Little Afghanica hunt

-DAY 57-

- next on the menu, there is this sweeter scent G13 afghani skunk
- amount of smell lingering from this plant is also great, not as powerfull as Nordle, this is more kinder smell compared to Nordle actually, more fruity :)
- all buds are very robust & solid, covered in huge & deep amount of milky & big amount of golden trichomes

(one might think, I could have waited more, yet I dont handle the golden triochomes that much, so I cut once few are golden. G13 seems to bring golden trichomes and yet can flower more - which is very interesting !!)

-DAY 57-

- next on the menu, there is this sweeter scent G13 afghani skunk
- amount of smell lingering from this plant is also great, not as powerfull as Nordle, this is more kinder smell compared to Nordle actually, more fruity :)
- all buds are very robust & solid, covered in huge & deep amount of milky & big amount of golden trichomes

(one might think, I could have waited more, yet I dont handle the golden triochomes that much, so I cut once few are golden. G13 seems to bring golden trichomes and yet can flower more - which is very interesting !!)

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Actually tasted some of lower clipings.
And boy does it got some fruity background aswell :O this I didnt expected !!!

And high was actually well balanced for my lower dose :)

Not couchlocked or anything stupidifiing :)
Just well concentrated :)
-DAY 61-

- at last we have our Northern compannion, sweet smelling Ortega
- this plant have like the most trichomes from the pack, it is also glue like, maybe on par with nordle :)
- solid buds, covered in big amounts of trichomes, lower parts of plant worked like flytrap, I will have to cut few leafs as there is around 10 flies captured over there :D

- smells are local ones, it is not lingering around like nordle, yet the power is there too !!

This was very educative grow so far...

The combinations of Skunk, NL, Afghani, it gave me more sense now !
Cant wait to test it for you ;)

-now, I will take some short break, to completely dry plants out till I can mové onto my upcoming project-

-stay tuned-
G13xAfghanSkunk / Peachy skunk .. in jar
Nordle / peppery citrusy cleaner Skunk .. in Jar
Ortega waiting ..

just tested G13 AS . . . . pretty chilly relaxing, heavy thinking, not couchlocking, fruity fruity,, we will add few weeks till proper report 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 🧞‍♀️

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Ortega (preview)
- she didnt yield that much, because of time when I put her inside, but guessing from its speed, she would be on par with both other plants ;)
- when alive, strong and heavy smell, now more into dank fruits, subtle
- impressive trichomes coverage, sticky as hell !!
(some seeds made with Hedgehog Nordle male)

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