Latest Auction Offerings

I thought that IBL's would be offered at a good price according to the banner but they are auction only. I guess that I must have misunderstood but it did say Offering some super IBL Deals. So I guess that I will just buy regular which are excellent and get the 50% off which is great and I'm thankful for that. BTW, I only buy MN genetics since the beginning.
I’m not able to see your screen so not sure what you are talking about. Perhaps someone familiar with this problem will chime in. Yes, seems a misunderstanding. 50% off buy-it-now price. The IBL offering is separate.

Mu, I found how to get to Buy Now. Too easy so I missed it. Getting old and more spaced out I guess...I edited since you saw my post. I'll be happy with a regular batch at 50%. I'm kind of auctioned out. I won 2 recently and am happy that I did but the competition for the IBL's will be tough...Good luck to all who bid. It will be worth it.
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Where can we see what will be offered for sale e.g. the ibl’s? a link if possible.

ps: is it just me or is the site hard to get around? I’ve been thinking about this for quite a while now but finally am saying something. Maybe it’s me but I’m not stupid, just old…I seem to get stuck at auctions and cant get to buy nows. Logging in with different passwords at different times may be a security thing that I don’t understand but it’s a pain too. Sorry but I need to vent. Also, the How to connect multiple orders gets me an error message…I’m sure it can’t be easy putting such a nice site together but it has to be simpler to navigate, please.
Ps: is it just me or is the site hard to get around? Answer: It's just me! I found it.
There is such a thing called dollar cost averaging
Yes sir, you are absolutely correct. Besides, I'm sure the Holy smoke will have been worth every penny!

@musashi what was your impressions of Holy Smoke?

MasterKaze and Holy Smoke were my two most exspensive wins on the auctions. Black widow took 3rd place for most exspensive but still MUCH lower than full price😁
😵‍💫I spent 40.5€ on my holy smoke. I thought I was getting a good deal. Should have waited. Lol
If it makes you feel any better, I paid 43 for HS as well a while back and quite a bit more for a handful of big names.

Most expensive to date by far was SSH. Cost more than my MH and NH wins. The mileage I got out of SSH alone was worth being in the doghouse.