My plan to make Stash of ASH

So litlle update on taste and high at 5-6 week cure..

First toke, and basically every toke is very smooth
On inhale you feel citrus flavours, like if you drink lemon juice, very powerfull - if one said to me Iam smoking orange bud, I would tell yes, it is definetly orange.
Then the taste dissapears, on exhale you feel nothing, maybe some spices.
But overall the taste is evidently curing still, so gonna update on that !
For me the flavours are best.

About the effect :)
Yesterday after last toke, I immediattely fell trippy for a while !! yes the whole world shaked.
As it settled, good mood arrived and the feeling was great..
The effect of Need to do something is also evident :)
So there is this possitive upshift, day smoke for sure.
I feel it will not gonna get me to sleep :)
I can imagine the nature activities, sports, or electronic music party :D

So, in summarry, the ASH jumps right next to Skunk Haze, I think theese two plants share the place for best strain for me now...
I feel it is time to up some details..

The smoke is absolutely fantastic"!
I have hard time to guess which one I fell in love with, If it is Skunk Haze or if it is ASH, I love em both..

Litlle comparison between MNS SH & MNS ASH

- About the effect I have to prefer Skunk Haze, cause of jigly mood with it, such terapeutic beauty.
The ASH on the other hand has positive wibes in it, in small dose it does affect the creativity, you really want to do something, not just stand and stare :D If you smoke more, you definitely need to go dance or make some activities, it will not give you the siting-time mood, that is very good indeed. :)

- The flavours are on par between the two, just ever so sligthly better with ASH.
My Skunk Haze was more subtle, like ideal blend of all tastes, really good actually, you still want more.
ASH is full of tropical-haze flavours -> If you are searching for fruits in smoke, then this is it..
Interesting thing with the ASH is, on inhale you feel the presence of some citrus fruit juice, but just on inhale. <- will see what even longer cure get done.

- The smells of SH are more of peppery compared to ASH <- which is the ultimate Ruler of all smells.
ASH has really enjoy-able apricot smells throughout the grow period, then transforming to slight afghanish smells, and finally when budding, it is finishing to like tropic storm (mango comes on mind) and all theese smells are easily managable, I think this was pheno where I could have just unplugged the carbon scrubber and no one would notice something :) !!

I think ASH deserves more photos, I actually made theme suitable for this bud, it have the characteristics of the plant, from my feeling.
Enjoy my litlle show 8)
Would have liked to do more, but you know what I am on right now, my personal problems :(

Will be here still, and when the time is right I will come up with some projects again :)


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I need to prepare ground for something,, ehm interesting to me ))

Northern Widow 2 - vape report

I feel alright, about making my 1st mother after so many years, It will surely be kept for hazy hash parent plant to play with in future !!

And here she is now, Northern Widow #2 next to PCK and Zunami Queen #4, PCK will be considered too, but maybe for some later skunk plant next year ;)


LED is set for 5% output at 12"

seeds are put directly into my soil mix, I hope I dont burn them

(soil mix = plagron promix + perlite + wormcasts + supermix + bat guano + calcium kick + bit of guanokalong palm ash + bit of local worm farm frass)


I dont know how to do this, so far named by speed of germination
. . .
Yes Yes, 6 Ashes from 6 Ashes - yet not the final count as last two still needs to grow a bit...
After all I need to flower max. 4females :) but if neccesary, I can take aproach of smaller pots


Fastest ASH #1 on photo above !!

I will try to keep clones of these IBLs : )
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Well, NASA would not let one of the passengers to be put out into space :D but I did :(

ASH6 was lazier then others, so I carefully poked it, it wasnt anchored in right way and it seems I wasnt so carefull in the end.
Off course I did capitated it unintentionally, sad selection to say :(

On the other hand I can acomodate them all now :)

They seem happy overall :)

#2 is pretty short, Iam counting on it to be a short bushy male, with these hedgehog leafs I found in Nordle last year, seems pretty similar to me right now...
Just saying, dont know if it is possible, but maybe . .. 🦔🦔

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg
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So far plants are doing well,
I gave them just a bit of fishmix added into water.

#3 the most indy & #4 looking very healthy, #5 too, it only needs a bit of support right now (4 & 5 are longest )
#1 is closeby, with just a one litlle leaf imperfection 🍃
#2 does some weird stuff so far, it is not 🦔 yet it is really low stature :)

I will keep close overwatch, because 4 pots can be bigger pots you know, plants should know aswell ;)

photos to match #1 . . . #5

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Today I have transplanted into 2gallon pots, raised LED a bit to illuminate in acceptable range for grow. (LED is still set on some 25%)
Once they aclimatize in new pots I will make sure to lit them by 50% that I found best for fast growth.

As you can see I have discarded #2 as it was still growing in crooked ways and I better utilize the space with these :)








it was literall hell last week, temperatures were so high...
Unfortunately someone forgot to water the plants, so these got scratched a bit..

From that point of time, everything is back on track and plants were toped (FIM method)

They all seem to bush quite nice on their own, so I believe it is good strategy ;)

#1 have pretty interesting stem rub smells, kind of bubllegumy / not fruity, but bubblegumy


#3 most affie looking and stem smelling too


#4 pretty nice plant


#5 have some fresh smells on stem rub ;)
