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Hmm, someone got salty..

Now i 100% know that I'm from another era, those kind of prices seem crazy to me..
Not that i disparage anyone that does pay them, i fully understand the financial dynamics behind such a purchase..
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fuck is 350 000 i look the history of the bet is just crazy 3 peoples

February 12, 2024 12:45 am€350,000.50g***********8
February 12, 2024 12:45 am€350,000.00M************bAuto
February 11, 2024 11:59 pm€100,000.50M************bAuto
February 11, 2024 11:59 pm€100,000.00d****d
February 11, 2024 11:52 pm€25,000.50M************bAuto
February 11, 2024 11:52 pm€25,000.00d****d
Yep some wankers decided to get in a pissing match. No consideration or respect for others. They have no intention of paying- even threatening to close our auctions down, permanently ruining it for everybody. What is it with some people these days? Still in mental diapers hiding behind their keyboards and killing the Golden Goose for the rest of us for their 15 minutes of fame. Say hello to my little friend. Just GTFU/GTFO already!
A serious, legit bidder deserves to win those seeds!

Yep some wankers decided to get in a pissing match. No consideration or respect for others. They have no intention of paying- even threatening to close our auctions down, permanently ruining it for everybody. What is it with some people these days? Still in mental diapers hiding behind their keyboards and killing the Golden Goose for the rest of us for their 15 minutes of fame. Say hello to my little friend. Just GTFU/GTFO already!
A serious, legit bidder deserves to win those seeds!

If this refers to me I have to say: I am a serious and legit bidder. It was just clear to me at one of the auctions at some point that these are not serious biddings. And since I was the one who was getting fucked over as I was the highest bidder I wanted to see how high and might got carried away a little. But I am bidding responsible and was saving up money especially for the G13 opportunity !
No pissing match on my part. No serious one at least. Or to be specific: it was serious until I got drowned in piss.
(Not to seem paranoid but this might have been a personally attack by trolls on me. Strange things happen to me lately.)
...If this refers to me I have to say: I am a serious and legit bidder.... I wanted to see how high and might got carried away a little. But I am bidding responsible...

Surprised you would out yourself like that but while I have your attention-
A serious, responsible and legit bidder, so you will honor your commitment to pay your last bid amount (€100,000.00) then, right?

Before you bid, we would like to make you aware that by placing a bid and participating in the auctions, you have committed yourself to follow through with buying any auctions you win & the orders you have placed.

Wow, on the auction site this morning I noticed two unique offerings. One, the !FIRE SALE! which is a collection of seeds that were won on the auction but the bidders backed out of their commitment to purchase.

Oops, my bad. Just noticed this is an old thread. I would have deleted this post if deletion was possible. Instead, I just edited it.

I'm guessing that the pandemic had something to do with the change of mind about paying for their purchases. Funds became a lot more scarce and it hard to predict if you could see a grow through to the end. People just weren't sure if they were going to live that long, based on the news media hype. It was a crazy time.

Personally, I was laid-off indefinitely from work in 2020, and at the time, had no idea if I would ever return to that job. Well, they ended up firing me in Dec. of 2021, for non-compliance with their pandemic mandate.

It's still no excuse to not pay for what they bought but it's understandable in a way, due to the chaos of that time in history.
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fuck is 350 000 i look the history of the bet is just crazy 3 peoples

February 12, 2024 12:45 am€350,000.50g***********8
February 12, 2024 12:45 am€350,000.00M************bAuto
February 11, 2024 11:59 pm€100,000.50M************bAuto
February 11, 2024 11:59 pm€100,000.00d****d
February 11, 2024 11:52 pm€25,000.50M************bAuto
February 11, 2024 11:52 pm€25,000.00d****d

Wow, this is some seriously crazy shit. No excuse for this kind of behavior, under any circumstances.
fuck is 350 000 i look the history of the bet is just crazy 3 peoples

February 12, 2024 12:45 am€350,000.50g***********8
February 12, 2024 12:45 am€350,000.00M************bAuto
February 11, 2024 11:59 pm€100,000.50M************bAuto
February 11, 2024 11:59 pm€100,000.00d****d
February 11, 2024 11:52 pm€25,000.50M************bAuto
February 11, 2024 11:52 pm€25,000.00d****d
Euros not Rials?
Yep some wankers decided to get in a pissing match. No consideration or respect for others. They have no intention of paying- even threatening to close our auctions down, permanently ruining it for everybody. What is it with some people these days? Still in mental diapers hiding behind their keyboards and killing the Golden Goose for the rest of us for their 15 minutes of fame. Say hello to my little friend. Just GTFU/GTFO already!
A serious, legit bidder deserves to win those seeds!


Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till it's gone.
fuck is 350 000 i look the history of the bet is just crazy 3 peoples

February 12, 2024 12:45 am€350,000.50g***********8
February 12, 2024 12:45 am€350,000.00M************bAuto
February 11, 2024 11:59 pm€100,000.50M************bAuto
February 11, 2024 11:59 pm€100,000.00d****d
February 11, 2024 11:52 pm€25,000.50M************bAuto
February 11, 2024 11:52 pm€25,000.00d****d

I missed all this. I dipped out of this auction early as it went over my spend limit quite quickly. I'd have liked the opportunity for a fair go though.

Unfortunately seeing more of the "fuck you, I've got mine" & "if I can't have it, no-one can" attitude in the wild these days.
Surprised you would out yourself out like that but while I have your attention-
A serious, responsible and legit bidder, so you will honor your commitment to pay your last bid amount (€100,000.00) then, right?

Before you bid, we would like to make you aware that by placing a bid and participating in the auctions, you have committed yourself to follow through with buying any auctions you win & the orders you have placed.

How am I outing myself when the bidding history is there to see for everyone ? But yeah, you´re right. If it hadn´t been clear to me at that point that this is a fake bidding and might even be directed at me as personal harassment by some trolls I would have to honor that of course. So if you want to throw me out for getting a little salty for being harassed since 10 years and losing job, apartment, relationships, my freedom for years for loving flowers and now getting trolled by these fuckers online. Hey, c´mon be my guest !
How am I outing myself when the bidding history is there to see for everyone ? But yeah, you´re right. If it hadn´t been clear to me at that point that this is a fake bidding and might even be directed at me as personal harassment by some trolls I would have to honor that of course. So if you want to throw me out for getting a little salty for being harassed since 10 years and losing job, apartment, relationships, my freedom for years for loving flowers and now getting trolled by these fuckers online. Hey, c´mon be my guest !

At the risk of sounding rude I think you may be a little bit paranoid, but not in a way that is useful to you. If you thought you were being trolled, why engage? What outcome did you expect?