities for experimentation. I call this one "Isolated Spectrum Gardening".


Here's how I make the colors:

20"x24" sheets from the local stage lighting supply.


Self-adhesive magnetic strips:


Sticks right to the hood:


The temperature of each filter was specifically chosen. Dig the data on the yellow filter:


The yellow filter blocks most of the blue spectrum and will inhibit production of chlorophyll B. The blue filter will inhibit chlorophyll A production and the pink one blocks everything but chlorophyll producing frequencies. I know...looks just like LED.

So...what's gonna happen?

If you've been following along you know that my blue filter experiment produced monster colas that never ripened. It really brought out the indica characteristics of my plants when I used it. So does that mean that the yellow filter will favor sativa expression? Yes it does. Will my plant ripen to flavor bursting gooey goodness? Yup.:p

Here's the difference...the truth about sunlight vs. HID. The HID technology tries to imitate the color of the Sun and every single bulb they produce EXACTLY matches natural sunlight...yup...every single one of them perfectly reproduces a color at which sunlight can naturally occur. The difference is that the color of sunlight changes throughout the day so the very first step toward imitating sunlight should be to arrange all of those different temperature bulbs to mimic sunrise, noon and sunset. Think about matter which bulb you grow with, it produces the same ratio of red to blue 100% of the time and that is not what happens outside and the reason plants grow differently outdoors. By mimicking the Sun this way I would in fact be eliminating variables, not experimenting. Funny thing is that I do not intend to use these filters to mimic the Sun. I will surely at some point rig up a pair of lights with different filters on different timers to imitate a day-cycle but I expect that to be a step backwards from the possibilities that can be had by manipulating instead of imitating. We manipulate our light schedules to imitate seasons which allows us to harvest multiple times per year and that's the one reason why indoor is better than outdoor. In the same sense I hope to utilize the ability to create a situation that cannot occur in nature to my advantage.

The goal of my new experiment will be results, not proof. I have a way that I'm trying to get my girl to grow and I'm abandoning scientific procedure to do so because it will steer me off course. I've already proved that spectrum is relevant to expression so from here on out I'm just having fun and being creative with these new tools.

First up is a MHz that is 3 weeks into flowering. She will live full-time under the yellow filter for a while in an effort to induce some stretching. I'll probably switch to the blue filter once she starts putting on weight and when she's nice and fat I'll go back to yellow for the gooey goodness ripening that I was talking about before.;)

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Mango Lights Day 60

I had a chance to check in on the ML grow today. I think she's about ready to pick which is further confirmed by her PPM's going up....way up (1900 PPM!) So I put her on a 250 ppm flushing formula and I'll check back on her in a week. I thought this plant was going to take longer so I failed to have a clone in the bull pin ready for the next round.:mad:



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Random Thoughts

On closer inspection of this Mango Lights I have to say I'm a little disappointed on the yield. The timing of this pheno is off. Like she finished before she even got started compared to the MHz pheno. I'm really happy with the way she grew this time but I think the patient that I'm helping would have been better off with a MHz pheno. I know that the extra flowering time vs. yield is usually a fine margin but in the case of these Mango Hazes it is clear that the longer pheno's spend more of their lifespan producing bud which makes any early finishing pheno a major compromise in yield. ML spends a month flowering and a month budding and MHz spends a month flowering and 2 months budding. I'll yield more at the end of the year with my longer flowering pheno. I think Mango Lights is outta here which means I'm down to 1 male and 1 female Mango Haze. I think my selection process was completed months ago and these results with the ML pheno confirm my decision. There is just not a close 2nd to the MHz pheno. I laugh when I look back at how I though a smoke test would be the deciding factor as to my choice pheno but this line blessed me with a plant that was a clear champ from the beginning which turned my selection process into a cage fight. The champ has retained her belt. Selection process complete but that does not mean I'm killing the thread. Regardless of the title, this thread is what it is and I will continue to document my work with Mango Haze right here. I think that I'm still a ways from revealing the true potential of this girl and I want this thread to end with a proper example of the line, not a steroided out freak. I don't feel like I'm qualified for the smoke/grow report at this point but I will say that the smoke is heavenly with an energetic body buzz. It get's racy with caffine but is not anxious on it's's close though. You really get the sense of a 1/2 indica 1/2 sativa effect from it. I got everything and more than I wanted with this line. The taste is far more exotic than what I was anticipating, it's like roses and sandalwood, hint of lemon but in the way that frankincense has a lemony undertone and you can see how some of those tones can cross-over which is maybe why I have described it as frankincense/furniture polish. I think roses and sandalwood is about as perfect a description as I can get and still be easy to relate to. I'll also add that this smoke has very long duration. I don't really sense anything mango about it, maybe when I dry hit a joint but that's about it. Maybe that's just this pheno or maybe the flavor will change with improved cultivation...IDK...we shall see.

Please enjoy a dose of funk before you leave.:D


Awwwwwww yeahhh...some more old skool funk for your ear drum. I've had Rollercoaster stuck in my head for a week! :cool:
Right on HHHG, glad you like. Let's get this page goin':

So...I kinda screwed up when I set up the experiment. I finally replaced my 10 year old MH bulb on the same day that I added the yellow filter and I should have lowered the light. The plant was looking kinda pale and wasn't streching so I lowered the light and switched to the pink filter. The yellow filter has allot more green to it than I expected so I think I'm gonna pick up a new color for the chlorophyll A tests. The pink filter only reduces blue spectrum, not eliminate it completely which is probably better for the plant at this stage is why I switched. The reason I don't like the amount of green produced by the yellow filter is because I do not want the plant to have to protect itself from the extra photons. I don't know if a plant has to do that but I will eliminate the variable by knowing it doesn't have to. The hue I'm after should be a little more orange than what I got.

I'm thinkin' this is the one right here:


This is the filter that I'm most interested in because I think that there is a need to coerse this Mango Haze into ripening. She's a smart girl and will take the extra days of flowering if you give 'em to her. I need to trick her into thinking that winter is coming and I hope by using the orange filter and replicate the harvest sky will cause her to shift gears.

Here's how stuff is lookin':




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Bud Shots!

Please enjoy these pics of cured Potzilla.


The Mango smell really comes out when you have a huge pile of it.:D

I'm siding with the idea that Haze needs at least a month to cure. I've been smoking it for about that long and it always seems like it's a little better today than it was yesterday.:p



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hey all..
-my favourit kind of show off! Keep em comin, canna!
-mad pics on 253!
-any other varieties calling for your attention? jj
@ Elmer, I've seen your BW. The envy is mutual.;)

@ jondojoando, it's looking like I may have some AfSk x BW in my future.:D

So...I bet I figured out why my stuff ain't growing like the Mango Lights grow. The filter experiment should not be needed to achieve what I have going over there so what is the X factor? Say it with me, Elmer...Vapor Pressure Deficit!

OK, so I built the ML cab with a bathroom exhaust fan and I made the intake out of an 8"x12" register with filter. My cab has an exhaust fan about 10x that size with a 4" round intake. The pressure has got to be much lower in my cab than in the ML cab and must be causing my plants to think it's a warm day in the Himilayas, LOL! Looking back on my SC that did strech was right when my water-cooled light failed so I had not yet subjected the plants to a high elevation environment. I'm thinking that this is definitely the X factor.

Now my question is if I can acquire proper VPD by using pressure instead of humidity? The info I've seen on VPD doesn't account for elevation and it calls for scary levels of humidity so it would be nice to use pressure instead. I gotta find out for myself so it looks like I'll be doing some wrenching today, changing stuff around as usual. This is what I meant about abandoning scientific proceedure for the filter experiment, I might have missed this one had I put restrictions on myself. LOL! and I just cleaned all of the dust bunnies out of my hood which would make the problem worse. Funnier is that I'm at 25 feet above sea level which means I created the problem. I've opened up some vents on the cab so now it's running at neutral to ambient pressure and the door doesn't get yanked out of my hand anymore when I close it.:p

Very Nice MH

Hello Cannatari... You have really done a fine Job growing Mango Haze. Excellent grow log you have started.Fast Times at Ridgemont High was a cool stoner movie. peace, resinbud ;)
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Thanks, Resinbud. I'm still trying to replicate your backyard in a metal box, LOL! Please send me some cockatoo guano.:D

So...Mango Lights got chopped last night...kinda. I made a last minute decision to re-veg her so I removed all the bud and left as many fan leaves and branches as I could. I'll be damned if she don't look like a perfectly healthy plant in veg. I'll get a pic of her tonight.

What happened was that I was giving her a last minute inspection and my fingers smelled like the Nag Champa incense I spoke of before...I mean reaked exactly like the stuff. That confused me because I thought it was a different pheno that I had over there. To play it safe I decided it would be best to try to save the plant just to be sure. Plus I didn't have a plant ready for that grow so re-vegging Mango Lights will keep that cab productive.

I think I might have been wrong about the yield on the ML. She had 2 pretty monsterous colas and lots of fat chunks down low which is pretty impressive for a 250 watt HPS from the hardware store so I was wrong to judge her too early. She really swelled up at the end and flowered for 10 weeks exactly. I have to put my foot in my mouth regarding the idea that my early pheno's were a sacrifice in yield.:p

Looks like I'll be setting up for a ML/MHz side-by-side for round 4.

Here is a pic of Mango Lights after I removed all the bud from her:


I think she's gonna do fine. I have her on low strength nutes with some Superthrive and a silica additive. Finger X'ed.



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