Super Silver Haze, A nice keeper!

Last Update, I will harvest the ladies next weekend.
Today they entered the 10th week of flowering, they are hardly throwing new pistils and the tric's are mostly cloudy, a few clears and some amber to be seen.
The smell is incense and creamy/smooth and a little bit of orange/ citrus. A little different to indoors (I use the same soil and nutes) but very close!

Wheather is still holding and this is my best outdoor season ever, unheard of around here. I'm happy I could do this strain justice and for anyone who doubts Super Silver Haze, I hope that these are convincing enough:).


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Indica calyx on a sativa frame.
Beautyfull !

I'm in the middle of trimming and the buds smell great!SSH94Nice.JPGSSH95Nice.JPGSSH96Nice.JPG
Next to incense I smell hints of fabric softener, citrus and onion. Very creamy, complex and loud.
A sample was already quite potent, they are all going into the jars now and will be tested regularly.
They should be ready in 2-3 months (I let them cure in the cellar).

I also did an indoor run and had 1 SSH that I harvested a few weeks earlier than the outdoor SSH.
I will post some pics of that run here and do a comparison in a few months after they cured a bit.

Have a great day everybody.

I'm in the middle of trimming and the buds smell great!View attachment 64906View attachment 64907View attachment 64908
Next to incense I smell hints of fabric softener, citrus and onion. Very creamy, complex and loud.
A sample was already quite potent, they are all going into the jars now and will be tested regularly.
They should be ready in 2-3 months (I let them cure in the cellar).

I also did an indoor run and had 1 SSH that I harvested a few weeks earlier than the outdoor SSH.
I will post some pics of that run here and do a comparison in a few months after they cured a bit.

Have a great day everybody.


Homer Simpson PNG image with transparent background.png
Here is a small journal of my SSH cut that I ran indoors.
This was a LED/CMH grow, but she was under the LED side. Not so happy with the light also, this will be replaced.
I did this so I could compare indoor vs. outdoor grown bud and see if there are differences. They were grown on the same medium and had the same feeding.
Both are curing now, the smoke reports will be made around christmas time.

It wasn't my best grow of her, but she delivered in the end.

Feel free to ask questions!


Start of flowering:

Start of week 4 of flowering:
She is the tall one in the back left corner, I had to top her.


And the last 2 pictures are from week 5 of floweringSSHInd4.JPGSSHInd5.JPG

That's it for now, more to follow.
@Swifty I'm thinking I might dial my LED right back for the last few weeks, and let the CMH do the horse work of finishing.

I need to figure out if the LED will still kick out a decent amount of UV & IR at the lowest setting.

Good to have someone with a similar lighting combo to ask questions of!
@Swifty I'm thinking I might dial my LED right back for the last few weeks, and let the CMH do the horse work of finishing.

I need to figure out if the LED will still kick out a decent amount of UV & IR at the lowest setting.

Good to have someone with a similar lighting combo to ask questions of!
Hello DannyTwoU2Joints :),

I don't do that, in fact I crank them up on maximum after 3-4 weeks (end stretch) of flowering (they are near maximum as I gradually bump them up since veg). I noticed that well established plants can handle a lot more than younger and less developed plants. Only if the temps are out of range I would dim and since the CMH give the bulk of the heat that is the one that I dim first (indeed around last 2 weeks of flower. I do dim al the light 25% for the last week of flower.

I only have 2-3 years experience with this combo but for me it works very well.
The last grow was the first on my new spot. I started this combo in a 1,5x1,5m tent and this gave me my very best results since I started indoor (1x 315w CMH and 2x 240w LED).
My spot now is rectangular, I will revise my setup in the winter but will document when I restart in the spring.


Great to see those tiles under your pots.. My kids still play with them, learning to count from 0 to 9 :)
Do you use them as a buffer between the pots and the (cold) floor?
Ding Ding we have a winner!
Indeed @High-mish, they are water repellant so they don't act as a cold bridge when wet.

Those are quite chunky for 6 weeks :cool: (y)
Yes but if you look at outdoor plants I think that they were a bit behind. Feeding was a little bit of indoors.😕

Thanks @Tetsuo, @Deach69, @longball & @High-mish!