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My Kind stash of on-"Nice"

Hi all, the BP have been in their dark period for four days. They have been chopped and hung. The ladies trichomes ranged from just starting to amber, to a sedative mostly amber. Scents were nice, though not as strong as my first run of them, likely because they were closer to the light than before. The aromas were rich and complex with notes of earth, hash, pine, and astringent. Some leaned heavily on the pine, but not as strong as one of my first three plants which tasted and smelled like chewing on pine needles. Way too strong. These are pleasant, though not as creamy smelling as my favorite lady from the first group. Height was consistent. I'm happy with the density and frost. Here are some pics of the gals.





They have all been chopped and hung. The OG cross should be ready to harvest in a week or so. Once I chop and add them to the dry tent, it should slow down the drying process a bit.

Though it's not my favorite taste wise, the nostalgia has gotten ahold of me! I'm really excited because this is the same batch of bagseed as from my first grow.

Stay grounded my friends, and enjoy the journey.
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I should have realized you were asking about the two OG's. Oops, it was late. Lol.

Unfortunately, these were the only two beans to break ground out of 3 packs from Cali Con. So, not the best selection to pick from nor an ideal first impression.
I have become spoiled from the germ rates I get with Mr. Nice genetics.
Did you get them direct or through a 3rd party? It makes all of the difference in the world. Hence me coming here, frankly.

like chewing on pine needles. Way too strong.

You don't say... ;)
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I should have realized you were asking about the two OG's. Oops, it was late. Lol.

Unfortunately, these were the only two beans to break ground out of 3 packs from Cali Con. So, not the best selection to pick from nor an ideal first impression.
I have become spoiled from the germ rates I get with Mr. Nice genetics.
I have similar non-germ issues with 4 strains from TCC.
Did you get them direct or through a 3rd party? It makes all of the difference in the world. Hence me coming here, frankly
Unfortunately no, seedsman.
I've so many great straws to go through and so many auctions yet won. If I try his stuff again, I'll hold out for regs. It'll be some time though before I look outside of my vault for genetics.
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I have similar non-germ issues with 4 strains from TCC.
That's a bummer. His stuff isn't cheap. We all have crazy lists of expenses to begin with between electricity, soil, nutes, gadgets, new pipes. It's a real kick in the stomach to not have them come up. 😩
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Unfortunately no, seedsman.
I've so many great straws to go through and so many auctions yet won. If I try his stuff again, I'll hold out for regs. It'll be some time though before I look outside of my vault for genetics.
You do you, but they are nice people. My seeds all popped strong and hard.

That would add to subpar experiences that I've had with that outfit.

If I weren't going to Shanti directly, I'd go Cannapot. Direct seems best though. With Cannapot, they stand behind what they do. Anyone, like that, has my respect. Shipping is higher with that outfit (TCC direct vs other domestic sources [if you are stateside],) but you get your shit QUICKLY.

In that neck of the woods, his shit isn't the worst either. Look at Humboldt whatever (there are two) you are looking at $40 more for the same sized pack and with someone, like LitFarms, you are looking at $200 for the same amount of beans. Judging by their freebies at least... not remotely impressed.

So sometimes, it is important to remember that it isn't the seeds per se, but how long they have been sitting around, stored, etc. If you go direct, you cut all of that out. If you pay attention during the holidays: killer deals. Not trying to plug TCC on Mr.Nice. Its just that if someone does something worth doing. I'd like to see them get their due is all.

Its more complicated than "bad seeds" from my observations. Just when in doubt: buy direct.
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@Worn Down Soul at some point I may try some his stuff again. I had been excited to get them, having looked forward to trying his stuff for years. The two beans I have look promising. I just haven't the funds or space what with all the Mr. Nice gear I have to work through.

Seedsman gave me some free 🫘 because of the abysmal germ rate. Unfortunately their policy only allowed the replacement to be seedsman brand seeds, not the original breeder.

Look at Humboldt whatever (there are two)
The Og×gdp Im waiting to amber up, used an f5 og kush from Humbolt seed Organization. The original seed plants were OK. One had a bit more aroma and smelled of OG. My grandmother really seemed to like it. 👍 lol she kept commenting on the lights and how pretty everything was. She really enjoyed the effects. I'm eager to chop and cure this OGxGDP so I can she how she reacts to it.
I don't have anything bad to say about them at all. To be clear. I was just trying to contextualize. One of the two had some interesting sounding stuff. The other... putting a high price tag on it doesn't make it great. LitFarms... the word Darwin used in On Plants and Animals Under Domestication, is "monstrosity." Not trying to malign anyone, I haven't grown out personally, but from what I have seen and dumb ass names like "Hot Tub Time Machine..." My gut says that I have better things to do with my time. In no uncertain terms.

Diesel, you want to know a secret? You make my day a little nicer. Hope that you are having a good one.

Also, for what it is worth, you made me more curious and more eager to pop the SFV. I mean I got more packs of the Tahoe, Diesel, and Boss Hog than anything else and just went "misc" on the others. I knew I wanted the Larry and the Jedi sounds like GOOD meds. The question is: turning it into regular seeds, that reflect the line. Because keeping cuts around is a pain in the ass. I like growing from seed every time, when I can. Sure there is more guesswork, but you get to see things evolve. Plus what you select is always going to perform better in your specific setup than what someone else selects for theirs. Same deal with only buying vegetable starts. It ends up being more ecologically intensive and bland.

I have some regular Sensi Star, which it has Deathstar in it, which is a Sensi Star Hybrid. Then I have Joy Stick, which is WIFI OG x Snow Lotus. The Jedi and it have similar flavor profiles and both are THC dom, with some CBD. So the idea being, to lock that in. Somewhere I will need to backcross to the Jedi to lock it in. The final touch I think, will be Nordle. Some S1 x's the first generation hits the ground running. In others, you have to remove it a generation or two to get the vigor back. Just my recon work. Take it for what you will.
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Thank you, I am having a great day. I just dropped off some Beef Bourguignon I made to my grandma. Each day I see her is a great day 😀 😊 😄

I don't have to go through the threads to know that is going to be the realest shit that anybody says all day and maybe ever.

Close enough for government work:

And since we're already at it:

Here is an update pic of the tent. The front row of Canna are Strawberry Coughs (red tags) I'm going to turn into hash. The OGxGDP (green tags) I'm ripening before chop are in the back row.

We are getting some crazy storms today. The very ground feels as if it is shaking from the rolling thunder. Needless to say, my cat is not a happy camper.

Live well, my friends.

You do you, but they are nice people. My seeds all popped strong and hard.

That would add to subpar experiences that I've had with that outfit.

If I weren't going to Shanti directly, I'd go Cannapot. Direct seems best though. With Cannapot, they stand behind what they do. Anyone, like that, has my respect. Shipping is higher with that outfit (TCC direct vs other domestic sources [if you are stateside],) but you get your shit QUICKLY.

In that neck of the woods, his shit isn't the worst either. Look at Humboldt whatever (there are two) you are looking at $40 more for the same sized pack and with someone, like LitFarms, you are looking at $200 for the same amount of beans. Judging by their freebies at least... not remotely impressed.

So sometimes, it is important to remember that it isn't the seeds per se, but how long they have been sitting around, stored, etc. If you go direct, you cut all of that out. If you pay attention during the holidays: killer deals. Not trying to plug TCC on Mr.Nice. Its just that if someone does something worth doing. I'd like to see them get their due is all.

Its more complicated than "bad seeds" from my observations. Just when in doubt: buy direct.
I did buy direct during their 420 special and not my 1st direct from TCC.
I need trusted germ rates or it messes up my grow calendar. Just reporting what I’ve encountered.
I've become spoiled with my germ rates here.

I just found out that the only hydro shop in my area is closing 😐. The next closest is an hour or two drive. I've been getting my fox farm soil and worm castings from there. I'm stuck with homedepot, if they have it, and Amazon 😩.

I've been hesitant to ♻️ soil, preferring a fresh medium for several reasons. I may need to rethink that, financially 🤔. Amazon is expensive, and most of the soil at Home Depot is suspect. I'll have to read up. I know there must be some good threads here about ♻️ ones soil. Perhaps I'll puff some more SSH and ponder this.

Have a hazy day my friends.

I've become spoiled with my germ rates here.

I just found out that the only hydro shop in my area is closing 😐. The next closest is an hour or two drive. I've been getting my fox farm soil and worm castings from there. I'm stuck with homedepot, if they have it, and Amazon 😩.

I've been hesitant to ♻️ soil, preferring a fresh medium for several reasons. I may need to rethink that, financially 🤔. Amazon is expensive, and most of the soil at Home Depot is suspect. I'll have to read up. I know there must be some good threads here about ♻️ ones soil. Perhaps I'll puff some more SSH and ponder this.

Have a hazy day my friends.

Look for farmstores (agricultural suppliers ) or places called "urban agriculture." Then of course profoundly beautiful, is the art of the DIY. All you really need is peat or choir, perlite, some organics (meals,) minerals, and compost to get going. The rest is learning how it all comes together.

Hydrostores (locally owned/operated) are struggling. So that's where I go, when I can. There are usually other options besides (big box stores) For an example, your local nettle, horsetail, or comfrey patch.

In my state, a shellfish license allows you to gather a goodly amount of seaweed.

Look for goat or horse farms/stables. They won't mind with a little composted waste removal, if you are nice and act respectably. To say "thank you" bring them some of your vegetables even. People like gratitude. Its weird.... Know I don't need to tell you, Diesel. Just throwing that out there.

A chemist once said its about learning how the molecules dance. I like that. Seems there is a parallel here.

There is also online (why the hydrostore is closing) So buy local when and if you can, but we are often limited more by other people's imaginations, than we would like to think.

Not to state the obvious: make worms your friends, buying that is like paying too much money for an easy to make dish at an above average but not great restaurant anyways. Its just a vinaigrette. I promise you can pull one off.

The Fates are just trying to help you get better at improvisation. That's all.

Then reusing it, makes the soil like wine, over time.

There is a reason, by the way, that my only remaining interest, besides a few, select landraces, is Mr.Nice. Did some collecting to get to that point. Wanted to get some related classics, to try to bring them together. Seems like in some cases it went from fetishizing (and often hoarding) certain cuts, the natural conclusion of cultivating an annual... You know stabilizing it.... never really happened, and making feminized version from other feminized versions doesn't seem "it." It seems more like Monsanto putting in genes. That makes sure you have to keep buying their seed over and over.

So in general all S1 is not my speed. However, if it gives me the chance to grow and make crosses with say Purple Thai (ApeOrigin) I can be open minded.

Here is an update pic of the tent. The front row of Canna are Strawberry Coughs (red tags) I'm going to turn into hash. The OGxGDP (green tags) I'm ripening before chop are in the back row.

We are getting some crazy storms today. The very ground feels as if it is shaking from the rolling thunder. Needless to say, my cat is not a happy camper.

Live well, my friends.


What Strawberry Cough? I was gifted reproed DP's (my own deduction) You just said Strawberry Cough. Just wondering how yours turned out. Also, mine went hard to the lime aromatic profile. Not even strawberry after a cure, or via "using your imagination: They did great outside though. Hash is all I'd use them for, if I had them too. So that was why I asked.
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I did buy direct during their 420 special and not my 1st direct from TCC.
I need trusted germ rates or it messes up my grow calendar. Just reporting what I’ve encountered.

You don't "papertowel it either." So sorry to hear that. I've just had better luck is all. Just making sure that we are on the same page. The Boss Hogg and Chem 91, were some of the fastest, I've germed.
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Not to state the obvious: make worms your friends, buying that is like paying too much money for an easy to make dish at an above average but not great restaurant anyways. Its just a vinaigrette. I promise you can pull one off.
That's something I'd like to get Into, but everything has its place and time. That project is on the backburner.
I understand that.

Sometimes we are talking 20 min of your time for a whole lot of turnaround though. Grandma needs her soup, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I get it, I had to say "no" to a whole lot of free sugar a couple of days ago. Sugar, plus yeast, in the hands one one versed in The Art... but that also is VERY time consuming, with an overflowing plate.

A hydro manager, once told me: you either have time or money but rarely both.

A 'Tough Bin" with some holes drilled/melted into the bottom, placed in the shade, and layered with food scrap, coffee waste, yard debris, and or paper waste, is really all that you absolutely need to get going. Then a shovel to turn it occasionally. The worms are really quite accommodating.
How's everyone doing today? The OGxGDP is humming along, finally starting to amber a bit. I'd prefer to let it properly amber up, but I've decided to put them in the dark out period in two days. I need the space to properly veg the Z7HzAC. The mother cab doesn't have enough lumens to really get the clones going. Besides the Z7HZAC, I need that tent to get my G13HzAC clones going. There just isn't enough room in the mother cab. In a few days after I start the 4-day dark period for the cross, I'll move the Strawberry coughs into the 2x4 tent to finish.

The 2x4 tent is doing AMAZING! Undoubtably this will be my best yielding harvest yet, with the least amount of larfe. The Spider Farmer G4500 light I bought is performing just as I'd hoped. The new light and my improved defoliation technique is rewarding me with sizeable frosted nugs of much more consistent size and density. I'm shocked the plants haven't shown light stress, such as bleaching, being so close. Currently the largest plant, bag seed, is a mere 3"-4" from the light. It was as close as an inch or two before the top colas began to lean from the weight of its fragrantly earthy flowers.

Pheno #1 of the Witches Wedding Cake is beginning to amber. It is currently at its peak fragrance, sweet vanilla. The Tahoe has swollen up and smells great and is showing mostly cloudy trichs. Pheno 2 of the Witches Wedding Cake looks great, but has dropped a bit in aroma. She hasn't even reached fully cloudy trichs yet. The SFV OG Kush is humming along, her smell isn't as strong atm. Lastly, the bag seed doesn't smell nearly as strong as she did a few weeks back, but still has a great earthy almost Malbec type smell to her. Her flowers will easily be the most consistent, with zero larfe, and likely the largest nugs. Though, the Tahoe is giving her a run for her money, it's tops are chunky and dense.

Here is a pic of the girls. Sorry for the poor quality.