questions for Nevil on afghani and kush lines (the other grail!)

Appreciate the reply G.I.L.. However, I am thinking of an advert or catalog prior to Sag. being on the scene. I think. LOL
Botrytis resistance indica's

Hi Nevil,

Just wondering which of the afghani lines you have worked with had the most resistance to botrytis?
Hey useless! Seems like I'm insulting you. Heh.

Godislove is absolutely right the only NL#9 that was on the scene was made by Tony from Sag. Nevil answered in another thread about the original NL cuts he received and I think they were numbered 1-8. Tony added #9 IMO out of respect as a breeder to Nevil. He was NOT trying to take credit for Nevils NL by calling his anything the originals were called.


KB 8)_~
Nevil answered in another thread about the original NL cuts he received and I think they were numbered 1-8
The NL 1-8 were seed lines and most were hybrids. A couple of years after getting the seed, I went to the U.S. to get the U.S. NL5 cutting. It didn't turn out to be as good or even that similar to my NL5.
When I first got the NL varieties, there were 8 types, 1-8.
They came with descriptions, which I published in my catalogue.

I guess those descriptions were published in one of your two catalogs from 1984 printed on plain paper. The skunkman posted part of both of them at Overgrow to show their date of publishing in order to try to demonstrate that his seed company existed before TSB. Claim which was quickly dismissed when I made him the remark that Clarke had reported in The Cannabible that CC was created in 85. He was also claiming that at that time you were only selling seeds from coffie-shop's imports. It always looked to me as he was hiding something by not posting the most interesting part of those catalogs ie the description of the different seeds you offered back then.
Would be great if you could post them here in their integrality.
The skunkman posted part of both of them at Overgrow to show their date of publishing in order to try to demonstrate that his seed company existed before TSB. Claim which was quickly dismissed when I made him the remark that Clarke had reported in The Cannabible that CC was created in 85. He was also claiming that at that time you were only selling seeds from coffie-shop's imports. It always looked to me as he was hiding something by not posting the most interesting part of those catalogs ie the description of the different seeds you offered back then.
Would be great if you could post them here in their integrality.

I didnt realize before coming over to MNS forums that Sam was like that. People at IC Mag dont know, and its not allowed to discuss it at IC Mag, so Ive been told. It really disappointed me to hear all these things about DEA and on and on. Ive spoken to Sam before at IC mag, and hes commented on the Pics of My haze Skunk. The seeds were free from Him. Now,I think if I saw him in Amsterdam, Id go the other direction, real fast.
I met him in 2004 at the HTCC when he came "incognito" to speak to Breeder Steve with whom I was and can confirm you that he is one of the most antipatic man I have ever encountered in my life.
The guy used to threaten the mods at OG to stop posting if those disagreeing with him or exposing his frauds were not banned. I myself had to undergo this regime when I confronted him with his Sadu Sam Recipe where he had written that Nevil was the one who discovered waterhash but as I had just returned after being banned by Chimera for revealing that Reeferman wasn't the breeder of Kali Mist as RM used to claim, my posts were finally just erased.
Hey Dr Pur and Kash,

No matter how long you have been growing, breeding, assisting sick people or whatever, being at MNS for just a week will have you seeing something in a completely different light. It's always a learning experience here. It's truly scary at times. I was CRUSHED to learn RC Clarke was just as dirty as Sam. Just like when Luke Skywalker found out Darth Vader was HIS father, except I could not cut RC down with my lightsaber.

I've also learned since being here that Hempy is NOT a "numbnuts" like I stated in another thread. Your nuts are none of my concern at this point, you are clearly in possession of them yourself.

KB 8)_~
Man I was REALLY hoping this thread would not have stopped at my post for so many days.

I have been staring at Hempy's nuts for three days now.

Please Start Posting Again,

Hey useless! Seems like I'm insulting you. Heh.

Godislove is absolutely right the only NL#9 that was on the scene was made by Tony from Sag. Nevil answered in another thread about the original NL cuts he received and I think they were numbered 1-8. Tony added #9 IMO out of respect as a breeder to Nevil. He was NOT trying to take credit for Nevils NL by calling his anything the originals were called.


KB 8)_~

Thanks for info GiL and KB. I knew I had seen it somewhere, couldn't remember where or what is exactly was. I'll just blame this Lemon Thai hybrid I been smoking on for the mental time warp.

I guess those descriptions were published in one of your two catalogs from 1984 printed on plain paper. The skunkman posted part of both of them at Overgrow to show their date of publishing in order to try to demonstrate that his seed company existed before TSB. Claim which was quickly dismissed when I made him the remark that Clarke had reported in The Cannabible that CC was created in 85. He was also claiming that at that time you were only selling seeds from coffie-shop's imports. It always looked to me as he was hiding something by not posting the most interesting part of those catalogs ie the description of the different seeds you offered back then.
Would be great if you could post them here in their integrality.

Here's the 1985 Seedbank Catalogue. The seeds from coffee shop imports are there and are listed as what they are - from quality imported weed, Nevil was not trying to hide that fact and you'll notice they are cheap compared to the stuff he actually bred. I'd have bought em for sure.


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I didnt realize before coming over to MNS forums that Sam was like that. People at IC Mag dont know, and its not allowed to discuss it at IC Mag, so Ive been told. It really disappointed me to hear all these things about DEA and on and on. Ive spoken to Sam before at IC mag, and hes commented on the Pics of My haze Skunk. The seeds were free from Him. Now,I think if I saw him in Amsterdam, Id go the other direction, real fast.

You bet you would run in the other direction, the dude smells so bad it's like he never had a bath in his whole life. I've seen him looking like a homeless person more than once and got a hell of a laugh out of MzJill of TGA squirming and looking like she wanted to be anywhere else right then when Sam gave her a hug at the HTCC Expo a couple of years back, he was so smelly and sweaty and tramp looking you could see it written all over MzJill's face she didn't want him within 10 feet of her, she is a fan of personal hygiene. He can be neatly turned out and clean though, maybe it's all part of his various identities he uses to appear sometimes like a dirty tramp and other times like a normal guy.

I met him in 2004 at the HTCC when he came "incognito" to speak to Breeder Steve with whom I was and can confirm you that he is one of the most antipatic man I have ever encountered in my life.
The guy used to threaten the mods at OG to stop posting if those disagreeing with him or exposing his frauds were not banned. I myself had to undergo this regime when I confronted him with his Sadu Sam Recipe where he had written that Nevil was the one who discovered waterhash but as I had just returned after being banned by Chimera for revealing that Reeferman wasn't the breeder of Kali Mist as RM used to claim, my posts were finally just erased.

The list of people Sam has threatened is endless, the guy loves to throw threats around. I was at that cup, that was the one where Gypsy threw handfuls of Sam's seeds off the balcony in the Melkweg. Reeferman is Sam's #1 fan, he hero worships him. Sam and Reef are two of the most big-headed people you could care to meet, they both like to claim they did all kinds of things that were really the work of others.

Care to shed some light on the breeding of Kali Mist? I've always wondered what it was, I grew it when it first came out and it strongly reminded me of NL5Haze.
If you buy those seeds today they will NOT remind you of the NL x Haze.

I'am surprised to see respected people like Hempy and others saying the Kali Mist is good.

The cutting that is available may be good but the seeds might as well be renamed KaliMistIndica.

The plant is now short, with denser buds than the earlier versions, but has a lackluster stone. NO MORE of that heart racing, yet soothing sativa experience.

IMO it was easy to see the NL x Haze in the OLD Kali Mist but it's NOT seen in the new one. I suspect that Simon inbred it to attempt to preserve the Haze but he ended up with a much more NL dominant plant after a couple of gens of inbreeding it. Nevil said Haze loses it's oomph after inbreeding it to itself and I suspect this is what Simon did.

That WAS one awesome plant. Definitely NL x Haze IMO.
...I had just returned after being banned by Chimera for revealing that Reeferman wasn't the breeder of Kali Mist as RM used to claim....

That's not true I didn't have the ability to ban anyone at OG and have never, not once, banned ANYONE from ANY internet site, so you are either mistaken or have me confused with someone else.

Additionally, I also stated that Reef didn't breed the KaliMist as claimed; I've also clarified the truths about other supposed claims that Reef has made over the years- like having a B Sc. in Agriculutral Sciences among other grandiose fabrications.

That's not true I didn't have the ability to ban anyone at OG and have never, not once, banned ANYONE from ANY internet site, so you are either mistaken or have me confused with someone else.

Confusing the "great" Chimera who was the head moderator of the Strains&Hybrids forum at OG is not possible.
Do you want us to believe that you were a moderator without any real power?
You would be the first...

Additionally, I also stated that Reef didn't breed the KaliMist as claimed; I've also clarified the truths about other supposed claims that Reef has made over the years- like having a B Sc. in Agriculutral Sciences among other grandiose fabrications.

I am sure you did not clarified anything in that particular thread for the simple reason that after I was banned and my posts disappeared it was Shanti who felt he had to post, although he had already stopped posting there, so that the truth still appear somewhere. The only other personn who backed me up then in that thread was...Jesse.

Moreover, I remember perfectly that after you had some bad blood with RM because he had stated on the forum that the current Blueberry was shit, you and DJ had a meeting with him in BC from which you returned much better disposed towards RM. This is when I was banned...

I answered you here since you questionned my post in the open forum but I would really appreciate if you plan to pursue this discussion to use the pm system in order not to trash another thread.


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Hi kash you can choose to believe it or not but it is however the truth... I had no ability on OG other than to move/combine threads and send individual posts to the recycle bin. All bannings were done by admin- I was but a Mod and had absolutely no admin powers.

I choose to post this in public because you make the claim publicly as an attack on my character and I should be allowed to offer evidence in public to counter your incorrect claim.

Perhaps it was a different thread in which I countered Reef's claim that he created KM... he has laid claim to multiple clones and varieties he has not created.... so it's entirely possible - I certainly don't have a catalog of all threads posted in OG's S&H in my brain.

I don't wish to stir the pot or derail any threads, so I will leave it at that... if you wish to continue the discussion feel free to PM me but I don't see any need for it - I do however feel the need to set the public record straight because your claim that I banned you is incorrect, sir.

Care to shed some light on the breeding of Kali Mist? I've always wondered what it was, I grew it when it first came out and it strongly reminded me of NL5Haze.

Obviously Simon is the original breeder of Kali Mist.
Now, even if I have known him for years I never could get precise informations about the genetics he used.
One thing for sure is that Simon worked for Sensi Seed before establishing Cerebral Seeds so he may have had access to NL#5Hz genetics.
Furthermore, Shanti&Nevil had a NL#5Hz strain called Dr.Kevorkian which was the closest to KM in the coffe-shops in Amsterdam. If offered joints of both of them, you would have had difficulties dicerning which one it really was.
One last thing is that Shanti told me they tried to cross KM with NL#5Hz without great success. I guess the KM was doubling up on the Hz A or C male.

Hope this helps.


If you buy those seeds today they will NOT remind you of the NL x Haze.

I'am surprised to see respected people like Hempy and others saying the Kali Mist is good.

The cutting that is available may be good but the seeds might as well be renamed KaliMistIndica.

The plant is now short, with denser buds than the earlier versions, but has a lackluster stone. NO MORE of that heart racing, yet soothing sativa experience.

IMO it was easy to see the NL x Haze in the OLD Kali Mist but it's NOT seen in the new one. I suspect that Simon inbred it to attempt to preserve the Haze but he ended up with a much more NL dominant plant after a couple of gens of inbreeding it. Nevil said Haze loses it's oomph after inbreeding it to itself and I suspect this is what Simon did.

That WAS one awesome plant. Definitely NL x Haze IMO.

Well, the original Kali Mist was really good, so was Western Winds which was the same thing supposedly. When I grew Western Winds in 2003 or 2004 (I forget for sure) I thought it was a Haze/Skunk of some sort. The Mist part of the Kali Mist name always had me thinking of the NL5HazeMist from GHS, shanti said this about the mist name:

Originally Posted by shantibaba
Doc Kevorkian was basically a particular NL5 x Haze one of the original sisters in the hood, there was also the NL5xHaze/Mist which was not really mist at all, just a ploy for the HTCC from the bobblehead for some reason or other?

It's possibly a clue that Kali Mist is probably an offshoot of the NL5Haze work that was done while shanti was at GHS.

I heard that Serious lost some of their original parental materials to a police bust, it must have been hard for breeders after the Dutch introduced the Geoden law in 98 that banned seed production. That is probably why Serious reworked some of their strains. AK47 also changed, the longer flowering best phenos disappeared, I loved the cherry pheno but you can't easily find it in modern AK seeds. I heard Slyder was the same thing as AK47 and there was definitely a cherry pheno of Slyder. Sagarmatha lost all their parents in a bust a few years back so their current range is not the same as the old stuff and from reports it looks like the quality has diminished significantly.
I really do believe this.

Kali Mist was originally a Cambodian IBL. Right next to Thailand, right? Could be the same valley, on opposite sides of a river? Neville has posted how he believes Haze got it's dankery from Thai. Simon later diluted KM with Afghan to get the current offering. I could probably switch out a Northern Lights for a good Afghan pheno and I doubt many could tell a difference. There's your similarities right there.