Breeding techniques

No hostile attitude from me, just a question does he believe he's hurting the gene pool or not.

Yes I do, but I don't give a shit
No, I don't believe that bullshit at all

I hear people talk about bottle necking and the dangers all over the place so I was asking Nevil if he believes it. Yeah real hostile :rolleyes:
Nevil posted some pretty moronic bullshit in my opinion, but I'm not a groupie so maybe I see things differently.
Ah you're still just a little ray of sunshine aren't you JF. You will inderstand that if I don't waste anymore time on your questions, it's because I think you are a waste of time.
N. you are going to ignore the question and talk shit about me instead. real mature of you there. I'll just assume then that you do believe it hurts the gene pool but don't give a fuck. :rolleyes:

Back to your groupies who don't give a shit I guess.
I just don't get the harming the genepool thing. Nev just tracked down the best genes he could find at the time to work with and it seems to me from what he's said that he remained open to finding new genes to work with after that but very little worthwhile came along and more and more things were based on his earlier work so it became harder and harder to find anything new to work with.

Would we even have genes like NL, G13, Haze and others even available to us today if it wasn't for Nev? They only existed in the hand of very few before Nev made em widespread.

How do you think he harmed the genepool? I really don't get it at all, not one bit. People were largely growing bagseeds from imports before Nev started the seed biz, if it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't find good seeds then Nev wouldn't have made a fortune in cash thru the mail and ended up in HT photographed counting order money that attracted the DEA's interest, there were no good seeds to be had for 99% of folks in the wake of Green Merchant, so when Nev appeared selling seeds thru an ad in HT people were all over it, that clearly shows they didn't have access to good seed before that.
I just don't get the harming the genepool thing. Nev just tracked down the best genes he could find at the time to work with and it seems to me from what he's said that he remained open to finding new genes to work with after that but very little worthwhile came along and more and more things were based on his earlier work so it became harder and harder to find anything new to work with.
That about sums up my position BH. I don't get how spreading elete genes harmed the genepool. If you don't like my work, don't use it. If you think you can do better, go ahead. I'm just one guy, but I did stand up to be counted. So what are my detractors famous for. I know what JF's famous for, but it's hardly making the world a better place, or is that just my job?
I just don't get the harming the genepool thing. Nev just tracked down the best genes he could find at the time to work with and it seems to me from what he's said that he remained open to finding new genes to work with after that but very little worthwhile came along and more and more things were based on his earlier work so it became harder and harder to find anything new to work with.

Would we even have genes like NL, G13, Haze and others even available to us today if it wasn't for Nev? They only existed in the hand of very few before Nev made em widespread.

How do you think he harmed the genepool? I really don't get it at all, not one bit. People were largely growing bagseeds from imports before Nev started the seed biz, if it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't find good seeds then Nev wouldn't have made a fortune in cash thru the mail and ended up in HT photographed counting order money that attracted the DEA's interest, there were no good seeds to be had for 99% of folks in the wake of Green Merchant, so when Nev appeared selling seeds thru an ad in HT people were all over it, that clearly shows they didn't have access to good seed before that.

I don't think he did harm the gene pool, I don't know shit about it, but since it was brought up and he commented on it not being his job I was curious what he believes about the accusation.
That about sums up my position BH. I don't get how spreading elete genes harmed the genepool. If you don't like my work, don't use it. If you think you can do better, go ahead. I'm just one guy, but I did stand up to be counted. So what are my detractors famous for. I know what JF's famous for, but it's hardly making the world a better place, or is that just my job?

Excuse me? It's a handle on the internet. I do a lot for my fellow man, I would dare bet a whole lot fucking more than you actually. How much of your money goes to charity there big guy? How much volunteer work you do big guy?

Better stick to your groupies seriously.
Nice view on evolution ouchie, thanks for the link. Don't understand how it translates into breeding... do you mean that related to crossing hybrids increasing the complexity or something?

Not exactly, but you can take that out of it if it makes sense to you. Imagine the universe always heading towards entropy. Everything is dying, everything is fading away. Through evolution and complexity, new higher forms of complexity are born throughout the universe. This goes completely against entropy, and actually uses entropy to it's advantage. So while all of us are looking for that "old" gene in the gene pool, mother nature and the universe itself has already perpetuated complexities beyond your imagining. So while you're chasing entropy, the universe itself is heading towards higher and higher complexities. In my opinion, do the best job you can with the best genetics you can get your hands on, and you have nothing to worry about my friends, everything will be perfect in the end.
Hi Nevil, I would like to discuss this, I have found, that when working with NL5Hz, some strains were very compatible, where most were not
It's a good point Joshua. Contrary to expectation, a lot of lines just don't click. Even with totally unrelated indicas and sativas, the results are not predictable. For every hybrid that made it into the catalogue, dozens didn't. When you isolated which strains went well together, what still remained was to find the best combination of single parents that out-performed all others. I narrowed down the genepool to the best of the best. Why mix the best combination of plants with the less successful sibling matings. For the sake of someones idea of what's best for the genepool?
People were generally paying me to help them grow the best of what a line or hybrid had to offer. I'm sure I got that part right. All the shit I culled made others champion growers. I loved that job. The gratitude that some people showed, for being able to be in the front row for the first time in their lives was very rewarding.
Most of the work was testing ideas about what went well together and refining it. As far as I can tell, the job is still the same.
I do a lot for my fellow man, I would dare bet a whole lot fucking more than you actually.

Man, you're a bit too fucken ubiquitous for someone who offers nothing but criticisms and whining arguments. You clog up so many of these blogs without appearing to contribute one iota of insight to any argument you enter.

So now you're saying you're an abrasive, mean spirited dickhead on here, and a warm, caring charitable guy out there?

How congruous.

Sounds like a load of Bullshit to me.
Yeah the Nasty Saint was a bit hard for me to swallow too Bushy. I just wish that he would go somewhere else and spread his joy. If I could be bothered, I'd count how many responses have been wasted on trying to counter his negativity. I think it's best that we don't respond to his taunts. It seems to be his main joy in posting on forums.
Man, you're a bit too fucken ubiquitous for someone who offers nothing but criticisms and whining arguments. You clog up so many of these blogs without appearing to contribute one iota of insight to any argument you enter.

So now you're saying you're an abrasive, mean spirited dickhead on here, and a warm, caring charitable guy out there?

How congruous.

Sounds like a load of Bullshit to me.

From his first posts it seems he has been on a Sabotage mission.
Man, you're a bit too fucken ubiquitous for someone who offers nothing but criticisms and whining arguments. You clog up so many of these blogs without appearing to contribute one iota of insight to any argument you enter.

So now you're saying you're an abrasive, mean spirited dickhead on here, and a warm, caring charitable guy out there?

How congruous.

Sounds like a load of Bullshit to me.

couldn't agree more, i love reading these kind of threads

iv already learnt alot and im sure theres alot more to come :D

every 5 or so posts you (japanfreak) keep going on at nevil

are you surprised that he dosn't feel obliged to reply to you after some of the arguments you'v had with each other in the past month.

please, for everyone, stop the shite
So now you're saying you're an abrasive, mean spirited dickhead on here, and a warm, caring charitable guy out there?

Yeah I know it's hard to get your head around. People aren't like they appear on the net. Well not very hard for me to grasp.
every 5 or so posts you (japanfreak) keep going on at nevil

Bullshit. I asked a question, he didn't answer I asked again and was attacked so I answered. Nevil on the other hand has called me an asshole out of the gate and has insulted me every chance he gets. The wanker could have answered the question and it would have been done.

I suggest you people don'T make comments about me or ask me questions if you don't want me to reply. I know, really hard concept for those of weak wills.
Yeah the Nasty Saint was a bit hard for me to swallow too Bushy. I just wish that he would go somewhere else and spread his joy. If I could be bothered, I'd count how many responses have been wasted on trying to counter his negativity. I think it's best that we don't respond to his taunts. It seems to be his main joy in posting on forums.

And I wish you would stop flinging shit and thinking it's not shit but we know that's not going to happen.
Not exactly, but you can take that out of it if it makes sense to you. Imagine the universe always heading towards entropy. Everything is dying, everything is fading away. Through evolution and complexity, new higher forms of complexity are born throughout the universe. This goes completely against entropy, and actually uses entropy to it's advantage. So while all of us are looking for that "old" gene in the gene pool, mother nature and the universe itself has already perpetuated complexities beyond your imagining. So while you're chasing entropy, the universe itself is heading towards higher and higher complexities. In my opinion, do the best job you can with the best genetics you can get your hands on, and you have nothing to worry about my friends, everything will be perfect in the end.

The glory of vocabulary based on tech. First I translated entropy, didn't help, bloody greeks made the word. Then I wiki'ed in english, maybe I learn some other words there too, fuck what thermodynamics? Didn't understand a word. Well then, I wiki'ed in german and finally there was a simpler explenation.

Level of the irriversability of a process. That's the explenation under "physics". Now Im gonna aplly that to your post... what doesn't fit together here for me is the MAN. The entropy we have now is related to humans interferring. I don't belive that there will be any good outcome in the topic "MAN vs WORLD". Karma is a bitch...
No hostile attitude from me, just a question does he believe he's hurting the gene pool or not.

Yes I do, but I don't give a shit
No, I don't believe that bullshit at all

I hear people talk about bottle necking and the dangers all over the place so I was asking Nevil if he believes it. Yeah real hostile :rolleyes:

No of course it doesn't hurt the cannabis genome, the only way to do that is to introduce modern hybridised cannabis into environments where original landraces are grown.

So how do you think it's hurting things?
Hey Nev do you keep your back ups as plants or just seeds or both,ATM me just beans, no room for live back ups.

And if beans would you rather keep female beans, or do you keep regular also?

Goahead and shoot me now,cant wait for the slaps, I keep my back ups,..cough...FEmale..beans.


I may be going out on a limb here,but I'm going to guess Nev does not keep feminized seeds...

I'm sure he has played with them,but not for safeguarding genetics,,that's not his cup of tea.

With regards to "keeping Back ups"
or rather safeguarding a strain ,you will have to understand it takes 2 unique P1 parents to create a strain or line.

If those exact plants are not kept alive,then the ability to replicate the same seed is gone as well..

It's a very simple and straight forward concept and practice..

You cannot recreate the magic 2 perfectly combined P1 parents create,using other siblings with any degree of certainty,nor accuracy.

Unless each line is so over the top inbred and pure ,the results will differ.

With that principal out of the way,,it's also imperative to understand something about feminized seeds..

This is where I really like to pound it home!

The notion spread around the international community that by feminizing a plant and selfing it to create a S1 is going to give you a clone in essence of that same pheno or genetic composite is absolutely laughable.

The same tools spouting off about this BS are taking clones from the USA and selfing them and selling them as a seed line that is supposed to represent that individual unique specimen..

Not how it works....and for that same reason your reasoning that anybody is going to safe guard a strain by maintaining femmed seeds is also not feasible.

You may get any type of pheno show up in a S1 that is stemming back generations on either side of the P1 parents that created that unique cut.

What you are most certainly not guaranteed to get is a replication of the plant it came from...

In some cases with strains such as Trainwreck I've played with her and selfed her years ago as well as made plenty of femmed F1's ,,that plant
has dominant genes that will carry over to generations and create similar specimens.

That tells me those boys worked within that pool for a few generations or more before she was isolated.

Of course the stooges at Gh come to mind when I mention this,and I will say yet again that the Trainwreck cut they were sold is not,and was not the real Arcata cut....not even close .

I know I've worked that gal long enough,inside and out!

That's the same reason there are E32 Males out there throwing the same traits in all regards to their offspring..Reserve Prada or whoever they were made a Purple wreck by crossing The E32 male to the P Urkle cut...
I had a selected pheno of that from a 40 oz gentleman..

The bottom line is you must maintain the original P1 parents(not seed) to maintain a line,,,,something Simon at Serious can't seem to grasp!

He still thinks that his ak47 is ak47! :rolleyes:

I really hate to even address the topic of the genepool and damage etc..
I've went to battle with idiots over the years on these sites about this,and my feminizing seeds hurting or pissing in the pool
they like to say..

I'd like to once yet again say to anybody who thinks they are sooo important to get up on their lil stool and preach
to build a greenhouse and start collecting all the strains all over the world and safe guard them,,,or bang hard enough
on the door to the underground cave they have stored all the seedstock to species in,,somewhere in Norway or such..

Maybe the guy will open that door and you can bring all the varieties in and maintain them there ...

But until you actually do something like that ,,,then you sir can kindly have a nice hot cup of
"shut the fuck up!" and enjoy that!
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