Animal Spirits of the Fire

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

I love it when these 9 week plants start hitting their stride by week 6. Yet here we are in week 4 and some are putting on a show already if you look hard enough.
The one in the middle is Wizard #1, while the big handed girl to the left is Critical Skunk #1 and to the right is the lighter Wizard #3.
wiz#1a 8_25.jpg

Wizard #1- smell the pheromones and daddy La Nina left his mark, nine-fingered leaves.
wiz#1b 8_25.jpg

4 weeks old, she's just a baby but she's got the look ;)
wiz#1c 8_25.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Life is so very precious! The trip began in a good way. Arrived on Thursday morning expecting to camp til Sunday. A beautiful lake in the mountains where 8-10 pairs of osprey are nesting. Got the tent set up, took a nap after lunch, then onto the water late afternoon to see the ospreys diving for their dinner. My GF and I pretty much had the lake to ourselves. I did not bring my camera on this day to take pics of the osprey in action assuming I would take pics the following day. The trip was called off short. Unfortunately I got a call from a braddah in distress. His tears and crying for help, this 260# man was gasping saying he did not want to die. His wife got on the phone and it was decided to call 911. He remains on a ventilator in a coma this morning. F*K meth! I am filled with much sadness as I just lost another brother to fentanyl recently. Life is precious brothers and sisters. Be safe and make the most of it. And stay the f*k off meth!!

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tent view
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better view from the tent, path thru lava rocks down to the lake from our doorway
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peaceful, easy feeling
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osprey feathers collected from the water
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Peaceful place there Mu, I have one like that too.
Now would be a great time to go see it.
Tomorrow is just a word…
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Going on week 5, the room is giving off some sweeter notes as the Skunk Hazes begin to chime in. Everyone is thirsty these days and I'm picking off the yellowing leaves from the Critical Skunk. Some pics from yesterday-

CBD Nordle #2
cbd nordle#2 2_28.jpg

Critical Skunk #2
crit sk #2 8_28.jpg

Wizard #3
wizard#2 8_28.jpgwizard#2a 8_28.jpg

*edit- just got back from getting groceries. OH YEAH, the house is reeking with aroma! Quick-turned on the filter. Get so used to the smell, forget what it really smells like on the outside- delicious lol!

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Thanks @easty! Today begins week 6. The Skunk Haze has ceased vertical growth and are now adding weight and filling out. They have started to show some powder though #4 is taking her time. She's the tallest and lankiest at 142cm. Some citrus coming on along with some fruity skunky smells.

Skunk Haze #4
skhz#4 8_31.jpg

Skunk Haze #1
skhz#3 8_31.jpg

Skunk Haze #2
skhz#2 8_31.jpg

Skunk Haze #3
skhz#1 8_31.jpg

Those colors like #3 are what I have saw in my grow. Darker green ones with buds in light contrast.
Pretty deliciouos Skunk Hazes..

Wonder how would they look like under your supervision in next weeks :)
Mahalo! Thanks alot everyone for stopping by. It’s been a pleasure growing the Indies; to see how quickly they plump up and exude strong smells. But I am really glad to have added a haze to the grow! They are just now showing their stuff and the excitement is building for me. I love all the expression in the room these days 🤙🏼
