Super Silver Haze, A nice keeper!

Hello everybody!

I've been very busy vaping and smoking my SSH keeper cut (indoors and outdoor run) to make a smoke report and final opinion of indoor vs outdoor.
It's not easy to compare, there are a lot of variables that needs considering and I came to the conclusion that you have to smoke/vape a lot to come to a decent conclusion.
Some friends were very happy to help me out here, they already know my cut but some seem to have a favorite (did blind testing).

Have a good start of the new year and grow some SSH in 2023!:cool:

Smoke report will follow shortly.

Hello everybody!

I've been very busy vaping and smoking my SSH keeper cut (indoors and outdoor run) to make a smoke report and final opinion of indoor vs outdoor.
It's not easy to compare, there are a lot of variables that needs considering and I came to the conclusion that you have to smoke/vape a lot to come to a decent conclusion.
Some friends were very happy to help me out here, they already know my cut but some seem to have a favorite (did blind testing).

Have a good start of the new year and grow some SSH in 2023!:cool:
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Smoke report will follow shortly.

Beautiful . Shortly he says hahaha 😆 can't wait to hear the smoke report. ....Nudge......
Here they are @10 weeks of flowering.
They were a little overwatered between week 8-10.

View attachment 66331

Here some genuin bud porn of SSH:),

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I had a sniff in this jar yesterday and it smells very complex.
They changed a lot since putting these to cure.


They look great, very oldschool ssh look to them. Best ive seen in quite some time, and the good thing is, not sure exactly how many different ssh seed plants you have there but in every picture throughout the thread they look great. Nice grow.
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They look great, very oldschool ssh look to them. Best ive seen in quite some time, and the good thing is, not sure exactly how many different ssh seed plants you have there but in every picture throughout the thread they look great. Nice grow.
Thanks for the compliment @#NightMare# !👋
The seeds are bought from the auctions around 8-9 years ago, I grew them out around 4-5 years ago and the plants that you see are al the same cut.
It's my keeper SSH.:)

Hello everybody!

I've been very busy vaping and smoking my SSH keeper cut (indoors and outdoor run) to make a smoke report and final opinion of indoor vs outdoor.
It's not easy to compare, there are a lot of variables that needs considering and I came to the conclusion that you have to smoke/vape a lot to come to a decent conclusion.
Some friends were very happy to help me out here, they already know my cut but some seem to have a favorite (did blind testing).

Have a good start of the new year and grow some SSH in 2023!:cool:
View attachment 68571View attachment 68572View attachment 68573View attachment 68574

Smoke report will follow shortly.

That first photo in this post definitely belongs in my Frostiest MNS thread I started the other day! Beautiful plant 🪴 awesome job!!
That first photo in this post definitely belongs in my Frostiest MNS thread I started the other day! Beautiful plant 🪴 awesome job!!
I thougt so too, thats why I posted it there. See post #4 in your thread!

What are you smoking? Must be very good. 😅


@ everybody: Still have to do the smoke report, can't seem to find time to do it properly.
Good day everyone,

Time for my (far to late) smoke report of my SSH cut.
I've been smoking/vaping SSH for quite some time now, It is my personal favorite smoke atm.
The buds have been curing for 4-6 months now, in this time they all became a tint darker.
Some buds (outdoor and indoor) were given to friends and family, It seems that when blind tested there is little difference to outdoor vs. indoor to them.
When given the buds they all prefer the indoor bud. It seems a bit lighter in color after curing and appears to have some more frost.
I started by giving everybody some buds but after the initial feedback I rolled some joints and then the feedback was different. Some prefered the outdoor, others the indoor but with little difference between them.
Even I don't really find a difference in high, the outdoor bud does tend to make me feel a little bit tired after 3 hours.

The high from this cut is very special, SSH is very potent and even in small doses (2-3 pufs from a blunt) gives a nice high. Initial feeling is a rush to the head, strong but confortable. The euphoria set rapidly in and stays there for a good 20 minutes. After that it becomes more overwhelming and is felt through the body also. This stays for a good hour and then it start to wear of. After 3 hours I start to feel more relaxed and sleepy. Not like a strong indica but you can sleep very well.
It does give severe munchies, I've eaten a lot of chocolate the last few months.:)

When smoked in bigger doses (half a blunt or more, thats when I start sweating) this is something else. The high starts as an overwhelming feeling that starts at my feet and climbs in minutes to my head. At that time I better be seated because walking around is simply to much to handle. At this point the high feels sometimes to strong, cold and you are nowhere near in control. My thoughts go everywhere but my body stays motionless. I've had feelings of displacement (like your body is shooting upwards) and lots of tingling senstations.
I find this sensation very unique to SSH, in al my years of smoking I've never encountered this effect from cannabis.
I have one friend (smokes regularly) had a white out after smoking my cut. he is a bit scared to smoke it right now...
Other frieds who smoke daily and are more indica lovers rave about SSH and have already bought some seeds. They find the high as strong as a good indica but much more complex. I find this to be very true!

Another thing mentioned is that it cut trough other highs like a blade, it doesn't matter what you smoked before, you will feel the SSH.
What I also like about SSH is that you don't really get used to it like many other strains. You can smoke this al day for weeks on end and it still gives it signature high. Although the effect are less extreme after a couple of days.
I like to take a break from time to time and my first blunt or vape is always SSH and everytime I get the same sensations.🚀

Effect when smoked is slightly prefered over vaping, it is just a bit more intense and profound.
Taste and smell wise smoking is most enjoyable, Incense in the air, incense in taste with some onion, musk even some pine but al sweet.

Indoor buds smell the sweetest. Nice incense with hints of citrus, pine and a bit chemical but in a good way.


Outdoor buds are also strong incense, more musky/onion and a bit less sweet.

I hope that this could help people in convincing to grow Super Silver Haze. It is truly a special lady.

Thank you for following this grow!

Good day everyone,

Time for my (far to late) smoke report of my SSH cut.
I've been smoking/vaping SSH for quite some time now, It is my personal favorite smoke atm.
The buds have been curing for 4-6 months now, in this time they all became a tint darker.
Some buds (outdoor and indoor) were given to friends and family, It seems that when blind tested there is little difference to outdoor vs. indoor to them.
When given the buds they all prefer the indoor bud. It seems a bit lighter in color after curing and appears to have some more frost.
I started by giving everybody some buds but after the initial feedback I rolled some joints and then the feedback was different. Some prefered the outdoor, others the indoor but with little difference between them.
Even I don't really find a difference in high, the outdoor bud does tend to make me feel a little bit tired after 3 hours.

The high from this cut is very special, SSH is very potent and even in small doses (2-3 pufs from a blunt) gives a nice high. Initial feeling is a rush to the head, strong but confortable. The euphoria set rapidly in and stays there for a good 20 minutes. After that it becomes more overwhelming and is felt through the body also. This stays for a good hour and then it start to wear of. After 3 hours I start to feel more relaxed and sleepy. Not like a strong indica but you can sleep very well.
It does give severe munchies, I've eaten a lot of chocolate the last few months.:)

When smoked in bigger doses (half a blunt or more, thats when I start sweating) this is something else. The high starts as an overwhelming feeling that starts at my feet and climbs in minutes to my head. At that time I better be seated because walking around is simply to much to handle. At this point the high feels sometimes to strong, cold and you are nowhere near in control. My thoughts go everywhere but my body stays motionless. I've had feelings of displacement (like your body is shooting upwards) and lots of tingling senstations.
I find this sensation very unique to SSH, in al my years of smoking I've never encountered this effect from cannabis.
I have one friend (smokes regularly) had a white out after smoking my cut. he is a bit scared to smoke it right now...
Other frieds who smoke daily and are more indica lovers rave about SSH and have already bought some seeds. They find the high as strong as a good indica but much more complex. I find this to be very true!

Another thing mentioned is that it cut trough other highs like a blade, it doesn't matter what you smoked before, you will feel the SSH.
What I also like about SSH is that you don't really get used to it like many other strains. You can smoke this al day for weeks on end and it still gives it signature high. Although the effect are less extreme after a couple of days.
I like to take a break from time to time and my first blunt or vape is always SSH and everytime I get the same sensations.🚀

Effect when smoked is slightly prefered over vaping, it is just a bit more intense and profound.
Taste and smell wise smoking is most enjoyable, Incense in the air, incense in taste with some onion, musk even some pine but al sweet.

Indoor:View attachment 70688View attachment 70689View attachment 70690
Indoor buds smell the sweetest. Nice incense with hints of citrus, pine and a bit chemical but in a good way.

View attachment 70691View attachment 70692

Outdoor buds are also strong incense, more musky/onion and a bit less sweet.

I hope that this could help people in convincing to grow Super Silver Haze. It is truly a special lady.

Thank you for following this grow!

Thank you for report, it sounds crazy good :)

Both buds look pretty ;)