Animal Spirits of the Fire

Aloha fellow firewalkers!
A quick pic of some outside stuff.

MoX- Mullum x Oaxacan
mox 7_13 - Copy.jpg

My what long singular fingers you have. She is just now coming out of that re-veg and throwing some fingered leaves.
Holy Grail #2- My eucalyptus girl
HG#2 7_13 - Copy.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

It has been 11 days since my last post. The importance of VPD cannot be over-stated.

This morning's reading as lights came on. In the zone, baby!
temp 7_22.jpg

Living primarily on FFHF and kelp foliar, they were flooded with their first serious food as I left for Sundance on the 15th. I have just returned to find quite a change. I am sure you will agree they are now filling out nicely.
grp 7_22.jpg

The HLG 350R is doing an admirable job and now I just need to increase temps a wee bit which shouldn't be too hard to do now that I am home able to monitor A/C better. I reduced lighting to 16/8 today and will continue to reduce lighting until I get a response.

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

I had one Wizard with indigestion. He/She was flushed with a weak solution of bonemeal. He/She is responding positively.
wiz flush 7_22.jpg

Here is the grow broken into groups:
Wizard- my cross of Diesel x La Nina
wiz fam 7_22.jpgwizheads 7_22.jpg

MNS Skunk Haze
skhz 7_22.jpgskhzhds 7_22.jpg

MNS Critical Skunk
critsk 7_22.jpgcritsk hd 7_22.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Since reducing light to 16 hours, 10 plants have shown themselves as female. Lights were further reduced to 15 hours several days ago. I will loupe the plants tomorrow for the recount. Of the plants that showed female, I will put a Critical Skunk and Wizard outside in the next day or two.

mox 7_25.jpg

Holy Grail #2
hg2 7_25.jpg

Nice and sturdy stems on the Holy Grail #2 Mu, I remembered that she was quite slender in your previous grow (it was the coconut-lime one?).
Has this something to do being outside in the sun and in the ground or rather because she revegged?

That MoX is already a beast!

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

It has been 11 days since my last post. The importance of VPD cannot be over-stated.
View attachment 62362

This morning's reading as lights came on. In the zone, baby!
View attachment 62363

Living primarily on FFHF and kelp foliar, they were flooded with their first serious food as I left for Sundance on the 15th. I have just returned to find quite a change. I am sure you will agree they are now filling out nicely.
View attachment 62364

The HLG 350R is doing an admirable job and now I just need to increase temps a wee bit which shouldn't be too hard to do now that I am home able to monitor A/C better. I reduced lighting to 16/8 today and will continue to reduce lighting until I get a response.


Haha nice work! Such a good feeling when you wake up in the morning / check at the end of the day and your humidity and temp high/lows for the last 24hrs are right where you want em!! 👏🙌👏

oh and @Ken Abbis I said bow 🙇‍♂️ not blow!! 😂
Nice and sturdy stems on the Holy Grail #2 Mu, I remembered that she was quite slender in your previous grow (it was the coconut-lime one?).
Has this something to do being outside in the sun and in the ground or rather because she revegged?
I mentioned in my first grow that the Holy Grail was exceptionally stout. I broke a branch and her healing abilities were impressive. The round I just finished was subpar. I used re-cycled soil and various amendments. I suffered premature senescence I believe due to insufficient charging of the soil.
As robust as she was indoors, she is a different animal outside. Huge re-veg leaves, heavy tops that bend after a good watering. She won't finish in time but like @CannaFish said some time ago, hazes are meant for outside. Many swear by their HPS, I think they do respond better to the reds and UV outside.

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

I've been dead with the crud these past few days tho nothing keeping me from admiring all the great stuff you braddahs and sistas keep bringing. On my end of things, I have 1F Wizard out of 10 with 5 unconfirmed, 3F Critical Skunks with 2 unconfirmed and 4F Skunk Hazes. Alot of beautiful males are headed for the bin unfortunately. If I have the energy this afternoon, I will pot up the Wiz and CSkunks in 3.5's, the Hazes I believe will go into 5 gallons. Lights went to 12/12 today to hasten the process. Considering Sundance ceremony and being flat on my back, I've gone close to 2 weeks without smoke. Nose running like a faucet, being bitchy is an understatement. This pic is the best I can do for now.
grp 7_27.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Since reducing light to 16 hours, 10 plants have shown themselves as female. Lights were further reduced to 15 hours several days ago. I will loupe the plants tomorrow for the recount. Of the plants that showed female, I will put a Critical Skunk and Wizard outside in the next day or two.

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Holy Grail #2
View attachment 62538

I’m following your lead and hopeful success by reducing my lights to 16/8 for The Cure, as I am just about a week behind this run that you’re doing so the timing is right. Thanks again for leading by example and showing useful tips.(y)
Thanks for the kindness @Skuncle Lenny! It takes all of us in this ohana to paddle this canoe. We take turns standing on each other's shoulders to get the better view. A great family and thankful we can all be part of each other lives.

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

This morning yellow-faced bumblebees are getting ready for work. They have been very busy on the 10-foot wide lavender adjacent to the plants.

I ran out of juice yesterday but managed to at least get the pots ready for transplant which will occur today. The males I placed outside, a crying shame as they are beauties. Wish I could use them this round but alas. I will re-check their sex today just in case I put a female out there before final exit.
males outside.jpg

Not smoking for 2 weeks, I am looking forward to getting absolutely baked when I break the fast 😵

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

This morning yellow-faced bumblebees are getting ready for work. They have been very busy on the 10-foot wide lavender adjacent to the plants.
View attachment 62685

I ran out of juice yesterday but managed to at least get the pots ready for transplant which will occur today. The males I placed outside, a crying shame as they are beauties. Wish I could use them this round but alas. I will re-check their sex today just in case I put a female out there before final exit.
View attachment 62684

Not smoking for 2 weeks, I am looking forward to getting absolutely backed when I break the fast 😵

Have you not played with edibles?
Magical Butter Maker 👍