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Who is the top 10 Breeders in the world?

G' day all!

I diden't think there was going to be this much respons to this thread when I started it!

So thx to you all!

And one more thing be nice to each other!!!

I have learned one thing in my 41years here one earth. That is to Love not Hate. To hate is easily and a fu... waste of time if you ask me!!!

Best Regards!
Kitepot :D
was an honest question

peace :cool:

I know buddy, but you also know there is no answer coming to your question even if a great one exists.

The only people that know how much work Jim put into preserving the G13 cut he got from Nev, or how much work he put into the "Ortega" line of indicas before trading it to Nevil do not post here any more.

What I do know is that it is easier for people to screw up a strain than it is to preserve or improve it.

Certainly, the MNS line would be very different if it weren't for Jim.
No Critical Mass, No Nordle, No Afgan Haze. The majority of MNS strains have Ortega sourced genetics in them.

His Queso Negro (aka Good Dog) is earning a great rep from early customers. I have heard he has done great work on a kush line (and given the old school roots of much of his collection, I am excited at the prospects.

Lots of great breeders out there that are not in the seed biz.

I know you don't like Jim from your comments on the G13 thread, but he and Nev are not here to answer your question about what he did back in the day. None of us where there so we can't answer.

If you assume that Nev knows good canna breeders when he sees them, maybe we should defer to Nev's opinion of Jim as a breeder in the absence of more info?

If a fellow who calls himself Dogless starts talking about the origins of the Ortega lines, I'd advise you to Sit and pay attention.

BTW: Nev also said Jim was doing amazing work with Kushes somewhere (can't find.)
>No.. there is already a letter on this site by him saying he didn't

Greetings Nor1, MNS fam,

That is true that a letter was written back to Chana from the doctor saying he did not have any involvement in the chemo strain. If I remember correctly he said that he couldn't remember or such.

But my question to everybody is, even if the doctor did work on and develop the chemo strain, is there a chance that he would not or can not admit to it because of the state of legality cannabis is in?

Maybe he can not talk about his work with cannabis because it may interfere with what he is persuing now. He could lose sponsors or backers of his research do to the controversial nature of our plant?

Just a though.

Best Regards

G`day Jet .

Chana`s Intro and questions to Dr Suzuki


Dr Suzuki`s reply


Thanks for sharin

Elmer Bud .

Why are you people posting up this letter on the board sent as a replie to Chana by Dr Suzuki ?.

Do you have his permission to do so openly on a canna board i bet not so you just go and post a letter from a public figure in a canna board with out his consent you guys are dangerous and very stupid.
Why are you people posting up this letter on the board sent as a replie to Chana by Dr Suzuki ?.

Do you have his permission to do so openly on a canna board i bet not so you just go and post a letter from a public figure in a canna board with out his consent you guys are dangerous and very stupid.

Why did you just repost it?
What Can I/We Do?

To no one in particular (for I wish to offend no one),
What can I/We do as posters to make threads on point, pertinent and positive. Doing criticism is no longer acceptable. If I or others post something not agreed with, please do not tell me/us we are an offensive troll. I will live with this onus, but I do have people in my real life who love me.
Seriously, let us all think about what we print. If someone has posted an inappropriate post, Shanti of a MNS representative will make sure it is addressed. Posters, let's be positive and enjoy this one life we are blessed to have.
I harvested my La Nina and will be posting pics of the nugs in the next few days. Not a huge yielder, but an excellent smoke/vape. Smoke reports coming soon as well.
Love the Auction. Got NL5Hz, SSH, MHz, G13Hz, Master Kush x Skunk and am going to make moms.
Got 4 The Doors females in soil outside:D, one Walkabout female, that I believe got pollenated by another Walkabout male. Also got 2 Nevil's Haze sexing outside. They take a long time to declare, very sativa in nature.
Sorry to dump this in this thread, but please everyone let's put our righteous indignation to rest and enjoy the forum and our lives. I also swear that I or anyother member have discussed or communicated about bringing down this site. That is fantasy.:cool:-bk

Oh as far as Breeders: Nevil and Shantibaba are my 1 & 2 in no particular order.
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G`day MJ P

Originally Posted by hempy ;
Why are you people posting up this letter on the board sent as a replie to Chana by Dr Suzuki ?.

Do you have his permission to do so openly on a canna board i bet not so you just go and post a letter from a public figure in a canna board with out his consent you guys are dangerous and very stupid.

Why did you just repost it?

Have you heard the story of the scorpion and the frog ?

The Scorpion and the Frog is a fable about a scorpion asking a frog to carry him across a river. The frog is afraid of being stung during the trip, but the scorpion argues that if it stung the frog, the frog would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog agrees and begins carrying the scorpion, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When asked why, the scorpion points out that this is its nature. The fable is used to illustrate the position that the behaviour of some creatures is irrepressible, no matter how they are treated and no matter what the consequences.

Thanks for sharin

Elmer Bud .
Hi All

the nature of the scorpion to sting because he can shows that some cultures are different on assessing their options. Like a bee has the same ability to sting if threatened too, but it determines if it is threatened as it only has one chance to do this.A scorpion has the chance to repeat a sting and survive. So keeping things in context, it is always fine to differ civilly. Whether you can understand another persons point of how the same thread maybe perceived is another issue, but at the very least you approach things diplomatically and do your best...one may also chose to ignore others and go about their day without ever knowing there was a threatening situation around.

Thanks for the kind words about all those breeders and the work they do behind closed doors. I must remind you that the real breeders are those growers who work on strains most their life and pass on their selections down through the ages to be adapted to the new worlds we pass through in evolution. So while it may be manifested at a particular time and related to a particular person, a lot of growers and others have taken their part in what we eat, smell and use from plants and agriculture...i believe they call it team work.

Be well all the best sb
elmer just remove the letter and next time do not post up what is meet to be private on a web site whats worse is the guy is well known all over the world so show some common sense and respect .

I like Dr Suzuki he is a very smart guy and some one worthy of every ones respect.

I am a scorpion elmer we can be the most loyal of friends or your worse night mare .

You could of had one of the most loyal of friends but you pist that away now.
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G`day Hempy

I posted a link to Chanas thread on this forum .
So if its a problem for you prolly better take it up with the OP or Shanti / Admini .
It has been on the board for 5 months Hempy ....

Better watch out you may have mistaken identity thinkin your a scorpion and find out your a bee .

Thanks for sharin

Elmer Bud .
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G`day Hempy

I posted a link to Chanas thread on this forum .
So if its a problem for you prolly better take it up with the OP or Shanti / Admini .
It has been on the board for 5 months Hempy ....

Better watch out you may have mistaken identity thinkin your a scorpion and find out your a bee .

Thanks for sharin

Elmer Bud .

Well you did not need to re post it did you and why did you not tell your mate he had no right to post a privet letter on the board that has the guys full name in the first place dose Dr Suzuki know his letters been posted i bet not.

I better watch out ? You live in a fantasy world elmer you think i am intimidated by you dream on.
G`day Hempy

Well you did not need to re post it did you and why did you not tell your mate he had no right to post a privet letter on the board that has the guys full name in the first place dose Dr Suzuki know his letters been posted i bet not.

I better watch out ? You live in a fantasy world elmer you think i am intimidated by you dream on.

I didn`t tell my mate what to do with his own business Hempy . He`s a big boy . No I don`t know if Dr Suzuki knows about it .
If you take the time to actually read it I think it is self explanatory .

And the better watch out . You don`t take stuff like that seriously do you ?
Intimidation hell no . If you didn`t follow me around from post to post trying to hound me. I wouldn`t need to interact with you . As per Shanti`s request .

Thanks for sharin

Elmer Bud .
Mother Nature...The Original Breeders
Father Time ... ^^^
Nevil ... Thanks You for your efforts in getting the ball rollin in the comercial seed market, even though prices are way inflated
Shanti ... Thank You for creating the Widow and for working with such fine folks as Nevil and Howard
DJ Short ... Thank You for bringing Bluberry and your floral line to the masses. ;)
Breeder Steve ... What would the world be like today without the SPG? :D
There are more mentions but there's way more than 10 breeders worth mentioning as well
And all the pollen chuckers that I've recieved beans from. :D :D :D