Neville´s Haze

I'm a big believer in kelp products. Similar to azomite, it provides over 50 minerals. In addition, kelp contains gibberellins and auxins that aid in better seed germination. Kelp also increases yields by promoting bud formation, overall health, and to slow transpiration. As a foliar it can help protect plants from cold and hot temperatures. Combining silicates which have similar attributes in a foliar spray will help to minimize PM too. Silica strengthens cellular walls, improving plant health and immunity. Think alkaline as powdery mildew requires an acidic environment.
Use kelp meal tea or liquid kelp to drench plants before transplanting to help with transplant shock which can sometimes trigger an intersex problem especially in sensitive sativa varieties during florescence. Liquid kelp over kelp meal on stressed plants for quicker absorption and response. I have verified the above claims through my own use. An excellent organic addition for your consideration.

For your edificaton:

I'm a big believer in kelp products. Similar to azomite, it provides over 50 minerals. In addition, kelp contains gibberellins and auxins that aid in better seed germination. Kelp also increases yields by promoting bud formation, overall health, and to slow transpiration. As a foliar it can help protect plants from cold and hot temperatures. Combining silicates which have similar attributes in a foliar spray will help to minimize PM too. Silica strengthens cellular walls, improving plant health and immunity. Think alkaline as powdery mildew requires an acidic environment.
Use kelp meal tea or liquid kelp to drench plants before transplanting to help with transplant shock which can sometimes trigger an intersex problem especially in sensitive sativa varieties during florescence. Liquid kelp over kelp meal on stressed plants for quicker absorption and response. I have verified the above claims through my own use. An excellent organic addition for your consideration.

For your edificaton:

Iam using rhizotonic for same purposes..
it has ph range +/~10, and I cant remember if it includes silicates also... But it is based on sea weed.

Good fot transplant and everytime saomething is bad..
It helps a lot I can prove too.

I will try azomite shortly, tho :)
Thanks for the tip Musashi. I won't be able to buy it until Sunday, when I'm going to transplant... maybe next time :) ...

To Ptreeci:
I always thought that things like rhizotonic, various boosters and stimulators were just overpriced supplements that the flower didn't necessarily seems I was wrong again :) ...
Thanks for the tip Musashi. I won't be able to buy it until Sunday, when I'm going to transplant... maybe next time :) ...

To Ptreeci:
I always thought that things like rhizotonic, various boosters and stimulators were just overpriced supplements that the flower didn't necessarily seems I was wrong again :) ...
I use only biocanna line,, those are just 4 bottle nutes..
the two additives are not neccesary, but usefull really

/// and now switching more towards soil preparation
To Mad Man:
Thanks for the post. I have already added Rhizotonic to my shopping list ;) ...

To Ptreeci:
I assume you mean:


Do you also use CANNA BIO TERRA soil?

I promised myself that one day I will return to indoor growing in soil when I have a very advanced knowledge :) ...

My experience with soil is pretty bad (pests, overwatering, not enough/too much fertilizing, bad flushing, dragging a bag of soil into the apartment, etc.). Of course, the problem is not in the soil, but in my abilities :) . Cocos is much more single-minded for me.
To Mad Man:
Thanks for the post. I have already added Rhizotonic to my shopping list ;) ...

To Ptreeci:
I assume you mean:


Do you also use CANNA BIO TERRA soil?

I promised myself that one day I will return to indoor growing in soil when I have a very advanced knowledge :) ...

My experience with soil is pretty bad (pests, overwatering, not enough/too much fertilizing, bad flushing, dragging a bag of soil into the apartment, etc.). Of course, the problem is not in the soil, but in my abilities :) . Cocos is much more single-minded for me.
Ahh... thin ice...

I love bio terra proffesional.. but 3 times in row, there are immediately flyes all over the place when watered. -could be just my local store has bad batch, old, or something.

I rather mix my own soil lately, based on coco bricks and wormcastings 3parts to 2 parts plus some plagron ammendments,,,..

-but overall bioterra was great, just need to have neem by hand :)

And one think I loved always is Cannacure ! Also usefull spray thingy
Sticky fly traps from the start are essential with bought soil and if you have the space and luxary to store some bags you can put the closed bags in direct sun in the summer for a couple of days and leave them to freeze in the winter in a shed.

I found a retailer that keeps his stock outside, since I buy from him I did not have any significant problem with flies or any other pest.
Hello again,

today is the 41st day of flowering and the girls are transplanted 🥳.

I hope the yellowing leaves stop soon...because at this rate NH15 will be big leaf free in 2 weeks :(

The question is how to fertilize now???

Today EC 1.76 pH 6.0.



NH4 (23/12)
Besides a quality soil, I use Ferticell products specifically the 5-10-10 and 10-0-0. I’ve also been using growers secret 7-6-4. as well as neptunes harvest fish and kelp products. I’ve moved away from animal inputs. I question the quality and sustainability of commercial blood meal / bat guano / poultry products. Nothing beats well aerated compost rich soil, my plants only ever have problems when thy outgrow the soil.
With a good quality of worm castings, you get enzymes, minerals, miccorhizza, a little NPK and a little magnesium. Also good bactos and worms will be born you can later use to compost yourself. I use at least 1/3 of it in my soil. Them worms I got with it are in a bin on the porch to compost foodwaste. They survived their first winter.
Hey guys, this is a special edition.

It's my first near-pure Haze, so I thought it was normal. But now I feel like I messed it up and the flowers are just stretching due to the amount of nitrogen. Or is it due to replanting? I'm really at a complete loss... Can someone please help?

If so, is there any chance to save it?
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Not really a haze expert, but I'd say the stretch is quite normal for haze dominant genetics... But maybe someone with more experience on Neville's Haze, e.g. @musashi can chime in on that. The brownish spots could be a PH issue (just learned that recently on my SSH plants..) or maybe a posphorus deficiency? 😬 But despite that I think your plants look really nice! 🌱