Super Silver Haze, A nice keeper!

Weekly update:

Budset starts to set in this week, smell is becoming stronger now (haze, citrus, sweeter).
When I opened up the shed this morning I saw al lot of SSH branches starting to lay flatter. I knew that I was going to have to start tying soon but not this fast.
Took me a good 2 hours but I am not happy with the results but is has to do for now.
Next winter I will make adjustments to the space in order that setting up screens is doable when needed.

Tomorow they will enter the sixt week of flowering.

Feeding is at 2ml/L Alga Bloom, 1ml/l Green Sensation (mixed with rainwater, no PH measurements) for the next week.
I feed them al 1,5L almost every day now.
Lights are all at 100%, CMH at 345W, 11on and 13off.
Temps vary between 26-32°C.
RH is low at 35-40%.

General overview (right after tying):

View attachment 73918

SSH side:

View attachment 73919

SSH structure:

View attachment 73920

SSH budset:

View attachment 73921

SSH trichomes:

View attachment 73922

Skywalker Haze left side, Western Winds right side front:

View attachment 73923

Western Winds:

View attachment 73924

Skywalker Haze:

View attachment 73925

That is one packed beautifully shed 👍
Nice to hear @Mr. Brown.:)

I can only recommend this strain, once you found your keeper you won't be able to stop growing her.
I have a feeling that the Mango Haze is going to be the same for me.

Next year Mango Haze vs Super Silver Haze in big pots like last year!😃

No more conviencement needed :LOL: But maybe I have to rethink my auction strategy ;)

Over the last weeks the average price for a pack of SSH was the same as the price for 4-6 less popular strains. Guess what I got :LOL:

Weekly update:

Buds are growing, I won't have many big buds because I topped them in flower but is seems that there will be plenty of small ones.
They are overall still in good health, some fade started at the bottom and the darker green is reducing.

Tomorow they will enter the seventh week of flowering.

Feeding is at 2ml/L Alga Bloom, 1ml/l Green Sensation (mixed with rainwater, no PH measurements) for the next week.
I gave them yesterday 0,5ml/L Sugar Royal (not in combination with Green Sensation) and Alga Bloom, This once a week for 2-3 times.
I feed them al 1,5L almost every day now.
Lights are all at 100%, CMH at 345W, 11on and 13off.
Temps vary between 23-27°C.
RH is low at 40-45%.

General overview:


SSH side:


SSH bud formation:




SSH bud, the silver hue is noticeable:


SSH trichs, clear & cloudy. Notice the big swollen heads, this is why I like MSN seeds! Not al stalks with small heads...


Even some amber (I've observed this more under the CMH:


Western Winds & Skywalker Haze:


Western Winds:


Skywalker Haze:


Weekly update:

First reflowering is swelling up, smells are still hazy, citrus and some musk. Not so strong atm.
I start to see a fade in the leaves. Next week should be the last week of feeding, I will start to give them less by the end of next week.

Tomorow they will enter the eight week of flowering. It looks like I will harvest them in about 2-3 weeks.

Feeding is still at 2ml/L Alga Bloom, 1ml/l Green Sensation (mixed with rainwater, no PH measurements) for the next week.
I gave them today 1ml/L Sugar Royal (not in combination with Green Sensation) and Alga Bloom. I plan to give this in next weekend for the last time.
I feed them al 1,5L almost every day now.
Lights are all at 100%, CMH at 345W, 11on and 13off.
Temps vary between 25-31°C.
RH is low at 40-45%.

General overview:


SSH side:


SSH trichs from cllear to cloudy.
I know where the amber coloration came from: trichs that where brused during tying a couple of weeks ago. They started to oxidize and is the only logical explanation to me.
Magnifier has confirmed it.


Skywalker and Western Winds side:


Western Winds:


Skywalker Haze:


Weekly update:

They are entering the final stage, buds are swolen and they won't pack much extra weight, however trich's are still clear/cloudy.
Smells are less pronounced of the hazes atm, I expect that to change as harvest window is nearing.

Tomorow they will enter the ninth week of flowering. It looks like I will harvest them in about 1-2 weeks.

Feeding is done! As of today it is only rainwater untill harvest.
I feed them al 1,3L every other day.
Lights are all at 80%, CMH at 315W, 11on and 13off. (Starting tomorow).
Temps vary between 23-28°C.
RH is low at 40-45%.

Now let's see how they look today!

General overview:


SSH side:


Some SSH bud porn, looks like they are still happy:



This cut never fails in the trich department:




Clear/cloudy around 50/50:


Another beast in the frost department, Western Winds!
Smell is very special and unique: Tropical solvent with a touch of cheese:


Thanks @Skuncle Lenny and @pleased420! :)

MSN for the win.👏

On a side note: The new SP3000 performs good.
If the smoke is also good from under this light I will buy a second one and hang it on the other side and replace the S600V2 and the TS1000 with it. The S600 will be a back up light and SP1000 will be hung directly after the CMH where the blind spot is. I think that is the last adjustment I will make regarding lighting.

Next thing to look into is having more control of the environmental conditions in the shed, that will be a bigger challenge.
Final Update,

They entered the tenth week of flowering today (Day 64).
I could let them easily go for another week but I want to start asap with the Mango grow.
First time I harvest these earlier...
Trich's are around 25-30% clear, 65% cloudy and 5-10% amber.

The Super Silver Hazes are having a nice fade and the smell is getting complex and full. They are starting to smell "ripe".
They will be harvested in 5 days.

Temps are lower at the moment, good conditions to finalise a grow (20-24°C).
They will be in the dark for 36h before harvesting, since this morning light are at 50% (LED's) and CMH is at 225W.
I will give them only small amounts of water in order to survive the next couple of days.

Last pics of the grow:



Skywalker Haze:


Western Winds:


Thanks for watching, I will make some photo's of the dried flowers before they go into the jars for curing.
