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Today I finished the hunting season at the auctions with some Afghan Haze and it was bargain time again :love:
I still can't believe the great value you get at the auctions (y)
Does anybody know if there is a time limit to check out my won auctions?
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Great values indeed. I almost feel guilty paying these very fair rates lol. Auction site sez 60 days to pay for your purchases. If there are extenuating circumstances, you need to contact SB.


Thanks a lot for the information (y) 60 days are more than enough time.
It almost felt like robbing Shantibaba when I won some Skunk Haze for 15,-€. But I am more than thankful for the given opportunity (y)
Ok, I understand now. The pollen may be dormant or weaker as you said after weeks at room temp and then months in frig rather than freezer. In any event, there may be some worthwhile offspring but lots of genetics so a lot of variety too. Good luck and we all learn from our mistakes. Not enough time to tell all of mine throughout the years…

Mistakes = Progress! I progress every day!
Hi all, i won an auction, die the payment and nothing happens…i wrote mails to [email protected] and [email protected] and i get no response.
Anyone can help?

Hi! What did you score on the auction?

It can take a little time between payment and getting the confirmation email, but no worries, your seeds will come. It can also take a little time for orders to be marked complete on the "my auctions" section of the site but it all works out good.

Good to see new members, stick around the forum, there's a good crew here.