Nth cultivation test 💪

I am sure you know this. Only apply in subdued light and make sure your plants are hydrated.

Indeed, I experienced this also.
Now I apply it just before sunset/ dark phase and then rinse the plants well just before sunset/ lights on.
This dilutes the product enough so it can harm the plants anymore.

As I understand it is a neurotoxine so it has to make contact to be effective, after a couple of hours it did its job.
Important to repeat the proces for 1-2 times more after 5-7 days.

Did you see any bugs?

An alternative is spinosad, more effective to kill the egss and I alternate between these 2 If I have a problem.
Works very good.
^^^ Good stuff braddahs! Several products are necessary to cover the spectrum of pests and alternating between several products that utilize different modes (of action) is an important practice which makes for a more effective IPM program.

Indeed, I experienced this also.
Now I apply it just before sunset/ dark phase and then rinse the plants well just before sunset/ lights on.
This dilutes the product enough so it can harm the plants anymore.

As I understand it is a neurotoxine so it has to make contact to be effective, after a couple of hours it did its job.
Important to repeat the proces for 1-2 times more after 5-7 days.

Did you see any bugs?

An alternative is spinosad, more effective to kill the egss and I alternate between these 2 If I have a problem.
Works very good.

mmm, this idea hadn't occurred to me. It sounds very good and maybe that way stains won't come out. The last time I saw some black dots/bugs, I don't know, in the middle of flowering and I added this product with the indicated dose of 15ml/L before the lights went out but of course I didn't clean the leaves as you say and after 7 days again. In a matter of nothing, just a few days later, all the plants were full of very ugly spots. And in the end I cut them with 6 and a half weeks of flowering. Thank you friends happy Sunday...
  • Active substances: 4.59 g/L of pyrethrin, from the flowers of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium, and 825.3 g/L of rapeseed oil.
  • Eliminates eggs, larvae and adults of aphids, whiteflies, leafhoppers, caterpillars and mites (red spider).
I used pyrethrin for my fight against spider mites and it worked great (y) But make sure to use it a second time after ~7 days to be safe.

Like @Swifty I use it before I turn off the light and I never had any problems with stains on the leaves.


Good morning guys, little by little the plants are growing (I see them well) if they should be bigger at this point I don't know (I don't think they can be much bigger) this week I will transplant them into 7 liter pots with a lighter substrate and I will take a photo of the roots to see how they are doing... have a good week...
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Well guys, today was transplant day, it's been 19 days since germination. I don't know if I was a little hasty looking at the roots. Now they are in 7 liter pots. I just watered them with 100ml (should I add more?) 6.5 ph 0.4 ec water and root stimulator. Additionally, I have applied a product that I bought a long time ago via foliar spray (1ml/l), it is Amorphous silicon oxide (SiO2) 30%, do you use these products? I had never used it but since it said it is good for transplants... I will have them for another week at 18 hours and next week I will see if they measure 25-30 cm and I will start flowering. Then I upload a photo with the lights on.
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Does anyone know this product? It is a German insecticide. I'm sure it's responsible for the latest spots on the leaves 😡 What do you use for pests? What I read the most is potassium soap and neem oil. Is that so?
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not use that too much chimical

used liquid black soap with essential oil or neetle manure

i think you have pest because it's too dry ad humidity to your environement or your soil is too much rich
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Well guys, today was transplant day, it's been 19 days since germination. I don't know if I was a little hasty looking at the roots. Now they are in 7 liter pots. I just watered them with 100ml (should I add more?) 6.5 ph 0.4 ec water and root stimulator. Additionally, I have applied a product that I bought a long time ago via foliar spray (1ml/l), it is Amorphous silicon oxide (SiO2) 30%, do you use these products? I had never used it but since it said it is good for transplants... I will have them for another week at 18 hours and next week I will see if they measure 25-30 cm and I will start flowering. Then I upload a photo with the lights on.
when you use soil you never change the PH is the soil who doing the job
Salva they look so good my man! I'm really happy for you. I look forward to seeing this grow progress and remember if you have any doubts about ANYTHING ask the guys here first.

Hello Gregor, yes well, so far they look good, the problems may start soon haha from now on I don't know how to water exactly, how much, whether to wet the entire substrate or just the center as I have read, whether to make it drain, What is the correct frequency... I don't understand this topic well, it drives me crazy... I don't see an exact rule because each one says something different... let's hope they go well, thanks for writing...
not use that too much chimical

used liquid black soap with essential oil or neetle manure

i think you have pest because it's too dry ad humidity to your environement or your soil is too much rich

Precisely this product, Spruzit, is not chemical, it is ecological. Insecticides are usually like that, right? either potassium soap or neem oil, which are the best known. This one I have contains pyrethrins and rapeseed oil and I don't usually add it unless I see some sign of pests, bugs, black spots or similar... Now I will do it as @Swifty told me to add the product and then clean the leaves before Turn on the lights to see if stains don't appear. The environment is within the values with minimum temperatures of about 21-22 and maximum of about 27-28 or so and the humidity with the lights off was about 55% yesterday and on, less likely, but I have the humidifier plugged in. And the soil, well, I always use more or less fertilized soil. This time the land is less fertilized than other times, now it has a lot of coconut.