Projects brought to you by Mr. Brown

Just another quick update from the project tent.

My beautiful mamas after their hair cut 🥰

I'm glad they survived the sucker attack (y)

Quick update from the project tent.

Today I checked some leaves from the Shit moms and guess what I found :mad:

It seems that the battle ain't over yet.

Keep fighting
Sad news, battle lost but the war is not over!

Years ago I had the same problem and I finally eradicated spider mites with the help of spinosad.
I bought a product called Conserve Garden and made a solution of 10ml/l and dunked my moms in it.
Fully submerged for a minute (also the dirt) and after 6 days I repeated the proces.
Spinosad kills adults, larvae and eggs when it comes in contact with them.
Better to wear gloves when you do this.

Never saw them again after that and I was battling them with neem for years.

Hope it helps and good luck Mr. Brown.(y)

 - Conserve Garden 20 ml
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Sad news, battle lost but the war is not over!

Years ago I had the same problem and I finally eradicated spider mites with the help of spinosad.
I bought a product called Conserve Garden and made a solution of 10ml/l and dunked my moms in it.
Fully submerged for a minute (also the dirt) and after 6 days I repeated the proces.
Spinosad kills adults, larvae and eggs when it comes in contact with them.
Better to wear gloves when you do this.

Never saw them again after that and I was battling them with neem for years.

Hope it helps and good luck Mr. Brown.(y)

 - Conserve Garden 20 ml

Thanks @Swifty 🙏

It seems that I can't get the EDIALUX Insecticide arround here. But I ordered something similar. Hopefully I get rid of those suckers (y)

Keep fighting
15ml neem oil
5 tiny teardrops of dishwash liquid - helps break down the mites outer shell so the neem can kill em all
1 litre of water

That works most of the time but whenever need a bit more grunt also add 15ml of pyrethrum.

Cover everywhere and repeat after 7 days and 14 days from first spray.

I lost all my salvia divinorum plants to those spider mite bastards 12 years ago.

Your shit looks good too @Mr. Brown , so good i bet $50 Bear Grylls would eat it and thoroughly enjoy it !
15ml neem oil
5 tiny teardrops of dishwash liquid - helps break down the mites outer shell so the neem can kill em all
1 litre of water

That works most of the time but whenever need a bit more grunt also add 15ml of pyrethrum.

Cover everywhere and repeat after 7 days and 14 days from first spray.

I lost all my salvia divinorum plants to those spider mite bastards 12 years ago.

Your shit looks good too @Mr. Brown , so good i bet $50 Bear Grylls would eat it and thoroughly enjoy it !
Iam using neem oil with soap/dishwash liq too...

Also after I get rid of them, Iam spraying plants every 2nd day with cannacure, it makes bit of protective layer on surface of plant and also gives some bits of nutes directly to leafs.
15ml neem oil
5 tiny teardrops of dishwash liquid - helps break down the mites outer shell so the neem can kill em all
1 litre of water

That works most of the time but whenever need a bit more grunt also add 15ml of pyrethrum.

Cover everywhere and repeat after 7 days and 14 days from first spray.

I lost all my salvia divinorum plants to those spider mite bastards 12 years ago.

Your shit looks good too @Mr. Brown , so good i bet $50 Bear Grylls would eat it and thoroughly enjoy it !

Thanks for your recommendations @Ken Abbis 🙏

Hopefully I will find a way to save my moms.

@Mr. Brown I'd recomend alternating between products and treating them every 3rd or 4th day. It is only a few days for them to hatch, and a few more before they are sexually mature. Best to kill them before they begin laying. Once you think they are gone, continue treating for an aditional 2-3 weeks. Good luck my friend.

Also, how was the hash vaped with your adapter?
@longball do you think it is possible to breed plants that will resist blowtorching spider mites off them?

I don't think it would too hard. As usual when breeding, it is a good idea to start out with at least 1,000 plants or per Burbank, 20,000 plants. Truth be told, I love hearing the little bastiges scream as they get burned to death. It sounds like....Victory! I would suggest hiring Professionals! DM me for a price to fit your budget!


Thanks for your recommendations @Ken Abbis 🙏

Hopefully I will find a way to save my moms.


Something else I suggest if you can
keep a few small males around (10-20cm) at all times and at the right time bring into flower to always spread a little pollen on your girls .
There is always a chance the fathers are excellent. The more males pollen you try, the better your chances.

After you had a chance to test the smoke out after a decent cure you can then go back to the seeds of the best girl (the mother you would have kept but lost).
fingers crossed the father is excellent ,
can try 20 seeds first to see what it delivers, if you like what you see and smoke can hit the MNS auctions again for some fresh F1s and breed it with your F2s.
if they're any good then you've got 100 to 1000 seeds to play with

or maybe we could do it properly and start with 20,000 plants 😍 .... i wish...

I don't think it would too hard. As usual when breeding, it is a good idea to start out with at least 1,000 plants or per Burbank, 20,000 plants.

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@Mr. Brown I'd recomend alternating between products and treating them every 3rd or 4th day. It is only a few days for them to hatch, and a few more before they are sexually mature. Best to kill them before they begin laying. Once you think they are gone, continue treating for an aditional 2-3 weeks. Good luck my friend.

Also, how was the hash vaped with your adapter?

Vaping hash with the adapter is fun. It holds only a very small amount of hash but it's enough to give you a nice smooth high with a great taste :love:

Something else I suggest if you can
keep a few small males around (10-20cm) at all times and at the right time bring into flower to always spread a little pollen on your girls .
There is always a chance the fathers are excellent. The more males pollen you try, the better your chances.

After you had a chance to test the smoke out after a decent cure you can then go back to the seeds of the best girl (the mother you would have kept but lost).
fingers crossed the father is excellent ,
can try 20 seeds first to see what it delivers, if you like what you see and smoke can hit the MNS auctions again for some fresh F1s and breed it with your F2s.
if they're any good then you've got 100 to 1000 seeds to play with

or maybe we could do it properly and start with 20,000 plants 😍 .... i wish...

I don't think it would too hard. As usual when breeding, it is a good idea to start out with at least 1,000 plants or per Burbank, 20,000 plants. Truth be told, I love hearing the little bastiges scream as they get burned to death. It sounds like....Victory! I would suggest hiring Professionals! DM me for a price to fit your budget!

View attachment 78754


We should start looking for a farm to grow out 20.000 🥰

15ml neem oil
5 tiny teardrops of dishwash liquid - helps break down the mites outer shell so the neem can kill em all
1 litre of water

That works most of the time but whenever need a bit more grunt also add 15ml of pyrethrum.

Cover everywhere and repeat after 7 days and 14 days from first spray.

I lost all my salvia divinorum plants to those spider mite bastards 12 years ago.

Your shit looks good too @Mr. Brown , so good i bet $50 Bear Grylls would eat it and thoroughly enjoy it !

Yesterday evening they got their first pyrethrum shower. I will repeat the procedure after 7 days. Hopefully that is enough to kill all suckers.
