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To follow up on my earlier post about Zunami varieties available on the shantibabaseeds website, perhaps an understanding of the codes are in order. What is F12 x Zunami or F2A x Zunami? For the current listings- the F12 is Early Queen, F2A is MedMan, and F5 is NL5xHz. Happy bidding!

In addition, for some who have mold problems, try the AMS x OG. The Anti-Mold Strain is made up of 60% Swiss Indica, 40% Swiss Sativa.
BTW, WW stands for White Widow (non-MNS) and WC is Wedding Cake.
Lastly, the F5 x F11 is NL5/Hz x Master Kush Skunk. Now you're talking my language!

"I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Here is that rainbow I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright (Bright)
Bright (Bright) sun-shining day"

To follow up on my earlier post about Zunami varieties available on the shantibabaseeds website, perhaps an understanding of the codes are in order. What is F12 x Zunami or F2A x Zunami? For the current listings- the F12 is Early Queen, F2A is MedMan, and F5 is NL5xHz. Happy bidding!

I was so confused by all the F'n Fs when making an order so i went with the more obvious choices such as WW x WC , WW x OG & Sunset.
Now i know the code ill definitely be getting some more.
My mind was boggled until now.