What are YOU smoking today? (PICTURES)

Smoking some MedMan in your honor, @GrowViper. And my arm is aching a bit. Must be the rain! :(

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No that’s what I’m talking about.
Hopefully you have some edibles to help with your pain. Feel better

Now I loved White White Rhino from the past. I don’t remember medication ever mentioned or cbd. Is this from same or is it bred for more cbd?

Thanks for your support
Medicine Man and a double of tequila have helped ease my back tremendously tonight.

Medicine Man and a double of tequila have helped ease my back tremendously tonight.

I like the sound of that too.

I showed my wife the "up in smoke" pic i posted above and the responses, we both laughed.
I left the room for a second and came back and she found the movie
and was ready to go. I pulled out a stash of CBD lemon auto from barnies an put it in the vape.
I have to say that CBD lemon just gets better with age just like that wacky movie.

Hopefully you have some edibles to help with your pain. Feel better

Thank you, GrowViper!

Now I loved White White Rhino from the past. I don’t remember medication ever mentioned or cbd. Is this from same or is it bred for more cbd?

Not sure but this is from the description of it:

It was also known as White Rhino when it was first released - a tribute to Denis Peron's (art.215) for Medical growers.
A proven Medical marvel for those in need of high levels of the most active cannabinoids such as CBD.

Often called “the father of medical marijuana,” Dennis Peron was a passionate advocate for the plant. He was one of the earliest community organizers to call for the legalization of cannabis for therapeutic use. After seeing how the plant could ease the pain of people living with HIV/AIDS, Dennis knew he had to act. Dennis helped mobilize other activists in San Francisco, first helping to pass Measure P in the city and then Prop 215 throughout California. He co-founded the Cannabis Buyers Club, the very first dispensary. Along with “Brownie” Mary Rathburn, Dennis distributed medicine to thousands of people in need.

Dennis sadly passed away in early 2018 after a battle with cancer. But his legacy will forever live on as cannabis continues to be legalized across the country and around the world. Dennis’s former home, known as the Castro Castle, has transformed into somewhat of a museum where guests can learn more about the activist’s life, the story of legalization, and pay respects to a person who fought incredibly hard to free the plant. Thank you, Dennis, for all you did for our community.
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Bottled 3-12-23. One year old cure. This combination of Neville's Haze x Doors mellowed slightly in smell after this time. The smoke is very strong. I found 3 half smoked joints in the ashtray this morning. After all these years still crying for love.

bdm henx 3_10.jpg
