Animal Spirits of the Fire

I hear those machines are great but it is more a choice to abstain during this once-a-year ceremony which brings in the new year. Certainly have thought about it but choose to honor the Lakota culture and their traditional ways as I am but a visitor. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to smoke Chief Red Cloud’s pipe.
Back to the plants.

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Two more plants to the fem side today. Those Wizards with their LaNina parentage are taking there sweet time showing up. They'll be up-potted tomorrow as I'm still pooped from yesterday's work. I did manage a second watering, this time with a microbe tea. I won't re-look at the plants I set outside as I've decided 14 plants will be enough this go-round. That last grow was a nightmare juggling 25+ plants in a 9x9. Too crowded and too much work. The plants suffered along with me lol.
Who's that lighter colored doll in the center forefront?
group 7_29.jpg

Why she's a Critical Skunk. And well, the Critical Skunks are already stinking.
crtitcal sk 7_29.jpg

So, 3 Wiz, 5 CS, 4 SH and the 2 CBD Nordle. A nice sized group to work with.

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Almost a week at 12/12 though they were not up-potted until last Friday. BTW, I spaced on the 5 gal. pots for the Skunk Haze. Everyone appears to be settling into their new digs. I watered in some alfalfa meal today and they will get their first prophylactic spray soon.
grp 8_2.jpg

CBD Nordle
CBD nordle 8_2.jpg

Critical Skunk
crit sk 8_2.jpg

Skunk Haze
sk hz 8_2.jpg

wizard 8_2.jpg

Ever get excited over inanimate objects lol? Just added a 20” metal-bladed Hurricane to the room. With the discount, she cost me $100 but even at the lowest settings, it’ll blow small dogs off their feet hahaha.

Hey Mu,
Super clean setup and super looking plants!

Looking forward to seeing how those Wizards turn out for you bro, I love love love la nina, such an under rated strain!
Aloha braddahs!

@theghost420, thank you for the compliments. You run a nice, clean setup yourself. I always appreciate thoughtful setup and sparse, efficient rooms.
I know I have shared this story before but I began that LaNina project years ago getting the idea when 6 males showed up out of 10 seeds. The project was highly anticipated but unfortunately my buddy who was holding the males, let them all die. So much for backcrossing. Sadly, I haven't spoken to him since. The progeny that came by crossing with the Diesel was a sublime high and a product so thickly covered in trichs that I originally called it Crystal Wizard but later dispensed with the fancy name. It makes the best shatter. I too am excited to see what comes of the seeds I made last go-round.
@TGTDE- powder-coated and built like tanks. The 8" inline I purchased some 8 years ago pushes 745 CFM in a 10x11 room and runs solidly today. I have an 18" standing which has served me for 6+ years and now this 20" metal-bladed beast which I can only run on low because it blows about my plastic walls as if the are kites. I will fix that today by putting weights at their bases lol. So yeah, they've been a long-lived reliable product that I can recommend.

Thank you for the kind words Mu! After seeing your recent purchase, I couldn't leave the store without this addition for the growroom...


A few inches smaller than yours... though they say it's not the size its how you use it haha. Metal construction too so should last a while.
Will help keep the humidity down entering mid flower.
Sorry to hear about the males being lost, I share your pain on the reliance of others lol. I almost lost my la nina keeper a while back due to someone else not doing what they said!
The progency sounds amazing. Are you hoping to run the seeds any time soon?
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Almost over the crud, it's been 2 weeks now. Bored out of my skull being homebound, weak as sh*t and all. At least I have my plants, and though it has only been 4 days since the last pics well, I hope you don't mind.
@theghost420 I am running the seeds. These are from the seeding project of my last grow, yielding almost a cupful. These would make them F2's.
I saw some gnats the other day, so I Bt'd the topsoil Sunday. They got ahead of me the last grow bc of my inattentiveness, it ain't gonna happen again. Today, the plants started their prophylactic cycle. I got them sprayed down with a mixture of neem and maxicrop. Yep, clones in the other room got a shot too. I'll take CBD Nordle clones and trim up the bottoms on the rest of them tomorrow. I ordered some extra white tarps that I will hang and secure the bottoms with 2x4's as that new fan is quite the air mover. The plants are loving the stimulation though!
In the meantime, they are starting to show pistils.
grp 8_9.jpg

CBD Nordle
nordle 8_9.jpg

Critical Skunk
cs 8_9.jpg

Skunk Haze
skhz 8_9.jpg

Wizard- two have red petioles, the other green
wiz 8_(.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Almost over the crud, it's been 2 weeks now. Bored out of my skull being homebound, weak as sh*t and all. At least I have my plants, and though it has only been 4 days since the last pics well, I hope you don't mind.
@theghost420 I am running the seeds. These are from the seeding project of my last grow, yielding almost a cupful. These would make them F2's.
I saw some gnats the other day, so I Bt'd the topsoil Sunday. They got ahead of me the last grow bc of my inattentiveness, it ain't gonna happen again. Today, the plants started their prophylactic cycle. I got them sprayed down with a mixture of neem and maxicrop. Yep, clones in the other room got a shot too. I'll take CBD Nordle clones and trim up the bottoms on the rest of them tomorrow. I ordered some extra white tarps that I will hang and secure the bottoms with 2x4's as that new fan is quite the air mover. The plants are loving the stimulation though!
In the meantime, they are starting to show pistils.
View attachment 63140

CBD Nordle
View attachment 63139

Critical Skunk
View attachment 63136

Skunk Haze
View attachment 63138

Wizard- two have red petioles, the other green
View attachment 63137

Plants are looking picture perfect musashi! 👌
They are liking their home!
Can't wait to see these progressing, thanks for sharing.

I hope that you recover soon!

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Well, it's been a busy Sunday! I got one of the walls replaced and stabilized as that new fan was blowing it around like a kite lol. Anyway, it was time as the existing plastic had some holes in it and I was getting tired of using the duct tape. New tarp wall is solid now, anchored at the bottom. The room then got rearranged. The fan was relocated to the front of the room, the taller plants put to the back of the room under my third light, ready to go on as the plants keep pushing for more room. After I did the musical chairs with everyone, I watered in some yucca to keep the soil compliant and then they got their second prophlactic spray of neem and kelp. I'm tired but it was a good opportunity to get some pics of the individual plants before I finally called it quits. I believe we are on 3 weeks of flower.
grp 8_14.jpg

Skunk Haze #1
skhz#1 8_14.jpgskhz#1a 8_14.jpg

Skunk Haze #2
skhz#2 8_14.jpgskhz#2a 8_14.jpg

Skunk Haze #3
skhz#3 8_14.jpgskhz#3a 8_14.jpg

Skunk Haze #4- taking her sweet time. She is at 45" so far.
skhz#4 8_14.jpgskhz#4a 8_14.jpg
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Almost over the crud, it's been 2 weeks now. Bored out of my skull being homebound, weak as sh*t and all. At least I have my plants, and though it has only been 4 days since the last pics well, I hope you don't mind.
@theghost420 I am running the seeds. These are from the seeding project of my last grow, yielding almost a cupful. These would make them F2's.
I saw some gnats the other day, so I Bt'd the topsoil Sunday. They got ahead of me the last grow bc of my inattentiveness, it ain't gonna happen again. Today, the plants started their prophylactic cycle. I got them sprayed down with a mixture of neem and maxicrop. Yep, clones in the other room got a shot too. I'll take CBD Nordle clones and trim up the bottoms on the rest of them tomorrow. I ordered some extra white tarps that I will hang and secure the bottoms with 2x4's as that new fan is quite the air mover. The plants are loving the stimulation though!
In the meantime, they are starting to show pistils.
View attachment 63140

CBD Nordle
View attachment 63139

Critical Skunk
View attachment 63136

Skunk Haze
View attachment 63138

Wizard- two have red petioles, the other green
View attachment 63137

That CBD Nordle photo of yours should be the one they use in the strain description 😍
Mu, all those plants are looking absolutely stellar buddy! Your grow always look impeccable. As you already know, I am very intrigued by the Skunk Haze and definitely want to see the critical skunk in their glory also. Thank you for the regular updates and I hope a Haze A pheno leather pheno comes up that has us all drooling and pestering Shantibaba for Skunk/Haze seeds. Keep up the good work! Peace, Tric
I’m humbled. Thank you all for the warmth and the kind, loving words. Retired, I don’t know what I’d do with myself if not for these incredible genetics to work with. Everything I’ve grown so far from the MNS catalogue has been stellar! Thank you @shantibaba for bringing the joy of growing to the many of us here in this ohana. While the outside world seems to be showing a fair amount of ugliness these days, it’s all of us working together in love that makes for a brighter world.
