Nth cultivation test 💪

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From what I just read, could it be due to high temperatures? There are times when the air conditioning turns off because it fills the water tank and the temperature rises a lot... And maybe it goes on like this for an hour or two, I don't know...
Give them more water Salva, they are in 7l pots and fairly big now.
Go to 800ml and only give water again water when they are light.
If you have trouble with water uptake loosen the soil on the top 3cm first with a screwdriver or something like that and start with 200ml with each individual and then again until you reach 800ml.
You should not see any runoff.
If you have trouble re-hydrating your soil you are giving nog enough water.
Once you have established plants it is hard to over water them if you let them dry out fairly each time.
Your soil is well fertilised you say, dont give to much food yet. Let the roots spread and search for the food.
Your plants are certainly nog big enough to have depleted the soil by any means.

Hope it helps.
Give them more water Salva, they are in 7l pots and fairly big now.
Go to 800ml and only give water again water when they are light.
If you have trouble with water uptake loosen the soil on the top 3cm first with a screwdriver or something like that and start with 200ml with each individual and then again until you reach 800ml.
You should not see any runoff.
If you have trouble re-hydrating your soil you are giving nog enough water.
Once you have established plants it is hard to over water them if you let them dry out fairly each time.
Your soil is well fertilised you say, dont give to much food yet. Let the roots spread and search for the food.
Your plants are certainly nog big enough to have depleted the soil by any means.

Hope it helps.

Well, okay, giving them more water with high temperatures makes sense haha yesterday I watered them with 450ml 800ml is double but hey we can try but I'm sure that with that amount it will surely drain... yes, in turns like you say I did it in crops previous... There are only 3-4 spots on 2 plants of 18 and precisely on the female ones, what bad luck... this next week I will remove the male ones. So above I have counted 10 females, let's see... For food I have only given them this week once at 0.8ec. It's not much... I hope they recover from this scare
I don't understand why you quantify the quantity of water each plant does not drink the same thing the more the plant grows and the more flowering is underway the more water the plant will consume it is not just a temperature condition etc.
I don't understand why you quantify the quantity of water each plant does not drink the same thing the more the plant grows and the more flowering is underway the more water the plant will consume it is not just a temperature condition etc.

That is clear, the larger the plant the more it consumes, it is logical. I started by watering them with 75ml and every week or so I have been adding more until yesterday when I watered them with 450ml. I have tried to make it like a rule but I can't do it. Some say that you have to water with 10% of the size of the pot but @Swifty told me that he watered them with 1.5 l in 20 liter pots that is 7.5% of the size of the pot. But of course I understand that this will be in flowering. If I water them now with 800ml as it says, it is already more than 10%. And apart from the frequency, some water every 1-2 days, others say that the correct frequency would be every 3. Some also say that it has to drain with each watering and others that it is not necessary. Therefore this is a bit confusing. In the end I'm thinking that there is no rule and that you have to water looking at more factors and looking at what the plant requires.
That is clear, the larger the plant the more it consumes, it is logical. I started by watering them with 75ml and every week or so I have been adding more until yesterday when I watered them with 450ml. I have tried to make it like a rule but I can't do it. Some say that you have to water with 10% of the size of the pot but @Swifty told me that he watered them with 1.5 l in 20 liter pots that is 7.5% of the size of the pot. But of course I understand that this will be in flowering. If I water them now with 800ml as it says, it is already more than 10%. And apart from the frequency, some water every 1-2 days, others say that the correct frequency would be every 3. Some also say that it has to drain with each watering and others that it is not necessary. Therefore this is a bit confusing. In the end I'm thinking that there is no rule and that you have to water looking at more factors and looking at what the plant requires.

there are too many parameters for it to be a fixed mathematical rule the pot must be wet but not saturated there is no rule but I see your photos I find it too dry
Well, according to this, it was dry, yes. And I watered them last night. Well, nothing, from now on I will water them more and we'll see how often. Well, I just watered them with 750ml in 3 shifts of 250ml as my friend told me. It has drained a little in some. I have also removed the males and filled the pots with a little soil.IMG20240721230850.jpg1000045413.jpg
Well guys, this seems to have gone a little crazy haha I got one more male and I removed it so I'm left with 8 females. I am watering them now with 1000ml every other day in two shifts of 500ml. They usually do not drain or very little in some. I have the maximum temperatures a little high (30 degrees) and even though I have air conditioning, the minimum is around 22-24. 30 degrees less when the air is turned off because it fills the water tank, which is when they rise even higher. So I have decided to buy a CO2 bag. I don't know what you think about it. Well, looking at the plants, I think they are going well, I would say that they look happy. They don't look like they'll be finished in 8-10 weeks, I see them as quite sativils.
Oh my god, I hope they don't grow much more, they're going to hit my ceiling at the end 🤦🤦🤦 with only three weeks of growth, small pots and no nitrogen, look how tall they are. Next time two weeks of growth, transplant and flowering.
Good to hear you are on track with the waterings Salva and plants are showing it.(y)

There is some serious vigour in Shanti's lines, I can vouch for several haze's seemingly being on steroids.
Take a look a my Super Silver Haze, Mango Haze and also Neville's Haze Mango indoor grows.
I plan to veg between 7-10 days max next time (matures cuttings).
Most stretch until 4,5-5 week max, with bulk in the first 4 weeks.🤞
Good to hear you are on track with the waterings Salva and plants are showing it.(y)

There is some serious vigour in Shanti's lines, I can vouch for several haze's seemingly being on steroids.
Take a look a my Super Silver Haze, Mango Haze and also Neville's Haze Mango indoor grows.
I plan to veg between 7-10 days max next time (matures cuttings).
Most stretch until 4,5-5 week max, with bulk in the first 4 weeks.🤞

What do you think of the invention1000045853.jpg?
They seem fine but I have problems with the heat. Even if you add CO2 and silicon, the fucking air conditioning turns off very quickly because it fills the water tank right away. And the temperatures rise too much 😡😡😡