Breeding techniques

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It is b_h who is disrupting the peace of the forum when he talks shit about the oldest MNS members...


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i have a question i guess that sort of relates to landraces.
Nev, if i am correct you worked on commercial thai lines to create the Juicy Fruit?

Now is there still anything hidden in say some modern comercial thai or mexican weed that is worth saving seed from a bag and growing and looking for? For one the mexi brick has been the same for years, I would assume that some of the more mass produced stuff with seeds would have some genetic integrity still left in it no?

I think DJ Short claims it as his coop, DJ Short on the 'Origins of Blueberry' HERE
I have very high standards for my P1 generation. For me, the P1 must be either a fully acclimated, region-of-origin land-race variety, or no more than one generation removed, and crossed with itself or another highly similar, region-of-origin land-race variety. I used three P1 strains to breed Blueberry, Flo and others. They were the Highland Thai (also called Juicy Fruit Thai, a first-generation Thai seed grown in the Pacific Northwest); a cross called Purple Thai which was a first generation land-race Chocolate Thai crossed once with a first generation land-race Highland Oaxaca Gold; and an Afghani Indica which came to me one generation removed from Afghanistan via the California/Southern Oregon growing community.

Juicy FruitJuicy FruitThe Highland Thai was a joy to grow and behold, despite its hermaphroditism. This plant grew fast, filling in any empty spaces with lush, green growth. It was a very slow finisher, 12 to 16 weeks and beyond in the bud period for most. It had the longest and skinniest leaves out of all the plants I have worked with. Thick side-branching is another characteristic of this variety.
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I am a little confused at some peoples posts regarding reservation of a given genetic strain / line.

Its like this if you were going to preserve save an Eco system like a valley a swamp or wet lands you save all of it not just the parts that look nice you save the lot of it.

So in short if it has long flowering small wispy flowers and so on thats what you save if you want to then breed hybridize the line to speed up flowering get larger less airy flowers and so on you do it then not when your trying to preserve a line.

When you have a pure land race true breeding line why do you need lots of plants to preserve it ?.

I have smoked and Sean plenty of pure true breeding lines that have been in breed for decades and they showed no loss of vigor or did they loos any thing from selecting the best fem to the best male of the line then seed made and grown the next year and repeated for years and years.

If your talking hybrids lines with 3 or more lines breed to a given line your odds of keeping it as you like is were selection numbers and the rest matters because its easy to take a good hybrid use many untested males on a great female and take it back woulds.
I could care less about PT it is swiss hemp like I already told you...

I m at home here...always been...since 1992...

Stop bullshitting my friends everywhere on the net.
It is strange that a repentant feminized seed advocate like you do not feel any gratitude toward those who fought against all the fem boys over the years.

Big up to Hempy and JessE for keeping it real..

Show some respect.



Respect has to be earned, as has disrespect and you are earning more and more disrespect so it has got to the point where I'm going to start ignoring you as you're just being negative for no reason.

My stance on feminised seeds hasn't changed for a long while, I have never been against the process of feminising, it is a tool and if properly used, a valuable tool, only someone shortsighted would not see that. What I do have a problem with is the way feminising has been used as a quick and dirty way of churning out feminised copies of other people genetics, lots of companies do that, particularly the Spanish ones, Dinafem being a prime example.

Jesse went off into some mad crazy fantasy world of conspiracy with his counterarguments against femmed seeds, I never got involved in that side of the debate as it was pointless and barely grounded in reality, I spent a lot of time discussing the scientific aspects of the feminising process, it's advantages and disadvantages, how it may be used in breeding programmes, I talked to the educated people in order to become informed and ignored the uneducated who were just spinning around inside crazy conspiracy worlds, it detracted from the real debate.
The Juicy Fruit Thai DJ talks about is not the same as the Sensi Seeds one, of that I'm certain. Nev made the Sensi version, he posted about it a few weeks back.
So you think you can continue to post here while badmouthing other respected members?

You re a fool.

If you want to be accepted here you will have to restric yourself from these bad manners.


Your constant trolling of me would appear to be the problem here.
Your constant trolling of me would appear to be the problem here.

British Hempire,
Kashgari is a member who has earned his stripes, unlike yourself, and is anything but a troll. He is simply calling a spade a spade, sometimes the truth hurts British Hempire!

Where the hell do you get off calling me a troll? I haven't behaved that way at all. .
Oh no? :confused:

Below are just three examples, from three seperate threads I could site. The reality is you've been up to this behavior for years, and yet you claim to not be a troll? Please! :rolleyes:

Jesse went off into some mad crazy fantasy world of conspiracy with his counterarguments against femmed seeds, I never got involved in that side of the debate as it was pointless and barely grounded in reality, I spent a lot of time discussing the scientific aspects of the feminising process, it's advantages and disadvantages, how it may be used in breeding programmes, I talked to the educated people in order to become informed and ignored the uneducated who were just spinning around inside crazy conspiracy worlds, it detracted from the real debate.

If I thought the picture could have been fully fleshed out I would have done so, but there are just too many blind alleys and as a trained journalist, I'd never publish anything that I hadn't been able to fully fact-check, I'll leave amateur much-raking to Jesse and Joe, they are good at it.

Jesse, your post is a load of bullshit and quite frankly, highly insulting to us UK folks who have known and worked with the Cheese cut for a long time. You quite clearly haven't got a clue what you're talking about and are merely making assumptions based on picstures you have seen on the net.

For the record, the Cheese cutting was discovered in 1989 by a fella called Mark living in the Chiltern Hills from a pack of Sensi Seeds Skunk #1. He passed it to the Exodus Collective in 1995 and they spread it further. Contrary to the myth, they didn't hand it out freely to everyone far and wide, they made a lot of people jump through hoops, but they did pass it out. A fella called Brightside is largely responsible for spreading it around in the early years of this decade, it was passed to the HGF coffeeshop in Amsterdam in 2003. Big Buddha is a charlatan, a fraud and a thief, but it is his release of Cheese seeds in 2005 that kicked off a lot of the hype. Unlike the US, the UK was never a place that placed much store in 'elite' cuttings and we didn't put much emphasis on names, we still don't really, this is why it is only in the last 5 years that the Cheese name has become widely discussed, if Buddha have never released those seeds the Cheese name would not have got so much steam behind it. There were and still are tons of better cuts in the UK, just they haven't been hyped so much, although The Blues is starting to catch up to Cheese in name value in the UK these days.

I really cannot stress enough how misguided and completely incorrect Jesse's post is, he's talking out of his arse completely, lives on another continent to where the Cheese story happened and doesn't know any of the people involved. I live in the UK, I know many of the people who have been involved in the Cheese story personally, met em many times and it just really annoys me that a idiot like Jesse can be so sure that he is right and everyone in the UK is wrong.

Jesse, you're a internet conspiracy nutter of the highest order and you just made yourself look truly ludicrous to all the UK people.

You remind me more of Perez Hilton than someone with a true passion for our plant British Hempire.
The Juicy Fruit Thai DJ talks about is not the same as the Sensi Seeds one, of that I'm certain. Nev made the Sensi version, he posted about it a few weeks back.

Whatever?, I don't think I'll be getting into a chicken and egg about it.
If pointing out the worst excesses of your behaviour is trolling then yeah, I'm a troll. You wrote a pile of crap about Cheese that was pure fantasy, I corrected you, that isn't trolling. I figured out how you work ages ago, you present an elaborate argument only partly based on fact but fleshed out with wild speculation and assumption then rather than try to defend your viewpoint you instead mock, ridicule and insult anyone who disagrees with you. Jesse, you're a joke and I suspect the way you keep dreaming up outlandish conspiracies is a clear symptom of some mental problem.
@ JessE, that is totally unfair, you could have found 10 similar comments from anyone who ever read your stuff.
Whatever?, I don't think I'll be getting into a chicken and egg about it.

Well, DJ started working with the Juicy Fruit Thai he wrote about in the early 80s when he first started on creating what became the blue family of strains. Nev didn't breed Juicy Fruit until the mid 90s when he was working at Sensi. Similar names, totally different things.
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back in the thread named Breeding techniques, Nevil if you are still here :), can we talk about the utility and the use of recessive males in cannabis breeding ?
i heard you and shantibaba use them, what is the secret about it ? some traits are only recessive ? and maybe it has something to do with sex linked traits too ?

ps : unfortunatly hazy lady leaved us...

I'm also very interested in this subject. I believe recessive genes are a throwback to a much older generation. It would be cool to hear ideas on how to resurface hidden recessive genes in male plants.