questions for Nevil on afghani and kush lines (the other grail!)

Obviously Simon is the original breeder of Kali Mist.
Now, even if I have known him for years I never could get precise informations about the genetics he used.
One thing for sure is that Simon worked for Sensi Seed before establishing Cerebral Seeds so he may have had access to NL#5Hz genetics.
Furthermore, Shanti&Nevil had a NL#5Hz strain called Dr.Kevorkian which was the closest to KM in the coffe-shops in Amsterdam. If offered joints of both of them, you would have had difficulties dicerning which one it really was.
One last thing is that Shanti told me they tried to cross KM with NL#5Hz without great success. I guess the KM was doubling up on the Hz A or C male.

Hope this helps.



Didn't see this post until after I made my prior post. Yeah, Simon worked at Sensi for a while, he setup Cerebral Seeds with Tony who went on to setup Sagarmatha and a third guy who I forget now (Adam of THSeeds?).

If I were to guess, I'd say Kali Mist was either Skunk x Haze A or NL5 x Haze A then worked a bit. I once had SSH and Kali Mist plants in my garden at the same time and there were some striking similarities.

I guess Simon is coy about the exact genes because he wants to claim credit for breeding it himself rather than admit it's derived from someone else's work.

Wish I still had some old Kali Mist beans, I had about 40 f2s but stupidly gave most of them away and when I tried germing the last dozen I had kept they didn't pop.
Kali Mist was originally a Cambodian IBL. Right next to Thailand, right? Could be the same valley, on opposite sides of a river? Neville has posted how he believes Haze got it's dankery from Thai. Simon later diluted KM with Afghan to get the current offering. I could probably switch out a Northern Lights for a good Afghan pheno and I doubt many could tell a difference. There's your similarities right there.

I've never believed Kali Mist was a Cambodian line, I'm sure it's a Haze hybrid of some sort, it grows and smokes like one or rather the original did. Soma reckoned there was Cambodian in his Amnesia Haze but I'm fairly sure Amnesia Haze is also derived from the Haze work of Nevil and Shanti. Amnesia Haze came out at the same time as Soma's G13Haze crosses so I suspect the male half of Amnesia Haze is the G13Haze male. The female half I'm not sure about, probably Soma used a cutting of a Haze hybrid. There were and still are several NL5Haze female cuttings in circulation in Holland such as the A5 and C5 cuttings so it's quite possible Soma took one of those, hit it with dust from his G13Haze male and called it Amnesia Haze.
I smoked the early Kali Mist, it was good. It deserved to win a cup. I remember the Cambodian story and I didn't believe it at the time. I think that it was a NL5xHzC crossed with a predominantly sativa type. Excellent hybrids can be made using an F1 5Hz parent, but there is not many of them left anymore. I never took Simon seriously after that.
Yes! The truth again!!!

Simon has built his reptutation with other breeders work and a certain Ameican Cannabis publication which promotes people of their choosing for unknown reasons.

Have you ever seen him smoke kashrocks? I heard he did not.

Him "breeding" the Kali was NEVER obvious to me brosef. The first time it made my eyes bounce I recognized it immediately as Nevil's work. It's been my hunch for years it was the 5Hz.

WAS an awesome strain...before Simon "improved" it in 2000.

I'am nobody but an educated consumer, but Simon does not have my respect nor will he get my money for his beans. Definitely not the worst breeder around, but NOT worth the price of his beans.

I build a tolerance to the AK47 very quickly. The Chronic has the same issue. His Bubblegum is ok, very tastey, like the original, but NO vigor. The White Russian took everything good about Widow and erased it with AK's shortcomings IMO.

As a rule of thumb when I hear the words "secret pedigree" or "secret breeding stock" I replace it with the words "Nevils/Shantis genestock." Heh.

And whenever I hear about a strain I love being "improved," like when the KM was. I replace that with "We lost the original parents so we started over, here is a completely new variety."

Just My Observations/Opinion,

KB 8)_~
I smoked the early Kali Mist, it was good. It deserved to win a cup. I remember the Cambodian story and I didn't believe it at the time. I think that it was a NL5xHzC crossed with a predominantly sativa type. Excellent hybrids can be made using an F1 5Hz parent, but there is not many of them left anymore. I never took Simon seriously after that.

I expect you're right on the lineage, maybe Simon found a nice sativa female and took the quick route to making a line from it by using a NL5Haze male on her.

Have you ever smoked the Mexican Haze from the Dampkring? It is supposed to be the A5 cutting pollinated by a Mexican male. It's very good stuff and clear evidence that what you say about an f1 5Hz parent making great hybrids.

Nev, could you clarify what the A5, C5 and other cuttings are. I hear there are two A5s, one people call A5 Mango and one they call A5 Diesel. I'm guessing A5 denotes NL5 x Haze A and C5 denotes NL5 x Haze C.

Soma is a smart guy and realised that the G13Haze male he had was probably the next best thing to a NL5Haze male so he used it on all his cuttings to make new lines. I guess today if you see a strain that has the word Haze in it then it's either based on NL5Haze or that G13Haze male.

Nev, you only sold the G13 x Haze for one year, right? Is this because you felt it was an inferior cross to NL5 x Haze?
There were a couple of NL5xHzA female cuttings I passed out to people, but #2 was the better of the two, but I'm splitting hairs. I haven't smoked the Mexican Haze from Dampkring, but it sounds alright. My preference would be to put the 5HzC to the Mex (didn't Kanga do that already?). There is no A5 Mango, it's C5.

I have a hazy memory of Soma getting those seeds from me and that he crossed it with everything. It was good stuff, I'm sure people did well with seeds from those lines.

I recall that you said something about a Purple Afghan British Hempire, I'd like to know more about it. I've seen a couple of pictures of P.A., very pretty, although I could never bring myself to select for colour. Quality and yield have always outstripped other considerations. I have this sudden yearning to smoke and categorise this variety. It might make part of a killer 4 way Indica. Hmmm!
id just like to stick my hand up as a tester to anything comming out of your exploratory breeding experiments Nevil :) a purple 4 way indica would be interesting to say the least
There were a couple of NL5xHzA female cuttings I passed out to people, but #2 was the better of the two, but I'm splitting hairs. I haven't smoked the Mexican Haze from Dampkring, but it sounds alright. My preference would be to put the 5HzC to the Mex (didn't Kanga do that already?). There is no A5 Mango, it's C5.

The story with the Mexican Haze is that they obtained some old Mexican seeds and only one germed, it was a male so they hit the A5 with it. Kanga did indeed do that and I think he calls it Oaxacan Space Shuttle, I've seen the pics, it looks very nice. I'm aware of other private small scale breedings done with 5HzC, one that springs to mind is a cross to Dalat (a Vietnamese line collected a few years back in a remote northern valley).

I have a hazy memory of Soma getting those seeds from me and that he crossed it with everything. It was good stuff, I'm sure people did well with seeds from those lines.

Going from my hazy memory, I think Soma said he was given a single pack of G13Haze seeds of 1988 vintage by Ed Rosenthal and only managed to get one to germ as they were over a decade old, that one plant was the G13Haze male and it was leaning heavily to the Haze side. BTW, is it the Haze A or the Haze C in that cross, I'm guessing A? People have indeed done well with seeds from those lines, the same G13Haze male has also been used by DNA Genetics and a Dutch guy called Zeno (whose work was released by Dampkring and Barney's) to great success and is now being used by Conoisseur Genetics in the UK.

You might have been out of the scene for a while but your genes are still at the core of the breeds being done. You might have heard the story of the C5 cut being entered in the HTCC by Barney's year before last and Derry getting up on stage to get the award and giving an impassioned speech about how it was bred from new exotic landraces in a jungle in S America, he mentioned genes from Laos etc. I stood there and chuckled to myself. I forget what Derry called that entry now, Red Dragon I think, but it was just C5, he bought in a really good batch of it from some guys down in the south of Holland.

I recall that you said something about a Purple Afghan British Hempire, I'd like to know more about it. I've seen a couple of pictures of P.A., very pretty, although I could never bring myself to select for colour. Quality and yield have always outstripped other considerations. I have this sudden yearning to smoke and categorise this variety. It might make part of a killer 4 way Indica. Hmmm!

I wish i could tell you I have a kilo of Purple Afghan seeds I'm going to send you but truth is I don't have any seed of it in my possession. The story of it is simple, a soldier brought seeds back and gave em to a friend of mine who grew em out (about 50 I think he said) and saw a load of variation as you would with an unworked line, some were very colourful so he took several males and females and open pollinated then gave me some of the seeds. They sat in my stash for a couple of years because he never told me anything about them, they were just one of several lines he traded with me at the time. I eventually grew em out and had four phenotypes, one was very dark purple but produced very airy buds, huge but airy; the best one was very bright purple, almost magenta, huge yield but also a bit too airy, there was a pink/green pheno and a green pheno. I took the best male and pollinated four females, one of each of the phenos. I also used pollen from that male on a bunch of females of others lines, one being a Thai, you've probably seen Snowhigh's pics of his outdoor plants from that mating.

To borrow a phrase from your good self, my life burnt down so I never much further with working the Purple Afghan line. When I first made the four batches of seed I decided to share them with four other hobby breeders around the globe, one set went to Esbe in Denmark, one to JJ-NYC in NYC, one to Alfred in the Canaries and one to Mojave Joe in Florida. Esbe grew some outdoors and got some very nice plants but I don't think he did any matings with them. JJ-NYC took the best male he could fd and crossed it to his Stardawg mother which is a breed he did using a Chemdawg cutting, he calls it Purple Stardawg and the seeds are for sale under the Topdawg Seeds banner. Mojave Joe and Alfred both did as I asked them and made more pure PA seed, Alfred spread them round people in The Canaries and Spain so there will be seeds around and about, Mojave Joe sent seeds out to a few guys, some went to Hawaii and I've seen pictures of it growing there on The Big Island, they liked it a lot there and kept cuttings so there are pure PA cuts in Hawaii.

The pure PA seeds I kept are still in existence but I don't have them, they are in the fridge of a mutual friend of ours in Amsterdam, I can't go get them cos I'm facing jail time there for a grow bust earlier this year. There are also loads of seeds of the various crosses I made. The Dutch cops burst in just after I'd planted out a load of pure PA and PA x OG Kush f2s so I lost those.

So you now know the whole story on that one. The best PA pheno had a pretty huge yield and the prettiest colouration I've seen, it lacked in only two regards - density and resin, I saw it as a very useful breeding plant to add colour and size to high quality but low yield indicas such as Bubba Kush, Deep Chunk, OG Kush etc. The PA male I chose to breed with initially turned out to have been a good selection as he made some excellent f1 hybrids, the mating with the Abusive OG Kush was particularly successful, several fantastic plants were found in the f1s, there were at least 3 that were very worthy of a place in almost anyone's garden. I chose the one that was basically a short, fat OG Kush in that it had buds that looked and smoked just like the OG but with the size of the Afghan and a 55 day finish indoors (the OG takes 75-80) and made F2s using the best male I could find, those seeds were grown out in Holland and the resultant plants impressed everyone who tried them. So I think you are correct that the PA would be an interesting plant for you to work with in a 4-way indica, everything I've seen supports that view.

I'll see what I can do to track down both pure PA and f1 hybrid seed for you, might take me a while but I'm sure they can be found. The guy in Hawaii and Mojave Joe in FL both offered to send me cuttings of the pure PA females they kept, my life burnt down before we could make that happen, but I can contact them and see if the cuttings are still available, if they are, I'm sure we can find a way to get them down under, maybe Kanga could include them in one of his outdoor grows then you can smoke them and see for yourself if it's something worth further work.

Some pics of the PA from a few years ago, grown under a 250 HPS in a cupboard. First pic is from Esbe's garden in Denmark.

You can see the original grow diary here, it has a ton of pics at various stages of development:


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blackberry acropolist

Beautiful plant man. Looks a bit like subs black russian. Any idea where in ghan your soldier fella picked up the seeds?
Beautiful plant man. Looks a bit like subs black russian. Any idea where in ghan your soldier fella picked up the seeds?

Impossible to say as he sadly passed away, he was a US guy so he could have been anywhere, I suspect it's a highland type.

Does the PA in Hawaii go by the name "Puna Purps" and circulated on the south side of the Big Island?

No idea, DaFlynHawyn is the guy who had the PA, I have some pics on a disk somewhere of it growing in Hawaii. I haven't heard from DFH in quite a while as his health has been pretty bad. He passed the cut out I think, I gave him full permission to do with it as he wished, he used it in some breeds he did as far as I know, perhaps I will be able to get in touch with him in the near future and find out more.
I smoked the early Kali Mist, it was good. It deserved to win a cup. I remember the Cambodian story and I didn't believe it at the time. I think that it was a NL5xHzC crossed with a predominantly sativa type. Excellent hybrids can be made using an F1 5Hz parent, but there is not many of them left anymore. I never took Simon seriously after that.

Damn man, if I can't take the breeder at his word, at least I might have me some 5Hz tied up in hybrids. :D
Damn man, if I can't take the breeder at his word, at least I might have me some 5Hz tied up in hybrids. :D

If you have hybrids of the old Kali Mist grow em out, could be some real gold there.

I don't kiss ass ever so I'm saying this because it is my own opinion - NL5Haze was as good as ANYTHING I've ever smoked so hybrids of it are very definitely worthy of being grown.
If you have hybrids of the old Kali Mist grow em out, could be some real gold there.

I don't kiss ass ever so I'm saying this because it is my own opinion - NL5Haze was as good as ANYTHING I've ever smoked so hybrids of it are very definitely worthy of being grown.

Hi HB......Yes I totally agree with you on the NLxHZ awesome strain.
I am currently growing the old Kali, so I cant wait to try it.
Also mate did you try the Dalat X HLhZ.....I have the lowland dalat that I might try with Shanti's Doors if I find a very good keeper of both and was just wondering what this strain was like.

Interesting story on the P.A, I am like Nev in that I never really breed for colour, but I must admit they look nice....good work mate.
Hi HB......Yes I totally agree with you on the NLxHZ awesome strain.
I am currently growing the old Kali, so I cant wait to try it.
Also mate did you try the Dalat X HLhZ.....I have the lowland dalat that I might try with Shanti's Doors if I find a very good keeper of both and was just wondering what this strain was like.

Interesting story on the P.A, I am like Nev in that I never really breed for colour, but I must admit they look nice....good work mate.

No, I was never lucky enough to obtain any Dalat beans, I have discussed it with people who have grown Dalat and they tell me very strong selection pressure needs to be applied to find anything worthwhile, that is the same experience I have had myself with other SE Asian lines. For instance, the 'Thai' female I used to breed the Purple Afghan x Thai took a lot of hard work to find, I grew out dozens of those 'Thai' seeds and most of the plants refused to flower indoors, the handful that did took 6 months, I tried all the tricks to induce flowering and kept some plants alive over a year without ever getting them to flower. I found one female that did flower, she took 6 months to get to a point where she had harvestable buds and then only produced a few smokeable grams on a huge plant, I had to pick off individual calyxes and tiny buds composed of a few calyxes. When dried and smoked they had a powerful and very long lasting effect however and I figured 'taming' such a wild beast with some Purple Afghan genes was a good step.

The Dalat x NLHaze was a project a US guy was doing, he had a grow diary on a small private forum a while back that showed some very impressive plants, the work was akin to what you did with your Oaxacan Space Shuttle, he used an old NL5Haze he had kept since the late 80s when he purchased the seed from Nevil via The Seed Bank, I should have a look if I can find that thread.

My take on the Purple Afghan was that it had all the yield, vigour and colour anyone could want in a plant but it lacked the special qualities of something like a Bubba Kush or NL5. I wanted to work it into a line that retained the colour and yield of the original Purple Afghan but with improved quality, it never happened due to life issues but I haven't given up hope of one day being able to work with the PA again and achieving my original goal. If I can put the PA genes in the hands of someone like Nev who knows exactly how to carry out such a breeding project then I've done my part in preserving an interesting genetic line and that is what I'm all about.
No idea, DaFlynHawyn is the guy who had the PA, I have some pics on a disk somewhere of it growing in Hawaii. I haven't heard from DFH in quite a while as his health has been pretty bad. He passed the cut out I think, I gave him full permission to do with it as he wished, he used it in some breeds he did as far as I know, perhaps I will be able to get in touch with him in the near future and find out more.
I think it's the same one. I wish I could get in contact with DFH as I never was able to procure any Molokai Frost beans :(
I think it's the same one. I wish I could get in contact with DFH as I never was able to procure any Molokai Frost beans :(

Wouldn't surprise me if it was the same, I imagine the PA grown in the Hawaiian climate and sun would be rather nice. DFH was very ill last I heard, so he might not be contactable, hope he is okay, he was a really nice guy and very honest and open and kind.

I never managed to get hold of pure Molokai Frost either but I did have some hybrids of it. I could probably get hold of some pure stock if i asked around, I heard recently that it was an early thai leaning Northern Lights that was taken to Hawaii in the 80s, no idea if that's true or not but it's definitely a strain I would like to grow for myself one day.
Kanga- "I am currently growing the old Kali, so I cant wait to try it."

Hope you have enough to share with everyone...

Is that from seed you selected or a cut from a friend? You can't find too many American growers that kept the Hazier Kali. Most are growing the more NL pheno.

Not Necessarily Stoned and Working On Beautiful,

KB 8)_~
You know few lines have surprised me in the last say 15 years but kali mist / mh / nh/ ww / and the g13/sk / did the thing about kali mist that really threw me was its affect.

From seed it had a very sat look about her yet the ones i selected were squote very short and the smoke just threw me it was like smoking the best old school Thia it was different to the haze lines iv tried and then wen i grew the clone of the mum she looked like your typical dutch sat hybrid very od line yet special and worthy of being called special.

It is hard to describe a high as they are complex and unique from plant line to plant line the NH has to be smoked to be believed a well selected Neville haze is top of the food chain yet a selected kali mist will surprise you i cant say wat the other versions of kali mist is like but man the one i tried made me redundant useless for the rest of that afternoon ding ding round one knock out kali mist and hempy was knocked the fk out lol.
Kanga- "I am currently growing the old Kali, so I cant wait to try it."

Hope you have enough to share with everyone...

Is that from seed you selected or a cut from a friend? You can't find too many American growers that kept the Hazier Kali. Most are growing the more NL pheno.

Not Necessarily Stoned and Working On Beautiful,

KB 8)_~

Hi kyle....I was lucky enough to have been given the seeds from someone who has retired from the scene so this is my first grow of them. I put in 10 seeds and have about 6 females and 3 males from them, so I will look for the Hazier Pheno and get some seed from that.