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My Kind stash of on-"Nice"

Though I use a light spectrum reader, I let the plants tell me. Ideally I like tops <1400, but I also want light depth, so the top bud(s) will show if they’re 😃 or 😔
Nice, I'll ✔️ what mine are at when the lights come on. Like I said, I'm shocked they haven't had issues at a few inches from the light.

Thanks for the reply.
Update: I've chopped my OGxGDP cross. This is the strongest they have smelled thus far. When I pop new seeds I'll have to let them go longer to see how they do. They are hanging by the BP.

I checked on the clones of the five plants in my 2x4. Unfortunately, only the Tahoe rooted, it's clone has quadrupled in size. Consequently, I'll be revenging the other 4 👧. Because of this, I can't let them amber or fade as much as I'd like. They are basically all showing mostly or all cloudy. The harvest will start next watering. I've given the bag seed and SFV it's last feeding, t's been weeks, in a hope to slow fade while they develop furthermore.

I'll be rerunning these ✂️. Hopefully the earlier and less faded harvest doesn't affect the smoke quality. They will have to last me until my next mr. Nice run is ready. 😄

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Update: I've chopped my OGxGDP cross. This is the strongest they have smelled thus far. When I pop new seeds I'll have to let them go longer to see how they do. They are hanging by the BP.

I checked on the clones of the five plants in my 2x4. Unfortunately, only the Tahoe rooted, it's clone has quadrupled in size. Consequently, I'll be revenging the other 4 👧. Because of this, I can't let them amber or fade as much as I'd like. They are basically all showing mostly or all cloudy. The harvest will start next watering. I've given the bag seed and SFV it's last feeding, t's been weeks, in a hope to slow fade while they develop furthermore.

I'll be rerunning these ✂️. Hopefully the earlier and less faded harvest doesn't affect the smoke quality. They will have to last me until my next mr. Nice run is ready. 😄


It could be a sign to go TC... I have faith in you... Just saying. Still working on it myself, but there are papers, specific to the plant in question, media isn't that expensive and the rest is clean technique and practice. Just a thought.

I use a light spectrum reader

What kind and do you have any experience with other units?
So, I forgot to put the girls in their 4-day pre-chop dark period. No biggie. I only have 21 grams to get me through until the BP and OG cross are ready to smoke. Having them ready four days earlier will be helpful. Anywho, here is a pic of the 5 OGf5xGDP hanging in the tent.

So, I forgot to put the girls in their 4-day pre-chop dark period. No biggie. I only have 21 grams to get me through until the BP and OG cross are ready to smoke. Having them ready four days earlier will be helpful. Anywho, here is a pic of the 5 OGf5xGDP hanging in the tent.

The structure looks a LOT like the Skywalker OG, I used to grow. Man I miss that cut... Not gonna lie... A little jealous.
The structure looks a LOT like the Skywalker OG, I used to grow. Man I miss that cut... Not gonna lie... A little jealous.
Thanks for stopping by WDS, always nice to have your thoughts in the thread. I've read about Skywalker OG, never had the pleasure to sample it. This will be my first time testing this cross. The top flowers are certainly larger than what I experienced on the OG pheno I took the seeds from. I never got to sample a female version of the GDP, but I assume the pollen donor has bulked up the cross. I do remember that the mother plant was the only one of the OG f5's to taste any good, but it was also the one plant I really let go longer than I thought she needed. I'm hoping I didn't screw the pooch by harvesting these girls before they properly ambered up. Luckily, one of the girls is showing good amounts of amber. If she tastes better, than I know in the future to let these plants really sit a while and age. Then again, perhaps I simply did a better job drying and curing her. :LOL: I have to admit, I wish the calyx's were a bit larger and the plants a bit less leafy. It's a tad difficult getting the scope in to check the trichs. I'll make sure to let you know how they smoke!
Now that I've freed up my 3x3 shorty tent, I've stuck the clones of Z7HzAC into it along with all of my G13HzAC mothers. I'm vegging the Z7HzAC and hoping to improve the health of the G13HzAC before taking clones. Speaking of clones. I decided to make clones of the Tahoe OG, along with some bag seed I think might be Sunset Sherbert. The Tahoe clone is leaps and bounds ahead of the few OGxGDP and BP clones I made at the same time, so I decided to give her another run right away. I'm planning on growing her and the Sunset Sherbert bag seed along with the Z7HzAC. By then I should have my jars filled enough to tackle the NL5HzZu. I want to have enough smoke to give the testers a good 6months cure before I begin evaluation. I'm terrible about dipping into the jars ahead of schedule, often with only a few weeks cure, and I don't want to do that with the testers. I want them to have as a good of a cure as possible to properly evaluate them. It is driving me batty watching all these great grows of the various testers while I have little bonsai mums just sitting not doing anything. 😩

I hope everyone is having a great day. I'm going to get my ass of the balcony and watch some Cheers before bed.
The top flowers are certainly larger than what I experienced on the OG pheno I took the seeds from

That is the part, where they look identical.

I think you said it was a SFV OG, that you took the seeds from? Point is, both are supposed to be more or less foundational OG lines. I'm not an expert. I just learned enough to make informed seed purchasing decisions regarding my two key OG projects. Point is: I can see the similarity. While that looks awesome, it does look like it could be dialed in further. You might get bigger trichome production, or outside, with more intense lights... wtf knows? You'd have to experiment. Its important to remember also, that they are just gland structure and their morphology is not interchangeable with their contents. Something in there is just maybe old school enough to call up smaller trichomes.

I only was in the right place at the right time for the Skywalker to come into my hands. I got 501 for the project (my OG's,) I liked it enough. Not a super big fan of the source to be frank. Their prices are too high and their seeds almost seem afraid of dirt. Like there is a transplant shock or something. I'd see the same thing after rooting Salvia cuttings in water and then transferring them. So not trying to plug them or even to give them a blanket endorsement. Just they had what I needed and trusted that it is what they said it is.

You really did make me more excited to dive in myself. Hopefully I will have my GDP s1 pics to show you soon. This is my sit down time, following eating. Gotta walk the dog. Then back to cleaning the Augean stables... So that I can change a few things out and throw the lights back up. One thing, I'm working on, is getting a light rail up. It will be CMH and LED in the main area and I ended up getting a decent looking dimmable LED fixture scratch and dent for the others. Will have to do it on a flip flop and will have to combat some heat. So that will be fun... Working on reducing IR radiation coming in to close to zero. That will help a ton.

Anyways, great job and thanks for distracting me from "the salt mine" for a minute. Hope that your day is going well otherwise.
That is the part, where they look identical.

I think you said it was a SFV OG, that you took the seeds from?
Actually, it was an f5 from HSO. I wasn't super crazy about the flower, though my grandmother loved it. The f5s from them wasn't at the level that I prefer for an OG, then again it was an f5. I'm sure the breeders selected for what they wanted. I'm not sure what OG they used in their breeding. The SFV is in my 4x2.
The Og×gdp Im waiting to amber up, used an f5 og kush from Humbolt seed Organization.
I can see the similarity. While that looks awesome, it does look like it could be dialed in further. You might get bigger trichome production, or outside, with more intense lights... wtf knows?
I'm sure you're right about needing to dial them in and have a better light. TBH, the plants had been under a blurple and not properly taken care of before flowering. They had been under fed, not enough light, wacked humidity levels, and in tiny rootbound containers for some time before flowering. A security scare I had made me kill off most of the plants and flower them out, post haste, instead of nursing them back to a proper state of health before flowering. You can see the difference between these and the plants in my 4x2 which I gave about 4-5 weeks to recover before flipping. The difference is staggering, mind you they also have a newer and much more efficient light. I have one or two of my OG cross cloned, and plenty of seeds from multiple phenos to go through at a later date. Which I plan on after a few Mr. Nice runs.

It sounds like you're getting your grow seriously dialed in, nice! I'm honored that my paltry grow has motivated you and gotten you excited. Of course I'd love to see pics of those GDP s1. And yes, it's been a wonderful day. Thank you for asking.
Its important to remember also, that they are just gland structure and their morphology is not interchangeable with their contents. Something in there is just maybe old school enough to call up smaller trichomes.
I forgot to mention, the OG I used had the same tiny trichs and small calyx. Even though I didn't appreciate it while growing, I did enjoy the end product. Sometimes we don't get what we want, but instead what we need.
I'm not sure what OG they used in their breeding.

Yeah.... Not a fan of that...

the plants had been under a blurple

Its funny though: the strain Mountain Grapes, in it's description, states that it doesn't turn the proper shade of blue UNLESS it is grown under some of those. My general null hypothesis: the sun is the best growlight ever and the most eco-friendly to operate :) Everything else is making due. My gut says:

and not properly taken care of before flowering. They had been under fed, not enough light, wacked humidity levels,

Is where your issue is. To be honest: all of that could even be reduced to one, more simple thing: soil chemistry. OG are some prima donna plants. That is their biggest hangup, I think. The rest is icing on the cake by comparison. A sprinkle of baker's yeast on the rootball helps to wake them up. Go to scholar.google.com and search "active yeast plant growth." You will get lots of hits. There are other things too, but point is: that preflower stress can be negated to a point. Keep in mind, more sativa plants don't like a LOT of the yeast. So when looking at the levels used, in those studies, go with the low end for those varieties.
The good news is: that by simply doing your own selecting. This naturally is less of an issue anyways. By keeping the seeds, that do the best for you, the varietal becomes more adapted to your style. Which is why I would take growing from seed over some fussy as all get out cut, that someone else selected, for who knows what reason. I want to select my own plant damn it. Ya know...?

I forgot to mention, the OG I used had the same tiny trichs and small calyx. Even though I didn't appreciate it while growing, I did enjoy the end product. Sometimes we don't get what we want, but instead what we need.

That made me smile and is also why I don't really pay too much attention to the looks. I've smoked enough "fool's gold."

I should probably say adieu for now. I'm feeling the gravity of the computer a little too strongly.

Thanks for sharing your grow. It is aspirational.

-The Grower Known as WDS
Thank you for your feedback @Skuncle Lenny @Worn Down Soul Thank you for your kind words.

It's official. I have chopped the first plant grown under my new light, the Witches Wedding Cake#1. I wanted to ensure the plant was green enough to successfully reveg. She was on her way to having a perfect fade, had I let her amber up. I Think she is the first plant I've timed properly for feeding then going to plain water. Even though she didn't have any discernible ambering, I saw some two weeks ago, her trichs looked fully clouded. She hasn't been a smelly girl, by no means, this entire grow. That changed when I began chopping her down. Undisturbed she smelled of vanilla extract and nutmeg perhaps? Very mild. But, While handling her she screamed at me with an astringent skunkiness and smelling of my hands and the flowers revealed a spicy perfumyness about her. Most of her flowers, especially the tops, are of ample size and density with more than enough frost. The funny thing is that 3 weeks ago her pistils had all already colored up and receded and the trichs looked mostly cloudy. At that time her flowers were tiny, she was just frost and hair. These last 3 weeks have caused her to bulk up considerably. I'm glad I didn't chop her before. After she reveges I'm gonna take some clones and work her into another grow. Next run I'll make sure to give her as much time as she needs to amber up. This will be a good test of Milky vs Amber for this plant.

Btw, I dug out my Lux meter and checked the intensity at my topmost budsite, the bag seed. It was reading 56,200 lux. I multiplied that number by 0.017 which gave me an estimated par of 955. I've propped the SFV OG up, closer to the light. I'll see if she handles being close to the light as flawlessly as the bag seed has. She wasn't a fan of me turning the dial over 80%, so likely I'll have to move her back to her old height.

I've moved the harvested plant into my 3x3 to spend some time with the Z7HzAC clones that are hardening up. To keep an eye on them I've got my G13HzAC mums greening up in the tent before I take clones to start that project. ;)

Stay stoned and fly high my forum family.


I bet if you found a way to boost the CO2 within reasonable levels, you could get her to take more light. Just a thought. I know that the biogenic sources tend to be small, indoor moderate spawning speed woodlovers, like maitake (vegetative phase, not fruiting.) I've certainly put carboys in with them. Just a thought, if you did want to try to max out light receptivity. The thing is: the other stuff would have to be dialed in too. Its more of a "I've fucked with everything else. What can I do now?" sort of thing. I've got a tank around here somewhere still...

Learn from my mistake: get a good regulator.

To anyone reading, not just you Diesel. Absolutely gorgeous shots.
I bet if you found a way to boost the CO2 within reasonable levels, you could get her to take more light. Just a thought. I know that the biogenic sources tend to be small, indoor moderate spawning speed woodlovers, like maitake (vegetative phase, not fruiting.) I've certainly put carboys in with them. Just a thought, if you did want to try to max out light receptivity. The thing is: the other stuff would have to be dialed in too. Its more of a "I've fucked with everything else. What can I do now?"
It just so happens that this light is advertised as recommending the use of CO2 when running at 100%. That is something I prefer not to fiddle with. I like that I have the power and can run it efficiently at a lower wattage.
Completely understandable and I prefer simplicity too. Hence the tank being empty ;)

I'm about to have to do my own dimmable fiddling to try to finish some stuff, under what I am sure what will be sub-optimal temps on some days (usually use a night-time photo period flowering to offset this) However, its part of the contingency plan. Basically I figure if I get a 90 degree day here and there, I can cut the intensity down. So that the photo period is constant, but the plants aren't as stressed. Its the working hypothesis anyways. Got to play what cards you are dealt and all.

The other thing, that just came to my mind, and this is true of any system, is that having something, that can run at a higher capacity, than the one, you regularly use, tends to translate to a longer lifespan of that device, setup, etc. Especially true of anything HVAC related. In other words, running the light at 80% might also mean a 20% longer lifespan. Probably not so cut and dry, but as a generality.
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Thank you for your feedback @Skuncle Lenny @Worn Down Soul Thank you for your kind words.

It's official. I have chopped the first plant grown under my new light, the Witches Wedding Cake#1. I wanted to ensure the plant was green enough to successfully reveg. She was on her way to having a perfect fade, had I let her amber up. I Think she is the first plant I've timed properly for feeding then going to plain water. Even though she didn't have any discernible ambering, I saw some two weeks ago, her trichs looked fully clouded. She hasn't been a smelly girl, by no means, this entire grow. That changed when I began chopping her down. Undisturbed she smelled of vanilla extract and nutmeg perhaps? Very mild. But, While handling her she screamed at me with an astringent skunkiness and smelling of my hands and the flowers revealed a spicy perfumyness about her. Most of her flowers, especially the tops, are of ample size and density with more than enough frost. The funny thing is that 3 weeks ago her pistils had all already colored up and receded and the trichs looked mostly cloudy. At that time her flowers were tiny, she was just frost and hair. These last 3 weeks have caused her to bulk up considerably. I'm glad I didn't chop her before. After she reveges I'm gonna take some clones and work her into another grow. Next run I'll make sure to give her as much time as she needs to amber up. This will be a good test of Milky vs Amber for this plant.

Btw, I dug out my Lux meter and checked the intensity at my topmost budsite, the bag seed. It was reading 56,200 lux. I multiplied that number by 0.017 which gave me an estimated par of 955. I've propped the SFV OG up, closer to the light. I'll see if she handles being close to the light as flawlessly as the bag seed has. She wasn't a fan of me turning the dial over 80%, so likely I'll have to move her back to her old height.

I've moved the harvested plant into my 3x3 to spend some time with the Z7HzAC clones that are hardening up. To keep an eye on them I've got my G13HzAC mums greening up in the tent before I take clones to start that project. ;)

Stay stoned and fly high my forum family.


Nice work Diesel! :love:
She is a beauty.:)(y)
Nice work Diesel! :love:
She is a beauty.:)(y)
Thank you so much Swifty. That means alot coming from you. I'm always in awe of your grows.

I want to show how much the flowers have swelled on the WWC#1.
Here is the photo I posted of her from about two weeks ago, a full week after she "looked done"

Here is a photo of her at chop from the other day.

The difference is much more apparent in person, but I think you all will agree its a big change.
Thank you so much Swifty. That means alot coming from you. I'm always in awe of your grows.

I want to show how much the flowers have swelled on the WWC#1.
Here is the photo I posted of her from about two weeks ago, a full week after she "looked done"

Here is a photo of her at chop from the other day.

The difference is much more apparent in person, but I think you all will agree its a big change.

I honestly just don't get tired of your shots. I can see that swell though. It looks a good 3rd denser. The one further up in the thread vs that one. We are lucky that it is such a photogenic plant and not... I don't know.. teff. (looks like grass)