Little Afghanica hunt

Thank you for answering. My question and concern is about, before making my own feminized seeds, to prevent hermies. I never made feminized seeds but will try it as I understand the theory. But can seeds turn hermie when they have been in contact with collaidal silver?
Thank you for answering. My question and concern is about, before making my own feminized seeds, to prevent hermies. I never made feminized seeds but will try it as I understand the theory. But can seeds turn hermie when they have been in contact with collaidal silver?
Ah, If you want to check it out more. I suppose to search on web.

But from what I have read, you make more clones and stress test each of them by different stress factors, heat, cold, light deprivation, too mich wind, etc …
edit: ?and if cut pass some time resisting herming, then it is supposed as good reversable plant?
I dont believe all seedbanks are doing these tests. But who knows.

For home production and for me, my method is sufficient.
And so far working really well.

The worst part is, some turned females are hard to harvest pollen from. So keep that in mind.
She can turn male but not produce pollen,.
There is lots of things in this territorry really.

For me it is against nature, and generaly, I dont like it.
Look how the turned female looks.
She looks like dying, but produce male pods.

If it wasnt for friend in need, I would not do it.
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Clones are getting happy again, in their 3gal pots with my super coco mix, they are feeded by biocanna vega once a week..
- Ortega 1&2 were younger, so they still need a bit of time, so I expect flower flip in 1-2 weeks ;)
- Maybe I will discard O2 for more plants bushing space, we will see about that ;)


G13AS have its vigour, longer yet still wide leafs.
- feminized clone is placed outside, and is purpling, the smells turned out from citric into dark afghan dope one


Nordle is also serious plant, already bushing out nicely.
- feminized clone is also placed outside, it smells exceptionally skunky, has quite impressive structure

... see ya later !
Iam in time press, so Iam making switch to bloom today :)
Ort 2 was discarded, as clones would take a long time now, and G13AS & Nordles would be so big.
More so I think if Ort1 cant grow fast enought, she will have to go too...
They were too small for cloning ..

That is lot of space for the two plants on the other hand :)
After some 10 days of flowering, all plants are showing signs of maturity.

Iam giving them mild CannaVega nutrients in water, slowly mixing in some Cannaboost.
I dont measure pH that often, but It is somewhere around 6,2-6,6 all the time.

Watering just two times per week.

Sun is at some 77 Wats and it is just great so far . . .



G13 Afghan Skunk
-bit longer leafs compared to Nordle
-some double serated leaf edges
-pretty dark green


-pretty compact plant compared to G13AS
-bit more rapid flower onset


-I could not discard this lady :)
-dank smells already !!

***as always TBC
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G13AS left / NORDLE right / ORTEGA bottom
- all plants are progressing wonderfully
- temperature 21° down 26° on canopy
- sun is working on ~ 70% / 80 Watts
- humidity just around 40%


G13 Afghan Skunk
- have more lemon/fruity undertones
- have kind off darker green hue, compared to nordle


- have more budding sites
- buds are overall faster in development
- some dank world smells


- I know, small plant, yet budding quite nicely
- the colours on Ortega are in very deep spectrum, from marbly green to light purplish tints on leaf edges, yet on straight look deep green **NL feat?
- smells are pretty pronounced on this plant from veg already
*(will be pollenated by Nordle Hedgehog pheno shortly)*
Almost 4th week flowering

So Iam pretty happy right now, bcs that is some delicious indica spectrum !
Still just watering 2times per week with some mild biocanna flower and boost.
Pollenated few branches carefully.

I also think, time for some macroshots is nearby :)


G13 x Afghan Skunk
-fast development
-very mild citric kind of perfume
-lots of trichomes
-very fast development right now


-bit heavier buds
-very fast onset and overall robust plant
-more skunky smells


-very good hashplant this one for sure !
-deep and rich green colours
-litlle but bulky buds
-dark side smells !!!
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Still not the promissed macroshots, but I have to update you on smells :)
1) I had to order more powerfull extractor - as some of smells are leaking here and there :D :D
2) Plants are growing fine, I have watered just by plain water recently . . . before I give another mild nutes
3) the smells are so tasty, they are so Seriously tasty !!!! God O


G13 Afghan Skunk
- great bud structure, overpassing Nordle in bulkness
- bit leafier on first sight, there will be more triming, but great buds
- the smells (I didn expect theese) it reminds me of some fruits, like if „canned“ melon, yet bit on moldy side? it is not so heavy, but it is clear fruity smell, excellent that is for sure !


- it is fastest flowering plant right now, it is gaining full colours already
- the smells are overall skunky, something undetectable is in the background, not fruity, bit like affie, no chemical smells, but something heavy in it. . .


- guys, dank as hell itself !! but seriously tasty smell !!!
- this is serious afghani smell with something in the background and something in the foreground :) !!!
- theese smells she produce leaks from tent slightly :D it is well masked smell, like antique store or something old, myrth, church, I still dont know, but this smell is very tasty :D
I hate to tell you, but fighting fungus gnats again :(
Gnatrol, use Gnatrol. It is a powdered bacteria that that you water into the soil. The bacterium infect the larvae stopping the gnats at stage ONE of their life.

It works wonders. Just use it every watering for a few weeks and you're good to go. Perfectly safe and organic.

Pick up small bags for cheap at your local hydro store.

Even of you water correctly, new soil can be infested with fungus gnats. I always use this when starting new plants.
