Mango Haze: Selection In Small Spaces

Sorry to hear about the seeds canna. On the bright side at least it happened early in the grow and you hopefully have more to pop.
Thanks, Digger. Yes, I have plenty of seeds so it's not too bad of a loss. I'm just glad this was not my Critical Widow.

Hi cannatari,
I understand the technique of pre-cracking seeds on old, probably hard to sprout beans, but on relatively fresh stock, I suspect you are just doing it for practice, right?
You have to wonder if the kind of "slow release" water penetration into the shell does not serve some role in incubating (for lack of a better single word to describe protecting while in vulnerable development stages) the sprout itself.

Too hot/cold
Too wet/dry

Staring at a pile of dead sprouts, a grower knows "who" even when they don't know "what." Frustrating :(
Sorry for your loss mate. Get back in there and grow something!
Hiya, Cptn. The seed cracking technique was used on 2/18 seeds. They were small seeds and all of the larger ones had germinated but these did not was when I decided to assist. The same thing happened on my F1 run, 2/18 did not germinate and I should have intervened.

The seeds died because they shared a tray with clones and I just fed the clones for the first time. The run-off had to have been what burned the seeds. I was wrong to think that a little weak nutrient wouldn't hurt 'em.

I've been there brother. Killed 'em every way you can imagine..

Hey . . . quick question.
You mentioned you had minor VPD before your recent changes. What were the symptoms of that?
Notice big changes since increasing inflow?

I know I have minor VPD too. No attractive options to resolve right now.

VPD is a very interesting topic. It is a balance between temperature and pressure. All of what I've read on the subject talks about humidity as pressure and I'm not 100% that means barometric pressure as well. I am 100% positive that the only difference at the Mango Lights grow is the pressure. I won't see the results of Haze Garden 2.0 for a few weeks yet.

The symptoms were:

-Short,stunted, slow growth
-Susceptibility to mold

The experience is nothing like a nutrient deficiency or what not, it completely changes the way the plant grows. It's a super major factor.

The negative pressure imitates a high elevation which must affect plant mechanisms. Maybe the plant thinks it doesn't need a mold defense mechanism at that elevation. Exhausting air to manage humidity could actually make the problem worse if that is the case. We know that the plant prefers a tropical environment so why is humidity such a common problem?

IMO, it works like this, when you open the front door of your house, a breeze enters the room because the pressure in your house is lower than the pressure outside. So shouldn't you have the same effect when you open the door to your grow room? Picture a grow tent on the beach. If one of the doors were open, a mild breeze would inflate the tent. So a grow tent sitting in a room in your house should look inflated, right?

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'Lil ML update/recap

So, I did not check in on the Mango Lights grow last week. I got a report on Friday that the pH was low and the water level was low (My vortex hydro will start gurgling when it's time to add water) so I had her add 3 gallons of plain water which also brought the pH up to perfection. I'm starting to wonder if this isn't a better way to use Dutch Master Gold. They want you to set the pH low and let it rise but that means an add-back plus a pH adjustment. I like this new way better where the pH goes down and fresh water brings it back up.

I'm told that she has pistils everywhere and has basically outgrown the grow cab...s'cuse me, the "growdrobe" as the refer to it over there.;)

Here is from that last visit:


So, last time I was over there, I left the plant at 1.7 EC which was a little high since the pH went down (They don't have an EC meter at the ML grow). By the time I check her on Tuesday, it will be Day 21 which means that this plant will have been growing profusely for 3 weeks on the same resi with only 2 fresh water add-backs and I haven't had to use any pH Up/Down since I first mixed it up.

This plant has finally shifted gears which has me thinking that it's time to bump up the EC but I've decided to keep feeding her at 1.7 until I see the pH make a rise. I'm hoping to get 3 weeks out of the new res change that I will do on Tuesday which will set me up nicely to start flushing her on the following exchange. This will equate to 2 res changes for the entire flowering period and this girl is looking killer. One of these days I will get these results at my place.:p

Haze Garden Progress

I've been working hard on the flowering cab today. It's all ready for Mango Lights clones!


As you can see, I added an intake fan down low. You can hear it speed up when I open the door so I think it's definitely creating some pressure.

The light enclosure is made out of a vinyl pane window that I scrapped off of a job site. I had to cut the hole for it in the steel shelf that came with the cab with an abrasive blade on my skilsaw. What a nasty job that is. Now the blower for the light is completely isolated from the grow area.

I'm hoping the new changes will prove that my previous issues were due to negative pressure in the grow cab by producing some plants like the Growdrobe does. I think I got it this time.



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Atmospheric Pressure Vs. VPD Solved!

I've been there brother. Killed 'em every way you can imagine..

Hey . . . quick question.
You mentioned you had minor VPD before your recent changes. What were the symptoms of that?
Notice big changes since increasing inflow?

I know I have minor VPD too. No attractive options to resolve right now.


Well, I think I finally figured out why VPD articles never say anything about elevation/atmospheric pressure. The way I understand it now is...and this is gonna be very unscientific...that pressure caused by humidity is a far cry in weight compared to elevation. Pressure caused by humidity will never make your ears pop, right? You have to be 6 or 7 feet underwater to feel an effect similar to a 3000 foot drop in elevation on your ears, right? Scientific enough for me.

So, really, atmospheric pressure has little to do with VPD. I must have missed the fine print on the VPD chart where it says "At Sea Level".

So I do a search and find this article: Plants and Altitude It says that plant transpiration can double from sea level to 1000 meters which seems like a gnat's ass when you're talking about X amount of CFM's on the intake versus the exhaust, minus 15% for each elbow, etc, etc. An elbow in your exhaust or a dirty air filter really could make or break your atmospheric pressure and it is just as likely that you could upset the balance by replacing your filters or tidying up your ductwork if you are not in constant awareness of how alterations affect your atmospheric pressure.

So, to answer your question more accurately, Cptn, VPD had nothing to do with my situation. My problem was using a thermometer when I needed an altimeter.:p

Mango Lights Day 21

The EC crashed on me within the last few days, probably because 4 gallons of water had been added back in the past week. I still have yet to see the pH go up with this formula so I decided to replace the res with the same formula that I've been giving her even though her appetite has definitely increased.




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Flowering Cab Is Done!!!

Well, here is the flowering cab in it's full glory with 6 Mango Lights clones:



I'm going to let them veg until they are established before I flip the switch. Then I'll let them grow to the ceiling before removing the booster seat and switching the bulb to HPS.

The 2 best clones went into 4" RW cubes for future service as mother plants:


I'll be working on the veg area today so Haze Garden 2.0 should be in full function soon.



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My new invention

I'm sorry to announce that my CW seeds are dead. This makes 43 seeds that I've killed in the past few weeks. The last time I had a successful post germination was when a few seeds fell into my vortex hydro so in an effort to replicate that environment, I have created a machine that I hope will solve my problem of seeds germinating then dying:


I'll wait to see if it works before I go into detail about it but if you've been following along, you probably already know what I'm up to.

I tossed about a dozen MH F2's in it, filled it up with tap water, plugged it in and cried "Do it, bitch!".



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Bean Machine 2.0

LOL! It only took 1 day to revamp this thing. Now what I got is 2 net cups with a coffee filter in between them. There is a 4" tall tray inside that keeps the water level constant around the cup and that water overspills into the basin to supply the pump.

I call it the "Germination Pond".


In the top left there are pics of 2 positions. I add a net cup to create the "wet-bed" in the pic on the left which I may switch to after I see some emergence but they are in the submerged position right now and normally in the dark.

I know that the seeds will germinate in this thing but what I'm looking for are 1"-1 1/2" long roots because that's how far my current technique is not getting. Something is failing in between the soak and the sprout so if I've created an environment suitable for both then I have eliminated the seed's need for my lousy attention. I like that V2.0 makes it easy to watch their progress. All of the action would have happened under the lid in the previous version.

I'm cutting myself off from cracking anymore of Shant's beans until I have built something that works. I have thousands of MH F2's to practice with so failure is not an option.

hi cannatari,

i have a question about your mango pheno #2
in the picture on the previous page, there is a shot of its top. the leaf serations look round instead of pointed. i have a nevilles haze that looks similar.
what do you think the pheno #2 takes after, haze A?
Hiya, Jack. I have no idea how do go about discriminating HzA from HzC other than flavor. Nev has stated that HzC is sweet where HzA is spicy and my #2 is definitely spicy where my #1 is sweet so, yes, I think there is a good chance that this plant is expressing some HzA qualities.

72 Hours

So far the germ pond is functioning as it should and all 14 of the Mango Haze F2's are showing activity. 100% germination once again. I did the nutcracker on 4 or 5 of them last night to keep them from lagging behind and this morning those ones have their roots emerging.

So, my new rule: "When 2/3-3/4 of the seeds have germinated, the remaining seed's casings should be opened manually. This will help keep good uniformity and reduce future issues with the casings."




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Day 28

The pH finally went up this week which means that I could have fed her a little stronger last week. 2 gallons of plain water had been added last night so the EC was low when I checked on her today. 1.5-1.6 EC seems to be the money shot for this one.




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Mango Haze

Hi Cannatari... Wow! your thread has been viewed many times by me and is very informative, especially your enthusiasm for the plant we all love. I am thinking very seriously getting a pack of these for myself for the future. I can get a little paranoid with the Skunk it seems, and prefer most smokes without it. I look at your thread and all the lovers of Mango Haze makes me want them even more. I have two NH mammas and they are spectacular. L33t loves it,everyone loves MH. I should probably get a pack asap, fast.Nice job. peace, resinbud;)
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