LB's 2024 outdoor container grow

Just some 3-4 foots of buds and there you you go :)
They seem good to me, curious how tall final size will be.

That heat, if it is 49 on deck, I believe it is okay for shorter period of time, if it is all day long I would be scared maybe.

Off to a very late start this year. Hate to say it but I'd be very happy to get 3-4 foot plants this year! Gonna be interesting. I may top them for better yield. They are mostly Afghan Haze and Early Queen, mainly looking to mate them. If I don't pollute everything then maybe get some stash too. Otherwise I will have to dip into the 80-90 jars I have curing. Saving for a rainy day! ;)

It would not surprise me if the deck gets over 140F(60C), artificial turf does, why not Trex? I will try to measure it next hot day. I certainly would never tell anyone to keep their roots hot(except maybe Autoflower Girls) but what I do is, well, I dunno.... lol If I had somehow been able to keep the roots cooler they may have grown a little more over this 6 foot wall. Most likely root heat stunted them! When you grow plants like this year after year it is not so hard to get a 100 jar stash. Lately I've been using 5 gal buckets. Jars are getting to be a hassle. And expensive! The hotter the roots, the bigger the fruits?

Roof Deck 2022 1.jpg

Early Queen

All plants have pretty much doubled in size in the last 5 days so this time of year I'm thinking 'pre-flower stretch'. There is such a thing, right?

Early Queen 080524 DSC_2233.jpg

Friend took his plants. Forgot to take a picture, they looked so beautiful. He was so pleased that they were small plants. Mostly we were too busy trying to get an AC in the window while fighting the Yellow Jacket bees nest under it.

Fighting Bees 080124.jpg

I think my friend done went and fell asleep right in the middle of the job! Yellow Jacket nest and all. I met him in kindergarten in 1959. Been best friends for parts of 8 decades now. I start plants for him each year, later I post some up and they are always bigger than mine! Must be the water out there cuz I am guiding him every step of the way!

Sleeping on job 080124.jpg

Critical Kush from Sara's Secret Stash.

Critical Kush 080524 DSC_2244.jpg

Unknown - forgot to label it. As a betting man, my money is on female Early Queen.

Unknown 080524 DSC_2247.jpg

Afghan Haze

Afghan Haze 080524 DSC_2251.jpg

This weeks 'Pick-O-The-Litter' is : Early Queen.

Early Queen 080524 DSC_2240.jpg

Half of the plants were topped right after pictures were taken. Hopefully flowering will hold off for a week or 2. Yeah, this year I'm behind schedule on everything.

Couple days after topping the 5 bottom plants everyone is looking fine and dandy! :)

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Topped Afghan Haze. After topping I put a "Tear of Orphan' on the wound to keep out virus, disease, etc. I learned this trick back when we grew based on Folklore and Witchcraft. Nowadays I'm not sure if it is still needed but I never had a topped plant go bad so I still do it for Good Luck.

Afghan Haze topped DSC_2267 LR .jpg

Non-topped Afghan Haze

Afghan Haze not topped 080724 LR.jpg

Fork in the road. The left to my house. Go straight, they want to build 170 apartments. Right about where the telephone poles 'end'. There was a farmhouse there. The poles don't actually end there. They cut through the woods to supply electricity to my house. If a 'good' storm blows through and downs a tree on the wires, I lose electricity for a week. Not sure why they didn't just go up my street?

Sunset North St 1 072024.jpg

Tropical Depression Debby - It appears the brunt of the storm missed us. So we are getting a bit of rain trying to beat the plants down. A little wind, so far not too bad.

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Looks like we get through the night we'll be ok. Sunny Saturday. Great, working an outdoor show unless the field is flooded.


It just started coming down pretty good now! Beating on the plants pretty good.

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Latest update is this should be the last batch of rain. Tornado watch for my area is cancelled. Wind advisory still in effect. Possible wind gusts to 45mph/72kph.

[EDIT] Hard to believe but weatherman was wrong! Raining cats and dogs again!
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Things a shaping up nicely LB 😎 what do you think of those air pruning pots any good

Thanks, eazynz! :) I am of the opinion that any type of air pruning pot - air pots, cloth bags, plastic containers with holes drilled in them, anything that gets more oxygen to the roots will give you plants that grow bigger, faster, stronger. Going back through years of my posted grows you will see that's all I use. This pic sums it up pretty good - Air Pot vs Reg Pot with holes drilled in bottom. Same strain, soaked, germinated, put in soil on same day.

Airpot vs Regular Pot.jpg

Cloth Grow Bags also work great, but when plants get about this size the handles break off which makes the bags impossible to carry. My friend and I grow where we have to move the plants everyday so strong handles or sides are a must.

Grow Bags.jpg

Thanks, eazynz! :) I am of the opinion that any type of air pruning pot - air pots, cloth bags, plastic containers with holes drilled in them, anything that gets more oxygen to the roots will give you plants that grow bigger, faster, stronger. Going back through years of my posted grows you will see that's all I use. This pic sums it up pretty good - Air Pot vs Reg Pot with holes drilled in bottom. Same strain, soaked, germinated, put in soil on same day.

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Cloth Grow Bags also work great, but when plants get about this size the handles break off which makes the bags impossible to carry. My friend and I grow where we have to move the plants everyday so strong handles or sides are a must.

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Thanks @longball looks like you get good results, i got some about a month ago will have to give them a try 👍🏻
Thanks @longball looks like you get good results, i got some about a month ago will have to give them a try 👍🏻

They work great, eazynz. They are a bit more work as they need to be watered 2-3 times a day. A container with a 1,000 holes in it does not hold water very well. All those holes help prune the roots but also let in oxygen which is great for the roots but dries out the soil. Keep an eye on them on sunny and/or windy days which dry the soil quickly. I've seen a few people only use them 1 grow as they don't have the watering time. The plants are very serious about this water me or else thing! lol

Keep in mind - My opinion is based on experience, not broscience or hearsy, - so beware! Love the results I get with their 5 gal. containers. Not to big, not to small. Perfect. 👌

5 gal/19L grow.

Ladder 2022 LR.jpg

They work great, eazynz. They are a bit more work as they need to be watered 2-3 times a day. A container with a 1,000 holes in it does not hold water very well. All those holes help prune the roots but also let in oxygen which is great for the roots but dries out the soil. Keep an eye on them on sunny and/or windy days which dry the soil quickly. I've seen a few people only use them 1 grow as they don't have the watering time. The plants are very serious about this water me or else thing! lol

Keep in mind - My opinion is based on experience, not broscience or hearsy, - so beware! Love the results I get with their 5 gal. containers. Not to big, not to small. Perfect. 👌

5 gal/19L grow.

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@longball I'd love to be able to grow some trees like yours outdoor but it's a bit risky where I rent currently so will be using them indoor, even indoor is a struggle with house inspections every 3 months, I love that you are speaking from experience haha even got the pics to back it up. Hope I get similar results 🙏🏻
@longball I'd love to be able to grow some trees like yours outdoor but it's a bit risky where I rent currently so will be using them indoor, even indoor is a struggle with house inspections every 3 months, I love that you are speaking from experience haha even got the pics to back it up. Hope I get similar results 🙏🏻

Pics, or it didn't happen ;) I suspect they work good indoors also. If you use a fan you may still need to water more often. What size do you have?

For sure, yeah I like the amount of drainage they have and don't mind watering more often if needed, 11L /2.9 gal

Keep an eye on them, eazynz. They grow like heck in those 11L/2.9 gal containers. For some reason the plant on the right is the tallest plant in smallest container(11L/2.9). To make things stranger, the mother of the plant was a 15in/38cm Autoflower plant. Not sure what you are growing but keep an eye on the plants in those containers. You may have to top them or flower early because they will grow! Got about 700 F2 seeds from that plant! :)

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Keep an eye on them, eazynz. They grow like heck in those 11L/2.9 gal containers. For some reason the plant on the right is the tallest plant in smallest container(11L/2.9). To make things stranger, the mother of the plant was a 15in/38cm Autoflower plant. Not sure what you are growing but keep an eye on the plants in those containers. You may have to top them or flower early because they will grow! Got about 700 F2 seeds from that plant! :)

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Cheers @longball 🍻 a lot of helpful info, I'm not sure what will go in them yet maybe some Angel Heart , 700 f2 seeds nice work, I'll have to up my seed game 🤣
Need at least 1 male. 1 Fem from Sara's Secret Stash. 8 M/F Afghan Haze or Early Queen.

Afghan Haze #1 - appears female?

Afghan Haze #1 DSC_2413 A.JPG

Afghan Haze #2 - female?

Afghan Haze #2 081524 DSC_2420.JPG

Afghan Haze #3 - female?

Afghan Haze #3 081524 DSC_2426 A.JPG

Afghan Haze #4 - female?

Afghan Haze #4 081524 DSC_2430.JPG

Unknown, Afghan Haze or Early Queen - female?

Unknown 081524 DSC_2434 A.JPG

Early Queen #1 - female?

Early Queen #1 081524  DSC_2437-2.jpg

Early Queen #2 - female ?

Early Queen #2 081524 DSC_2448-2.jpg

Early Queen #3 - Need a male, Dang It!

Early Queen 3#3 081524 DSC_2457-2.jpg

Looking good, Longball. A very nice ratio of females! Congrats!! 😉👍🏻

Thank you, Freedom_Fighter! :) Secretly, I was hoping for a lot of males as I was hoping to make some Afghan Haze X Early Queen seeds. It looks like only 1 of 9 will be male. :( Early Queen #3. Makes choosing a male easy. I guess if the Good Lord wanted me to have more than 1 male then he would have given me more than 1 male. This male is 'The Chosen Male'.

Early Queen Male DSC_2466 LR.jpg

Early Queen Male 081624 P1110484.JPG

Once you figure it's a male, how long before it starts chucking pollen?

Plants looking very happy.

A bit to go yet for pollen shed.
Couple weeks give or take.
It's common to get a little bit before the main lot comes.

As a side note, in breeding nomenclature the male is traditionally listed first.
So whichever way you go it will be either Early Queen x Early Queen or Early Queen x Afghan Haze.

Better luck getting an Afghan Haze male next time.
Afgan Haze males are held in high esteem.

Anyway it would be interesting to make F2's of anything Shanti offers.