Breeding techniques

nev, i heard you say earlier in this very thread that you could only oversee and no time for any projects of you own? i knew better. it's in your blood and you can't help yourself! lol. however, we do share one similar concern; what am i going to smoke in 2012? and i wonder if i will need anything special on 12/23/12? peace-biteme
@ biteme

12/21/12 -- Don't wait until the 23rd, or you'll miss the party. Neville: here's one all us inquiring apocalypsians want to know!

I don't want to veer the discussion off track, but wanted to mention my preparation for this (and should say, I don't see it as anything more meaningful than a great reason to throw a killer party) since the cross below is inspired by this thread (and tangentially relates to the "Grail Haze"). I have ten gallons of an imperial raspberry stout fermenting away (alc./vol. = ~20.12%) for the event, and the smokeable libations will be Neville's Haze x DJ Short's F-13. Get ready for an evening under the stars in the mountains of southern Oregon (yurt to crash in, snow cat to get to the event) to bring in the end of time as we know it! Hope everyone has a good time wherever they are--start planning now!
He cant come over here Man. I already invited Him. I didnt realise He was once on Americas top ten most wanted. Thats what I read somewhere. Gonna party with Him, You gotta go there.

PS Im a all grain brewer from way back. 19 years. Throw some good trim in along with the hops. I made an all grain Barley wine ale once that was way strong. Youd get ripped off a 12 ounce bottle. I also made a Raspberry stout. I was making about 80-90 gallons a year.I think we are allowed to make 200 gallons. I havnt brewed for several years, but still have a complete 15 gallon mini Brewery out in My shop. I also have the several stainless mini kegs and co2 set ups. Thats a fun hobby!
That sounds like a hell of a party. Shame I can't enter the US due to my drug conviction.
I'm hoping that an F13 male mated to a great N. Haze female will produce something worth smoking at the end of time. Both of these families lean towards uplifting and mind-expanding consciousness alteration--the goal is something beautiful to smoke on 12/21/12 that will be orbital, but kind to its partakers. It would be great if they could manage outdoors (sounds like we actually have similar problems Bohempian; I'm at 45N), but that's not the goal this time around.

Side note: I tried doing something similar a few years ago, but in the opposite direction (DJ Short's Blueberry mom x Original Haze). This was before Nev's historical discussion of the haze, so I was under the impression Sam's was "original" (the females were good; not electric, but uplifting). I wasn't able to flower any of the cross, but grew ~20 to around 3 feet tall (1m) outdoors--very dominated by the haze.

Dr. Purpur: I love the sound of that barley wine and any canna-infused libation. Beauty, eh?
BH: If you manage to sneak in, you're welcome to join us!
I didnt realise He was once on Americas top ten most wanted. That's what I read somewhere
I was on a Red list, whatever that means. I had the printout from Interpol. Brown hair, green eyes, 186cm, tattooed, heavily scarred, armed, violent and dangerous. I almost scared myself. It meant that I could only be arrested by swat teams. They closed off the highways around Rotterdam once to arrest me with 2 swat teams. I can't tell how strange it was to be the only car in sight on a highway in Holland.
That's what they do, they lie about everything and if you make one mistake when you're arrested, well you're dead. Problem solved. I spent 4 days in isolation during Christmas over that one.
Were the first three facts about you accurate? I doubt the other 5 were.

I can imagine how strange that highway incident was, that's just a hilarious example of how they have their priorities all wrong in their stupid War On Drugs.

I bet you life upto this point would make for a great film Nev! lol

When I got bust in Holland the cops, after they cuffed me said 'do you have any weapons?' I was like 'yer what, weapons? like what?' Cop replies 'knives, guns, axes, CS gas' I thought 'christ, do you normally find growers are heavily armed?' they had a search and found an axe in the barn, they took that, they also took the claw hammer out of my toolkit which was wierd. I asked them to cuff me in front so I could sit and have a cigarette while they had a search, they were happy to do that and I sat there finishing off the joint I'd been smoking while they ransacked my house. Holland is a strange place.
I bet you life upto this point would make for a great film Nev! lol
I'm still waiting for the happy ending. Until now it's a sad story of greed and betrayal. The script goes something like this. Cannabis growers get together to prove that we are not defined by the few arseholes at the top. We scour the earth for the best plants and people work together to herald a new age of cannabis breeding, where the best genetics are available to all. New breeders are given help and encouraged in cannabis breeding clubs all over the world. We are not far off you know, the old system is crumbling. It's up to us to be the change we want to see in the world.
Were the first three facts about you accurate? I doubt the other 5 were.
I'm 186cm , my eyes are grey/green, I have one small tattoo on my right shoulder I got when I was 15 and the burns I got when I burned my house down making hash oil, healed so miraculously that Doctors had extra ward rounds in hospital to show students the miracle. There's nothing left to see. They must have got that from the HT article. That photo of me holding the hash in Afghanistan was taken 5 years after my face burned off. Doctors were particularly worried about my nose, but this huge crust, like a clowns nose just came off in one piece and I had a new skin. The black face just peeled off and my whole face was pink with new skin. It looked a bit funny until it tanned up. I think that it was an advance form of a face peel, It made me better looking.
never heard of a red list but i am guessing it is an international designation rather than one of some usa agency? but i am shocked to learn of any inability to enter the usa. have you made any recent attempts at entry?

and it certainly doesn't work that way from my standpoint. passports expire every 10 years and i will need my 3rd edition soon. but i did not make it through life unscathed and felonies were piled on me at one point. as near as i can tell it seems like little attention is paid to them after a point? i have never been denied entry to any country. i think once you have the passport you are good as gold? of course my charges involved trafficking only, nothing as serious as you breeders. lol. peace-biteme
I'm still waiting for the happy ending. Until now it's a sad story of greed and betrayal. The script goes something like this. Cannabis growers get together to prove that we are not defined by the few arseholes at the top. We scour the earth for the best plants and people work together to herald a new age of cannabis breeding, where the best genetics are available to all. New breeders are given help and encouraged in cannabis breeding clubs all over the world. We are not far off you know, the old system is crumbling. It's up to us to be the change we want to see in the world.
I'm 186cm , my eyes are grey/green, I have one small tattoo on my right shoulder I got when I was 15 and the burns I got when I burned my house down making hash oil, healed so miraculously that Doctors had extra ward rounds in hospital to show students the miracle. There's nothing left to see. They must have got that from the HT article. That photo of me holding the hash in Afghanistan was taken 5 years after my face burned off. Doctors were particularly worried about my nose, but this huge crust, like a clowns nose just came off in one piece and I had a new skin. The black face just peeled off and my whole face was pink with new skin. It looked a bit funny until it tanned up. I think that it was an advance form of a face peel, It made me better looking.

Awe , We still figure You look funny as hell, but if You can bag the lovely ladies, and breed good weed, were all for You!

Just kiddin, the Jury came back , and decided "We all Love You." Were glad for what you did. Were glad You stood strong, and We stand by You Proudly!
I haven't been convicted of anything in Australia, except for charges from when I was a teenager. My last offence in Holland is 30 years ago. A small hash bust that I got community service for, coupled with a DUI. The American charges were dropped after 14 years as unprosecutable. I don't know why probably half the people, including prosecutors were dead or retired. I just don't trust the American Justice system. This is a government that uses torture and depleted uranium warheads in wars of aggression. If you won't cut a deal you are kept in horrific conditions for 2 years before you get a trial. If I lived in the US, I'd be trying to get out. They haven't got good things planned for you non conformists. 600 FEMA concentration camps that they admit to (google Rex 84).
Once you topple the Bush Clinton crime gang, then I'll come.

I'm picturing a Southern Hemisphere summer solstice. Out on a property in the bush, miles from interference with a couple of hundred dedicated smokers testing the best weed of the century. Hmmm and I want some pretty girls there too. Something could be organised.
I think the buried passport was still there at the end of the book. But I was high as shit when I was reading that thing and it was years ago.
G`day GITB
Yes I watched a video of Oward looking for the buried passport but it was not found on that occasion .
Thanks for sharin
Elmer Bud .
G`day GITB
Yes I watched a video of Oward looking for the buried passport but it was not found on that occasion .
Thanks for sharin
Elmer Bud .

ya i watched the same vid... apparently, when you dont bury something yourself it becomes it bit harder to find... especially if you dont actually DIG into the earth to find it because the soil is too hard and compact

hahaha.... howard marks is absolutely hilarious!

I don't know when things started going downhill for Sensi, to be honest I've never bought a pack of Sensi Seeds apart from Mexican Sativa years ago and they didn't germ. Sensi were always too expensive compared to what else was available. The Geoden law was introduced in 1998 and that was when the general decline set in.
Serious Seeds saw a decline in some of their lines after 98 due to loss of parentals, the Kali Mist and AK47 changed and not for the better, some say White Russian isn't what it once was either.

I don't know if things declined at Sensi after Nevil left, the newer Sensi strains like Marley's Collie, American Dream etc are ones I know very little about, never seen em grown, in fact, you see very few Sensi Seeds grows online these days and it's been that way for years. I don't remember ever seeing grows of Silver Haze for example. I'm struggling to think of any Sensi grows I've seen last few years to be honest.

In the case of Serious seeds thats the result of 1:1 parents and one being lost or both. in Kali Mist they switched to a more indica male and then back to a sat type to try and get it back like the original...

oh Marleys Collie I tried and liked it but I like anything with one of the parents used the ort15 I think.
I'm still waiting for the happy ending. Until now it's a sad story of greed and betrayal. The script goes something like this. Cannabis growers get together to prove that we are not defined by the few arseholes at the top. We scour the earth for the best plants and people work together to herald a new age of cannabis breeding, where the best genetics are available to all. New breeders are given help and encouraged in cannabis breeding clubs all over the world. We are not far off you know, the old system is crumbling. It's up to us to be the change we want to see in the world.
I'm 186cm , my eyes are grey/green, I have one small tattoo on my right shoulder I got when I was 15 and the burns I got when I burned my house down making hash oil, healed so miraculously that Doctors had extra ward rounds in hospital to show students the miracle. There's nothing left to see. They must have got that from the HT article. That photo of me holding the hash in Afghanistan was taken 5 years after my face burned off. Doctors were particularly worried about my nose, but this huge crust, like a clowns nose just came off in one piece and I had a new skin. The black face just peeled off and my whole face was pink with new skin. It looked a bit funny until it tanned up. I think that it was an advance form of a face peel, It made me better looking.

It's very heart warming to see that, despite all the kicks in the balls you've had that you haven't let it make you a bitter sod, that you still have noble goals and intentions. You lead and I'll try to follow and I'm sure a lot more will join in too.

Reading that article, it did make it sound like you must have been a bit of a hard case to have dived through a window on fire and run to get help. When I was in Holland this year I nearly burned down a holiday cottage making oil, one of the glass jars full of about 5 litres of iso alcohol shattered cascading iso everywhere and it was ignited by the flame of the gas cooker that was purging a tray of oil/alcohol. Luckily I managed to pull my shirt off, dunk it in the sink, wet it and use it to beat the flames out. I sat there afterwards smoking a joint and chilling down again and I thought of that story in HT and thought 'hmm, it didn't stop Nev so I shouldn't worry too much'. Of course, I was a lot luckier then you were and apart from my arm and hair that got a wee bit singed I was fine. I suppose to US DEA types reading about us making oil with solvents it sounds akin to a methlab in that we were producing a hard drug (by their definition, not mine) in a heath robinson setup. Fuck em I say and if anyone ever doubted that Nev must have had balls to do what he did just remember the phrase '5 years after my face burnt off', I know I will. Classic Nev, nice one. lol
ya i watched the same vid... apparently, when you dont bury something yourself it becomes it bit harder to find... especially if you dont actually DIG into the earth to find it because the soil is too hard and compact

hahaha.... howard marks is absolutely hilarious!


That part of the video amused me, he had the smallest possible trowel and barely attempted to stick it in the ground, typical bloody stoner I thought, he got there, it was warm and sunny and a pleasant spot to sit on the grass and smoke a joint looking across the lake so why spoil the moment with any unpleasantness to do with physical labour and getting dirty! Remember, Howard was a theoretical physicist, not a coal miner so he probably hadn't dug any holes since he was a kid on Pendyn beach in Wales.

I've met Howard three or four times over the years and he's always pretty funny, his stand-up show is hilarious, I went twice to see it, the DMT toad stories were worth hearing a second time!

Still not see the Mr Nice film, wasn't shown at any cinemas within 50 miles of where i live, have to get the DVD when it comes out.