Super Silver Haze, A nice keeper!

Hey Swifty I wanted to ask what fertilizers you use?

Hello Apollo,

I use Plagron Light Mix, Alga Grow, Alga Bloom and Green Sensation, happy with the results over the years and this is a good base to grow nice flowers with.
This year I wil experiment with Sugar Royal, Calmag Pro, Silic rock and for soil amendment Bat Guano.
I already worked with Sugar Royal before with SSH and they only like a small dosage.
I plan on adding small amounts of these products, we will see how this goes.

News from the shed!

They are doing good after one day in their new home.
Temps are still low, 18°C but the seem ok with it.
Plan is to let them grow for approximately 3 weeks with a repot into 20L buckets. They are now in 3,5L pots.
Gave them Alga Grow (2ml/l) yesterday.

The plan is to flower 12 girls this time, 7 Super Silver Hazes, 4 Skywalker Hazes and 1 Western Winds (have 1 extra in there for now).
Only the CMH is on at 315W as they grow I will fire the LED's up.

I think that you can spot the SSH's:)SSH2ind7.jpgSSH2ind8.jpg

Update sunday:

Plants have grown well this week despite colder temps at night (8°C lowest).
I gave them a feeding of 2ml/l Alga Grow two days ago with rainwater.
Today I fired the S600 V2 up at approx. 70% and spread them more apart.
I will transplant them this week into 20L buckets.



I've fired al the lights up now. Coverage is better than last year.
All plants where transplanted yesterday evening into 20L buckets, I filled the pots halfway with Light Mix, added 240ml of Bat Guanoand mixed well.
Then I filled pots up with no further amendments. When transplanted I do this very gently, I see that stress is minimal today.

The SSH's where topped wednesday evening, left 5 branches on them, they are now in the black pots.
Western Winds en Skywalker Haze's are left untopped.
It's remarkable how strong all these plants grow, with the SSH beeing the most impressive!

Led's are at 60-70% and CMH at 315w.

They where fed 2ml/ Alga Grow, 0,5ml/l Calmag and 0,5ml/l Silic Rock in rain water.
No EC measurements nor PH measurements.

Group shot:


Here you can see the setup:


The SSH's:


After reading Shanti's tips on growing last year I improved some things.
Wires are tucked away nicely now.
I only need some sticky fly traps and were of for another grow in the shed.


This week has been rough on the SSH's. I saw yellow tips starting to form in combination with tips turned downwards.
It was cold (minimum 6°C) in the shed, I was prudent in giving them water and maybe the bat guano is to strong.
I know that she is a finicky girl.

I did give them more water in the second half of the week and upped the Calmag and Silic Rock to 1ml/l.
Temps are rising and new growth seems better.
If anyone has another opinion on what went wrong, please give your thoughts.:)
Skywalker Haze's and Western Winds are doing great.
They had 3 weeks of veg, tomorrow flower will start!

SSh's where topped again and the Skywalkers and Western Winds now also.

General overview:


Most SSH's:


Left row of white pots are Skywalker Haze, Right row starting from the back and coming to the front are SSH, Western Winds and Skywalker haze:


Here you can see the damage on the SSH's better:


Structure of the SSH's, there will be more pruning in the following weeks:


Update from the shed:

Tomorrow it's been 1 week of flowering.

Temps are between 22-24°C when lights on and minimal 18°C at lights of.
They are at 12/12 for now, CMH still at 315W and leds now at 80% (except the TS1000, it's at 100%).
They are fed 1ml/l Alga Bloom, 1ml/l Calmag and 1ml/l Silic Rock with rainwater. Generaly 1,3L water every 2 days per plant.
Cuts for new mom's where made yesterday.

They are doing good, still yellow tips but it seems that it is getting better.
The SSH's are starting to give a sweeter incense smell.

I will prune lower branches and leaves tomorrow.

General overview:


The SSH's:


Structure of the SSH's:


The stems are really strong and thick (20L buckets) , here you can see the great vigor of MSN seeds. I should look into my notes but this cut is certainly over 5 years old by now!
They are now 1 month in the shed, strong growth in 4 weeks time.


Close up of a SSH, Still damage to be seen. I keep thinking what this could be?
It does seem stable and appears to becoming lesser. Pherhaps the bat guano?


Center plant is Western Winds:


Here is a Skywalker Haze (bottom left you can see a Mango Haze IBL):


Weekly update:

Tomorrow they will be 2 weeks in flower mode.

Everything is on track, I hope that they will stop stretching soon.

Al LED's are at 100% and the CMH is at 345W, the shed is firing on al cylinders now.:)
I keep my lights now between 30-45cm above canopy.

Feeding is at 2ml/L Alga Bloom, 1ml/l Silic Rock and 1ml/l Calmag Pro since today.

I will hang another fan in this week, feels a bit humid when I open up the spot and will increase extraction also. There is a big biomass in there now.
Temps are fairly steady between 21-25°C.

General overview:




Close up of a SSH, seems that the damage isn't in the new growth anymore:


Here Skywalker Haze and Western Winds (big one left is a SSH) enjoying themselves, they are also faster in budset:


Western Winds:


Skywalker Haze:


Update from the shed:

This week was troublesome, plants are doing to good.
They have stretched well past the light and had to top almost all SSH's two days ago.
This was necessary to maintain the quality but it will affect yield and will stress them.
I know that they can stretch a fair bit but summer heat with perhaps the bat guano has them in overdrive now.
Their health however is very good, they are looking very happy.

Tomorow they will enter the fourth week flowering.

Feeding stays at 2ml/L Alga Bloom, 1ml/l Silic Rock and 1ml/l Calmag Pro for the next week.
Lights are all at 100%, CMH at 345W.
Temps vary between 24-30°C.
RH stays low at 45%.

Gereral overview before removing the Mango's:


Super Silver Haze enjoying themselves:



Close up of SSH flowers:


Skywalker Haze's, Western Winds and the big one in the back is a SSH:


Western Winds:


Almost all main shoots where topped two days ago, it is still early in flowering.
I hope that yields wont be to much comprimised:


General overview after rearranging, Western Winds is now moved to the front (right one, white pot) and the Skywalkers needed support.
The Mango Haze IBL#1 now has space to flower properly:


Close up of Skywalker Haze:


Greetings and until next week.
Last edited:

I smell sweet haze when I open up the shed.:)
They are all in good health, I do find that they start to look dark green (especially SWH and WW).

Tomorow they will enter the fifth week of flowering.

Feeding is at 2ml/L Alga Bloom, 0,5ml/l Silic Rock and 0,5ml/l Calmag Pro (mixed with rainwater, no PH measurements) for the next week.
I feed them al 1,5L almost every day now.
Lights are all at 100%, CMH at 345W, they are having 11H on and 13H off starting tomorow!
Temps vary between 25-32°C.
RH stays low at 45%.

General overview:


SSH side:


Structure of a SSH:


SSH bud development after 4 weeks of flowering:


Trichome's of SSH:


Skywalker Haze left and Western Winds right (front)


Western Winds:


Skywalker Haze:


Weekly update:

Budset starts to set in this week, smell is becoming stronger now (haze, citrus, sweeter).
When I opened up the shed this morning I saw al lot of SSH branches starting to lay flatter. I knew that I was going to have to start tying soon but not this fast.
Took me a good 2 hours but I am not happy with the results but is has to do for now.
Next winter I will make adjustments to the space in order that setting up screens is doable when needed.

Tomorow they will enter the sixt week of flowering.

Feeding is at 2ml/L Alga Bloom, 1ml/l Green Sensation (mixed with rainwater, no PH measurements) for the next week.
I feed them al 1,5L almost every day now.
Lights are all at 100%, CMH at 345W, 11on and 13off.
Temps vary between 26-32°C.
RH is low at 35-40%.

General overview (right after tying):


SSH side:


SSH structure:


SSH budset:


SSH trichomes:


Skywalker Haze left side, Western Winds right side front:


Western Winds:


Skywalker Haze:


Weekly update:

Budset starts to set in this week, smell is becoming stronger now (haze, citrus, sweeter).
When I opened up the shed this morning I saw al lot of SSH branches starting to lay flatter. I knew that I was going to have to start tying soon but not this fast.
Took me a good 2 hours but I am not happy with the results but is has to do for now.
Next winter I will make adjustments to the space in order that setting up screens is doable when needed.

Tomorow they will enter the sixt week of flowering.

Feeding is at 2ml/L Alga Bloom, 1ml/l Green Sensation (mixed with rainwater, no PH measurements) for the next week.
I feed them al 1,5L almost every day now.
Lights are all at 100%, CMH at 345W, 11on and 13off.
Temps vary between 26-32°C.
RH is low at 35-40%.

General overview (right after tying):

View attachment 73918

SSH side:

View attachment 73919

SSH structure:

View attachment 73920

SSH budset:

View attachment 73921

SSH trichomes:

View attachment 73922

Skywalker Haze left side, Western Winds right side front:

View attachment 73923

Western Winds:

View attachment 73924

Skywalker Haze:

View attachment 73925


I fell in love with your SSH grow :love:

Made me add SSH to my future wish list ;)