LB's 2024 outdoor container grow

Hi BB! :)

The Early Queen picture was taken on Oct. 18, 2022. Last picture of her so she flowered for about 11weeks. Typical for 'early' plants outdoors around here. She had been topped. Her sister was left untopped and was a true early finisher - 9 weeks of flowering. Sis had a Christmas Tree shape - like a Balsam Fir tree with a star on top.

Early Queen Sister
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After stretching she looked more like a Douglas Fir Christmas tree. Stretched enough that I needed a stepladder for this one too!

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Sis looked pretty hot once I wrasseled her into @Mr. Brown's favorite position! :p

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This will be my 3rd time growing Early Queen. I like it. This year I hope to mate it up with some Afghan Haze to create a Franken-strain! ;)


I just love the ladies hanging heads down and bud naked in the basement :love:

That's always worth the effort (y)

Looking forward to your new Franken-Strain creation ;)

Hi BB! :)

The Early Queen picture was taken on Oct. 18, 2022. Last picture of her so she flowered for about 11weeks. Typical for 'early' plants outdoors around here. She had been topped. Her sister was left untopped and was a true early finisher - 9 weeks of flowering. Sis had a Christmas Tree shape - like a Balsam Fir tree with a star on top.

Early Queen Sister
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After stretching she looked more like a Douglas Fir Christmas tree. Stretched enough that I needed a stepladder for this one too!

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Sis looked pretty hot once I wrasseled her into @Mr. Brown's favorite position! :p

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This will be my 3rd time growing Early Queen. I like it. This year I hope to mate it up with some Afghan Haze to create a Franken-strain! ;)

I love that look. My first memories of them…those girls are huge. I have to try the air buckets too. She looks good upside down too. So do human girls…😏🫢

Great pics, great post and a great grower…
Due to the problem I had with the EQ x Zunami testers :confused::(:mad: we are off to a VERY late start. These guys have been living outdoors full time already. This year it is simply survival of the fittest. No time to mollycoddle anyone this year. Be strong or be dead! 💪

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I love this view :love: Hopefully I won't be seeing apartments there anytime soon. Would put an end to my growing and the parties. Right now there is no one to complain about parties! :p The bushes in the foreground are about 15 feet away from the deck and eight feet tall. Clearly our 6 foot fence limit would not help. The apartments will be on a hill looking down on me. Privacy? Might be moving to Montana soon. Maybe be a Dental Floss tycoon!

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Survival of the fittest. The first night out something bit the tops off a few of them. I guess it didn't like them or it would have ate them all? Hail and wind pounded a few of them into submission. Gave a few away. Left with 14 of 27. I will give 5 more away and have 9 for myself. 5 Afghan Haze and 4 Early Queen I believe. They seem kinda tiny for a month old. I didn't start them until the Summer Solstice. Usually they are 3 months old by then. We'll make it work!

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Always love taking pictures of my favorite drummer and chauffeur, Chanda Dewey. They often play in my yard but this show last Thursday was in a park by my house.

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You folks who play in bands or play instruments may notice that Eddie, guitarist in the middle, has no amp. He has gone totally digital and plays thru the PA. That is what the audience hears anyway. He has a amp emulator on one of his two pedal boards. Pretty sure he has it set to Fender Twin Reverb as that is what he used to lug around. You may also notice that there are no monitors on stage. The band uses a In Ear Monitor System. The 'monitors' are worn In Ear and are controlled from their smart phones mounted on their mike stands. They can individually equalize and adjust the sound of each band member they way they like it. They are run through WiFi set up on the soundboard. The 'Glass Pony' canvas was painted by drummer, Chanda Dewey. Sitting above the canvas is Twinkie the Kid and Beeba, not to be confused with Boobah.

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Eddie always loved playing in the audience but it was always such a pain. A 25 or 50 foot guitar cable and I'd have to follow behind making sure it didn't get caught on something, pull out of his guitar, trip somebody, now it is easy peasy. A place like this you wouldn't get across the stage and down the stairs to the audience with a cable. What am I going to do with technology taking all my old jobs? Glad I completed the Sound Engineering Course at Blue Sky Recording Studio. Bands will always need a FOH(Front of House) sound guy as they have no idea what it sounds like to the audience. Nowadays you can do that with a Ipad. Perhaps I will be a concert photographer? ;)

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My last outdoor grow?

Those apartments buildings could be a few years off, especially if the economy tanks. Could delay them by 5 years, not that I want the economy to crash. Maybe grow some outdoor Freak Show, which has the covert fern-like leaf, if you chose to stay there after those buildings become a reality.

God only knows what kind of 'Devil's own Spawn', they may have produced.

Maybe a mean Pit-bull outdoor guard dog on a long chain would help to deter Demon Spawn weed thieves.
Pick of the litter - looks like I end up with this. Never like the original plan! :oops:

4 Afghan Haze


3 Early Queen


Maybe Early Queen or Afghan Haze on the left. Sara's Secret Stash Critical Kush on the right.

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Early Queen

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Typical plants on July 21st. Little behind schedule this year. :eek:

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Part of the area where they want to put new apartments near me. I kinda like the way it looks now!

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Pick of the litter - looks like I end up with this. Never like the original plan! :oops:

4 Afghan Haze

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3 Early Queen

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Maybe Early Queen or Afghan Haze on the left. Sara's Secret Stash Critical Kush on the right.

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Early Queen

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Typical plants on July 21st. Little behind schedule this year. :eek:

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Part of the area where they want to put new apartments near me. I kinda like the way it looks now!

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That's quite the contrast, Longball, in terms of their size. That extra sun makes a big difference, for sure. I can see why you wanted to cut down those trees.

I'm stuck between two neighbors with second floor windows looking right into my back yard. Secondly, there is a massive tree, in one neighbor's yard, that casts a massive shadow over half my small property; and it's pushing over my fence. You bet I'd love to cut the bastard down, like today! Life handed me a lemon, so I chose to make some "lemonade" out of it.

You have a really beautiful property, Longball. Any possibility of building yourself a decent greenhouse there, for food production? If you built it large enough, you could grow a dozen outdoor plants on the hidden side of it, not visible to those apartments.

So, if the neighborhood residents are unable to derail those construction plans, when does the construction begin?

Your current crop of seed plants will produce some great seeds, I'm sure; with some quality smoke as well. Smaller plants will be easier for you to work with and you can focus more on quality this year, than quantity.

Although bringing in a bountiful harvest is always a hugely fun time. Who doesn't love a huge yield?

What a beautiful view from your porch! A piece of paradise in upper state NY. Amazing! I can imagine how you must feel. If you're going to relocate, though, I wouldn't wait too long. Could get harder to do that, in the foreseeable future.

Cheers! - FF
Finally got them transplanted into bigger containers today. Hot as fuck, 90F(32.2C), sunny as fuck. Is it ok to transplant out in the hot sun? When I was young and dumb I'd wait until a moonlit night and then transplant. After transplanting I set them back in the sun. They love it. The deck surface gets over 120F(49C). Keeps them roots nice and warm. Don't think it works? This is the 6th year you seen me do it! :) The little ones in the back are for a friend. Was supposed to get them 2 weeks ago! :mad:

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This year's crop.

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The other day I was really digging on one of the Afghan Haze's. Today, I'm liking this Critical Kush from Sara's Secret Stash!

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Someone is getting these plants! 3 Critical Kush, Gelatto 33, Afghan T. 🥰

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I guess I will call him tomorrow. Either come get them or it's 'first come, first serve.' Hate to be that way but.....
Looking at this group of plants makes me wonder what happened to those Early Queen X Zunami? It does not seem as if I magically forgot how to grow!

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Finally got them transplanted into bigger containers today. Hot as fuck, 90F(32.2C), sunny as fuck. Is it ok to transplant out in the hot sun? When I was young and dumb I'd wait until a moonlit night and then transplant. After transplanting I set them back in the sun. They love it. The deck surface gets over 120F(49C). Keeps them roots nice and warm. Don't think it works? This is the 6th year you seen me do it! :) The little ones in the back are for a friend. Was supposed to get them 2 weeks ago! :mad:

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This year's crop.

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The other day I was really digging on one of the Afghan Haze's. Today, I'm liking this Critical Kush from Sara's Secret Stash!

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Someone is getting these plants! 3 Critical Kush, Gelatto 33, Afghan T. 🥰

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I guess I will call him tomorrow. Either come get them or it's 'first come, first serve.' Hate to be that way but.....
Looking at this group of plants makes me wonder what happened to those Early Queen X Zunami? It does not seem as if I magically forgot how to grow!

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Looking good @longball (y)

I'm curious to see how these beauties turn out :)
