Who has experience reveging?

What do you suppose the cause was?
How much root mass did you see?
I have no idea really. First time that i took a clone of a flower. I had 3 that i rooted the same way as a usual cutting in a propagator. When i saw 1 or 2 roots per cutting i put them in another propagator with less humid to encourage more roots. Maybe that was too fast. Maybe i wet the plugs to much for the little roots, dunno but i do exact the same as usual and i barely lose a cutting.

For me its weird that they all start to rot from the flower while i hear people say that the flower will fall off eventually. Ill try it again just to exercise.

Also i have revegged whole plants with succes..
If they were rotting above the soil line then there was no need for the humidity dome after they rooted
Once the clones have roots they can fend for themselves like a normal plant.
You wouldn't expect bud to finish under a humidity dome without going mouldy and this is no different.
Ye i didnt put any dome on them after roots.. maybe i used the word propagator wrong for the second time..tents are also called propogaters. thats why i put some context.. the buds only started to rot after they rooted. After put in the veg room. But whatever i think i got it already.
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I have revegged several times and the plants end up very branchy and some branches can be spindly.
Node spacing tends to be tighter but can interfere with training.
Putting them in direct sun is supposed to get them back into 18/6 without the excessive branching but I haven’t tried that method.
They produce normal leaves but they don’t behave like a normal 18/6 and can go into flower very quickly.
Its hard to help without pictures Zen.

It would be inadvisable to be spraying clones that are covered in bud and have not sprouted new growth yet.

Especially in an already humid environment.

The easiest way is to leave some bud and leaf on the plant and re-veg the whole thing, then take a clone when it has reverted to veg.

This is especially true if you are trying to clone a plant well into flowering and that plant is susceptible to mould

Best of luck ZenC.

@CBDcure Leaving plants in direct sun only works during the vegetative part of the year.

Late spring and early/mid summer.

The rest of the year you can put them in the sun but they have to come back inside again at the end of the day or they will start flowering.

Again photo's speak a thousand words as far as your clones go.

A re-vegged clone should look just like it's mum once it is growing properly.
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I dont know wtf you use a statement picture for that u can fkin type yourself. But maybe i dont get your hyping hippie cult.

Make a picture of that ffs
Kanker hippies

This forum really gave me the vybe i could be myself. Now i kinda know it has to be within a box within the boundaries of blabla.

Thats why yall are here probably.. socially retarded for real but act like u are.

All so glad to be a tester. Haha this usually is a paid job. U guys are even licking anus for it.

Im out
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Its hard to help without pictures Zen.

It would be inadvisable to be spraying clones that are covered in bud and have not sprouted new growth yet.

Especially in an already humid environment.

The easiest way is to leave some bud and leaf on the plant and re-veg the whole thing, then take a clone when it has reverted to veg.

This is especially true if you are trying to clone a plant well into flowering and that plant is susceptible to mould

Best of luck ZenC.

@CBDcure Leaving plants in direct sun only works during the vegetative part of the year.

Late spring and early/mid summer.

The rest of the year you can put them in the sun but they have to come back inside again at the end of the day or they will start flowering.

Again photo's speak a thousand words as far as your clones go.

A re-vegged clone should look just like it's mum once it is growing properly.
Thanks man u helped me already by pointing me in the right direction. I think had to do with nutes. Like u said the bud has to sprout new growth first before can even handle the nutes.
Whoa! Why so serious? No need to resort to insults and name calling as many here are just trying to help. We’ve all been there brah. Yes, we joke alot with memes to keep it light. No need to take it personal. Take a breath, there’s room for you here if you want.


I dont know wtf you use a statement picture for that u can fkin type yourself. But maybe i dont get your hyping hippie cult.

Make a picture of that ffs
Kanker hippies

This forum really gave me the vybe i could be myself. Now i kinda know it has to be within a box within the boundaries of blabla.

Thats why yall are here probably.. socially retarded for real but act like u are.

All so glad to be a tester. Haha this usually is a paid job. U guys are even licking anus for it.

Im out
Did not mem to offend. Were growing erb here man, chillax a bit.
I dont know wtf you use a statement picture for that u can fkin type yourself. But maybe i dont get your hyping hippie cult.

Make a picture of that ffs
Kanker hippies

This forum really gave me the vybe i could be myself. Now i kinda know it has to be within a box within the boundaries of blabla.

Thats why yall are here probably.. socially retarded for real but act like u are.

All so glad to be a tester. Haha this usually is a paid job. U guys are even licking anus for it.
Roll a phatty and breath. Find your zen.
I dont know wtf you use a statement picture for that u can fkin type yourself. But maybe i dont get your hyping hippie cult.

Make a picture of that ffs
Kanker hippies

This forum really gave me the vybe i could be myself. Now i kinda know it has to be within a box within the boundaries of blabla.

Thats why yall are here probably.. socially retarded for real but act like u are.

All so glad to be a tester. Haha this usually is a paid job. U guys are even licking anus for it.

Im out
Well I guess you’re not happy, life if full of guardrails it’s your job to know navigating.
My guess is you’re a young buck, but man I’d didn’t think you would exhibit such a low threshold for any kind of comment which rubs you wrong.
If it were me, I would stay just because it highlights a learning experience and potentially a growth opportunity for yourself. Especially being a stoner, but humanity keeps surprising me and keeps me on my toes. Good luck 🍀
Well I guess you’re not happy, life if full of guardrails it’s your job to know navigating.
My guess is you’re a young buck, but man I’d didn’t think you would exhibit such a low threshold for any kind of comment which rubs you wrong.
If it were me, I would stay just because it highlights a learning experience and potentially a growth opportunity for yourself. Especially being a stoner, but humanity keeps surprising me and keeps me on my toes. Good luck 🍀

I dont get those retarded shit that u guys post and u guys dont get me clearly. Telling me im on a rant while im just asking for clarity. U guys are not sweet or kind. Just fkin naive and thats a whole nother thing.

Im young? Ye well u are fkin old and i also see that. Good for me, good for you. Has nothing to do with anything but maybe im too young to have an actual intellect right?

My dad is a hippie... I like him for it but also anoys me alot. So full of himself and his philosophy that is so fkin outdated. Like you probably.. idk.. but feels like that.

I dont wanna be rude at all but if you guys are weird as fuck im also that. Everyone likes those comments apposed of mine. All good but i feel there is like a gang here that doesnt like people who are different. They dont like information but only want words that be sweet about it.

You post a growjournal but none ever reacts other than : "looking good". Call me young but u can be 184 and still not make any progress. You can only learn within your ability to analyse. If no one may fkin react to a growjournal other than " nice" its for sure that its not about your fkin learning curve.

Its so fkin poor if u can only hear how good you are. And im not saying anyone is bad, i always put context and shit so people see what its about, never about the person.
Whoa! Why so serious? No need to resort to insults and name calling as many here are just trying to help. We’ve all been there brah. Yes, we joke alot with memes to keep it light. No need to take it personal. Take a breath, there’s room for you here if you want.

View attachment 84228

U are the most disturbing mongol of this whole forum.

Why so serious? Who called me being on a rant when u clearly couldnt understand clear English. U were fkin serious about me calling you out being wrong while did that with feel cus i felt that u are chilling in an authorized position. Haha people are in your ass. Its a cult. See how the likes go.. everyone in your anus feels good doesnt it?

Im never scared of an argument. Im always about info.. u guys post lame fkin pictures which i dont get and i am supposed to laugh about it ? Just like all the liking people who didnt like any of the conversation before?? Yall think its not noticeable? Get a room man

This forum is to maintain the whole fkin company where 2 man and a dog work. U guys are his free to use apes. Shanti or this fkin company cant even mail back in an fkin month but he is here in the auction thread just to justify or explain his faults. Ye and yall are hippie and and therefor swallow his semen.

Do you think that when i post a joke, that u have to like it? U cant be offended off a joke ? Are u really this stupid? Or dont u differentiate subjections and objections? Probably all part of ur autism. Easy to bash the adhd'r when u look smart but only use smart words. U say shit with nice words. Good for u