LB's 2024 outdoor container grow

Yeah, @Skuncle Lenny, you and I don't exactly live in 'haze weather' climates. The stool on wheels is quite the challenge. Did I mention it is missing a wheel? It goes off balance very easy if you aren't very careful and always trying to keep track of where the missing wheel is. It's head over heels in a blink. If I should land on my artificial elbow there would be a fair chance of amputation of my arm. Just been using it lately to pick caterpillars off the lower branches. It caterpillar season here and they seem to love the Afghan Haze.

I think I will order another stool. Life was oh so cush when all the wheels worked. I'll look for something with bigger wheels and maybe a automatic transmission. ;)

It looks like the tarps covering your plants has worked really well. Good job keeping the dew and water off them. (y)

Unknown - but MNS

Unknown 091524 DSC_3151 LR .jpg

Afghan Haze #2

Afghan Haze #2 091524 DSC_3161 LR .jpg

Afghan Haze #2

Afghan Haze #2 091524 DSC_3163 LR .jpg

Afghan Haze #2

Afghan Haze #2 091824 DSC__3207  LR .jpg

Afghan Haze #2

Afghan Haze #2 091824 DSC__3205  LR .jpg

Early Queen #2 -
preggo with Early Queen F2 seeds

Early Queen #2 091524 DSC_3167.jpg


Unsure DSC_3198 LR.jpg


Unsure  091824 DSC_3202  LR .jpg

I'm located between the 'p' and the 't' in corruption.


Located at the 't' in corruption. Albany, capital of New York State. This is where all the legal stealing takes place. Bottom center by the river is a park where a Jazz Festival is taking place. The Jazz Festival takes place the weekend after Labor Day each year. Never went as the Tugboat Roundup in Waterford, and Adirondack National Car Show in Lake George all take place the same weekend each year. A friend of mine, Frankie Cavone, took this picture with one of his camera drones.

I chopped two colas from the Unknown plant as they seemed to be ripening unusually fast. The rest of the plant is still green and a couple weeks away. The two colas were from where I had topped the plant. Never saw this happen before. Sorry about the camera blur. Was shooting in Aperture mode and didn't realize the camera thought the blindingly bright LEDs were dark and slowed the shutter speed to 1/30 of a second. Bud was chopped by the time I realized it.

Unknown 100924 DSC_4464 LR.jpg

This bud was right next to it. Why such a difference?

Unknown 100924 DSC_4444 LR.jpg

Once out of the LEDs I could see they were not as brown as I thought. They got to be pretty close to ready though. After a few months of curing.........should be fine.

Unknown 101024 DSC_4629 LR.jpg

Got to be close.... sure I smoked worse. ;)

Unknown 101024 DSC_4593 LR.jpg

That geode reminds me of something :unsure:

Unknown 101024 DSC_4597 LR.jpg

Another hobby of mine is collecting geodes. This one has a lot of iron in the shell - a clue to where it was formed.

Unknown 101024 DSC_4608 LR.jpg

Perhaps I should have let her go a bit longer? Not used to how things look under LED. Live and learn! (y)

Unknown 101024 DSC_4605 LR.jpg

I see some amber. And clear. And cloudy. Yeah, I've smoked worse!

Unknown 101024 DSC_4573 LR.jpg

Picture makes it look nicer than it is!

Unknown 101024 DSC_4624 LR.jpg
Hey Longball Long time no talk I have been Mia . Was in one of those moods and grow/smoke break. Will restart soon . Those buds are lookin mighty fine . 🙂 I will be starting back soon . Hope you are doing well and definitely get a proper mobility chair . Be safe wouldn't wanna tip over the chair you got now . Cya around. Ps I figured out give or take where your at . Hopefully one year I will visit the beautiful area of yours. Hope I can . Stay blessed
Can never forget you guys in here . ❤️ I think I'm a bit autistic mixed with a little add so my interests get sidelined at times. So are they gonna build those Apartments to your east or not?. Hope not on google maps it is a beautiful area . And I can't do without your back porch grows. Keepem green
Can never forget you guys in here . ❤️ I think I'm a bit autistic mixed with a little add so my interests get sidelined at times. So are they gonna build those Apartments to your east or not?. Hope not on google maps it is a beautiful area . And I can't do without your back porch grows. Keepem green

haha Well, they try to keep us 'in the dark' of course. It turns out that a member of our group was instrumental in getting fracking banned in New York State. Good person to have on your side! (y)

This bud was right next to it. Why such a difference?
I have seen this on average every year on my outdoor plants Longball, the branch got infected by fusarium.
You probably got it before showed visible infestation (grey patch) on the branch.

I've seen it manifest more on branches closer to the center of the plant and usualy you can spot it by a decolorated zone on that branch.

On a side note:
I found it to have a similiar effect as girdling.
If you ever decide to force flower and produce flowers in the best months of the year this technique brings out the goods in sativa doms and a golden hue (not always).
I bet that you could make some nice pictures of that.

That unknown is a pretty girl and she has very good trich coverage.👌
I have seen this on average every year on my outdoor plants Longball, the branch got infected by fusarium.
You probably got it before showed visible infestation (grey patch) on the branch.

I've seen it manifest more on branches closer to the center of the plant and usualy you can spot it by a decolorated zone on that branch.

Very interesting, Swifty! Never saw it before. I'm a go out and take a better look at the plant. The buds look good but I'll double check now that I know this. I cut them cuz something just didn't seem right about them. You are right about them being closest to the center of the plant. I'll also look up fusarium and see what that's all about. Thanks again, Swifty. You've been a great help to me and the forum over the years!(y):love:

After taking care of the plants, I went to check the plant that possibly has fusarium. It wasn't until after the lights were out the I read that fusarium is incurable and can spread to other plants. Recheck and possibly remove tomorrow. I bought the camera and a 'nifty-fifty' lens for some great close up shots of the plant stalk and see what we could figure out. For the life of me I could not get the camera to take a picture. Arrrgh! WTF! Then I remembered that the SD card was still in the computer as I had been looking at previous pictures I had taken. CRS - Can't Remember Shit. Been doing this 3 times a week for 4 months now. :mad:

I go back to the house for the SD card. When I come out the sun had set and the Moon had risen. Why not use a lens for close up pictures and take a picture of something a quarter of a million miles away? I love photography. Instead of a picture of maybe a diseased plant stalk, a half-assed picture of a Waxing Gibbous Moon.

"The Waxing Gibbous Moon phase represents a time of refinement and preparation. As the Moon continues to grow, and more of its surface is illuminated, our focus shifts from initiating actions to perfecting them. This phase urges us to analyze our progress, make necessary adjustments, and hone our path towards our goals."

Waxing Gibbous Moon as shot with 'nifty-fifty' lens.


@longball sorry to hear about the potential fusarium.

That AfgHz#2 looks like a beauty.

Thank you! Not quite sure what is going on, not sure I ever heard of it. From what I can tell so far it seems to affect roots, stalks, branches, maybe from infected soil. While I can't rule it out yet I do have to ask why just 2 tops
and not the whole plant. Same soil was used for all plants. Why aren't they all infected? Or are they? I guess there is also fusarium wilt. I guess you get that from open cuts and wounds that you did not cover with scotch tape or vaseline. As far as stalk and root rot goes fusarium looks like this - not my plant.


The stalk and branches on my plant look like this which looks normal to me.

Ukn 6 101224 DSC_4703 LR.jpg

The branch where the buds were from. It was where the plant was topped. Cut a couple days ago so unsure what the color was then.

Ukn 6 101224 DSC_4699 LR.jpg

I cut the stalk open and it looks fine to me.

Ukn 7 101224 DSC_4703 LR.jpg

@Swifty, @musashi, would you smoke these buds knowing what you know, and by their looks? Looks good enough to smoke! :unsure:

Ukn 5 101224 DSC_4750 LR.jpg

The bud looks very sedating! :)

Ukn 3 101224 DSC_4765 LR.jpg

Seems like a lot of trichomes to throw away! Hate to do all this work for nothing as it sure looks good. So many trichomes it almost looks like caviar! lol

Ukn 2 101224 DSC_4752 LR.jpg

Thank you! Not quite sure what is going on, not sure I ever heard of it. From what I can tell so far it seems to affect roots, stalks, branches, maybe from infected soil. While I can't rule it out yet I do have to ask why just 2 tops
and not the whole plant. Same soil was used for all plants. Why aren't they all infected? Or are they? I guess there is also fusarium wilt. I guess you get that from open cuts and wounds that you did not cover with scotch tape or vaseline. As far as stalk and root rot goes fusarium looks like this - not my plant.

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The stalk and branches on my plant look like this which looks normal to me.

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The branch where the buds were from. It was where the plant was topped. Cut a couple days ago so unsure what the color was then.

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I cut the stalk open and it looks fine to me.

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@Swifty, @musashi, would you smoke these buds knowing what you know, and by their looks? Looks good enough to smoke! :unsure:

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The bud looks very sedating! :)

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Seems like a lot of trichomes to throw away! Hate to do all this work for nothing as it sure looks good. So many trichomes it almost looks like caviar! lol

View attachment 93855

Water hash if you aren’t sure of the bud? I’d cut that affected stem back more just to be sure. And keep an eye out for the tell tail fury spot on the stem where it gets in. That plant might not fully develop as good as it normally would without fusarium. I’ve had it a couple of times it is horrible mine used to go hand in hand with septoria as well.