Neville´s Haze

Hello BrotherBoris,

I hope you're right :). But I'm resigned to the worst :) ... I've searched the net and can't find any Nevilles Haze that grows and looks like mine...
BUT...some of the girls have another 7-10 weeks to go, so we'll see :) ...

To change the period to 11/13 or 10/14, I have to wait until SSH1 matures (about 2 weeks).
Stay positive P176. If it makes you feel better, I have had similar grows with all Sativas many years ago and more recently 8-9 years ago with NH. its frustrating but you have an extremely long flowering one or we both made the same unknown mistakes!?!?!?
another thing to keep in mind that may go against most thinking. I read it in one of the first grown books, I think Sinsemilla something or maybe Mel Frank Book but anyway here it is. One of the books claimed that reefer was best when the glands were all clear. More up and electric. I know that is true since I used to pick when heads were clear. but I personally like more than most, lots of amber glands. I like the strong up Sativa high but a little mellower buzz. You may want to cut off a bud or two and try them out. If you like it, then flush and harvest. Lots of possibilities but don’t despair. Your plants looked very healthy. You are definitely a perfectionist and I used to be but it drove me and everyone nuts…10/14 for 2 weeks won’t hurt your SSH and maybe give them a boost.
the stretch is totally fine and will benefit you in the end in terms of yield. i would be more concerned about the rust on those leaves. my guess is that its a little cold and damp for the haze or too intense on the drybacks.. overall looks fine though no need to worry too much.
Again, many thanks for the support.

To switch MH to 11/13 or 10/14 - SSH1 is in a separate box that no one else can fit into. And NH is boxed with Shit and Shark Shock which are too big to fit in the 80x80 space. So I can move SSH to Shit and Shark Shock, but after three days of 11/13 she would have a period of 12/12 again... :(

To BrotherBoris:
You're right...I try to make everything makes you even more disappointed...

But despite that, I really like looking at the flowers... even if I admit that I haven't talked to them in a while :) ...

Now you've totally got me into making some test sample :) ...

To bigiron:
I agree that the low temperatures (19°-20°C at night and 22°-24°C during the day) together with high humidity (two days ago even with a dehumidifier 85%), do not help much...
Again, many thanks for the support.

To switch MH to 11/13 or 10/14 - SSH1 is in a separate box that no one else can fit into. And NH is boxed with Shit and Shark Shock which are too big to fit in the 80x80 space. So I can move SSH to Shit and Shark Shock, but after three days of 11/13 she would have a period of 12/12 again... :(

To BrotherBoris:
You're right...I try to make everything makes you even more disappointed...

But despite that, I really like looking at the flowers... even if I admit that I haven't talked to them in a while :) ...

Now you've totally got me into making some test sample :) ...

To bigiron:
I agree that the low temperatures (19°-20°C at night and 22°-24°C during the day) together with high humidity (two days ago even with a dehumidifier 85%), do not help much...
P176, I had to laugh since I talk to my babies all the time! i think that’s ok but if they start talking back to me then maybe I need help! Hahahaha. Got some newly hatched for first time in years and I haven’t lost my touch. They were in the frig for at least 7 years and are looking as good or better than anything that I’ve done and I’ve done a lot…Nothing wrong with being a perfectionist, anybody can do it half ass. That’s what makes you and the rest of us perfectionist and everything we do better than most. Let us know how you test samples turn out. Gotta go now. My babies are waiting for their afternoon pep talk.
@bigiron said: "= Vapor pressure deficit for those asking"

That is good to know. Do I have a Vapor Pressure Deficit? Should I have one? If so, why? How do I find out?
When I get a minute of two, I will do a search of course.

Vpd search for the chart it has temps and humidity levels for best plant growth . Higher the humidity the higher the temps should be . And lower temps lower humidity.
i think that’s ok but if they start talking back to me then maybe I need help! Hahahaha
So this really made me laugh:ROFLMAO:...thanks BrotherBoris ....

you could stay in the 80s% RH if you bump up your temps to 25-27 max daytime and have good airflow, thats a high VPD setup.
I've heard of VPD...but I'm just now understanding what it means in practice... It means turn off the dehumidifier and turn on the heater ;)...
Hello to everybody,

after a one-week break, I am sending photos from the 54th day of flowering.

EC = 1.01
pH = 6.0
LED light at 70%

I finally calmed down...thanks to was enough to breathe ;)

The closer the flowers are to the light, the more they stretch. For some phenos, I also photographed the lower buds, which I think are OK.

I also built a temporary DRIP system, so I water twice a day (NH6, NH9 and NH15 drink very quickly).

Some phenos smell exactly like SSH1 (you'll soon learn how;) ) and others like my 50 day Mango haze pheno.
With MangoHaze it's a very strange smell...something like burning plastic and sometimes like, and excuse the expression, vomit…

I really like NH9...wish she looked like Musashi's NevillesHaze#7 at the end of the bloom which is just gorgeous :love:(y)

NH15 has the least resin, but I like the structure of the looks like a giant tower 😀

NH2 looks like it will be done first.


While it is a bit late in the process and as you have seen, these plants can bolt with too much N and too much light. Chalk it up to part of the journey taken. You have taken the appropriate steps in the right direction and will have some killer smoke to show for it. Keep it coming brah!
