The Shed Shack®️


'23, '24 COE Winner
A thread dedicated to my keeper females and my shed.
I do 1-2 grows a year in here in order to have my medicin year round, I don't heat this place, now is the perfect time to do a grow.
Strictly for personal use, this year I will do only 1 grow with my keeper clones.

Setup has changed somewhat, I now use 4 lights in a 1,2x2m area.
This way I can run them softer to help with heat issues and lifespan of the lights.
* Philips 315w Elite 930 CMH
* Mars Hydro TS1000 (150w Led)
*Mars Hydro SP3000 (300w Led)
*Mars Hydro New SP3000 (Older model was out of stock, 300w Led)


30cm Box fan with a spinning grid and a humidifier (if needed to keep the VPD in range).


370m³/h extractor, intake is passive with a 45µ screen.


Lined up to have an even spread of photons.
I even have UV and Far Red bars, don't know if I will use them this year.


Mango Haze IBL#9:


Super Silver Haze:


Mango Haze#11:


Wester Winds:


They are in Plagron Light Mix + Bat Guano except one Mango Haze IBL#9 and one SSH.
These are in Plagron Bat Mix, a final test to see if 100% organic is different from my usual mix of organic fertilizer with light mineral soil.
So far one light feeding with 2ml/l Alga grow in rainwater.

So 8 SSH, 2 MHIBL#9, 1 MH#11 and 1 Western Winds.

More later on!
Choice set-up @Swifty.

I have some questions for you mate.

How many litres are those buckets if you don't mind sharing?

I can't see any water catchers either, do you drill holes in the bottoms or do you employ a kind of wicking system?

All the best
Hello Uncle Jack,

Those are 20L buckets with around 10-12 big holes drilled through the bottom.
I use these for more than 15 years now, even outside they work like a charm.
Don't use trays indoors anymore, I always give water in the center and since I don't compact the dirt much after planting this creates an natural bowl-like chape to catch the water.
I think that it is very important to time the waterings so that the dirt still takes up the water fast and isn't too dry. I believe that too dry results in root damage and is not beneficial to the plants.

Today is day 1 of flowering.

I topped the plants a couple of days ago, pruned some lower branches but kept a couple for new moms that I will make over the weekend.
Plants are at 12/12 now, I was doubting to go 14/10 for the first weeks like @easty (thanks for the tip mate!) does for his indies.
These are not indies and since I need them to finish as planned I will not experiment with the lighting schedule now.

I let them grow in slightly different shapes, some cuts were a bit rough at the start and recovered later than others.
They will be labeled tomorrow, should be easier to see what is what.

CMH @315w and LED's around 60%.


Western Winds:


Mango Haze IBL#9:


Mango Haze#11:


Super Silver Haze:


Edit: so far no calmag!
Labeled the plants and installed the infra red bar.

-Yellow = Super Silver Haze
-Red= Western Winds
-Blue= Mango Haze IBL#9
-Purple= Mango Haze#11

Double flags mean that these are in Plagron Batmix.


Here a pic just after lights off:


IR (730-745nm) for 15 minutes starting just before lights off and also 15 minutes before lights on.
I hope to reduce the stretch with this.
Day 8 of flowering.

They are growing fast, so far al goes well.
Only rainwater for now, no extra food or Si or Ca/Mg.

Temps are aound 20-22°C at canopy level and 16-18°C at root zone.
RH 50-60%.
Smells already like Haze in there.

MHIBL#9 is even more vigourous than my SSH keeper, never seen this vigour before.
I will prune some lower branches and hope to not have to prune the tops.🤞
The big stretch is just around the corner.

If that humidifier breaks on you, and you need it (a humidity boost) in a pinch, wet perlite is pretty great at wicking moisture. I use some peroxide too to keep it from getting gross, but passive humidification with perlite is used a LOT for humidification in mushroom growing (just for your back pocket)

Do you put a layer of anything in the bottom of the buckets to improve drainage?

How much sun exposure does that shed get? How do you handle really hot days?

Man, that is one tight grow. All humility aside, you must be pretty pleased with yourself.
Thank you for the kind words, Swifty. While I get lucky now and then, your grows are a consistent model of excellence. Much respect! (y)

🙏💚 @longball!
If that humidifier breaks on you, and you need it (a humidity boost) in a pinch, wet perlite is pretty great at wicking moisture. I use some peroxide too to keep it from getting gross, but passive humidification with perlite is used a LOT for humidification in mushroom growing (just for your back pocket)

Do you put a layer of anything in the bottom of the buckets to improve drainage?

How much sun exposure does that shed get? How do you handle really hot days?

Man, that is one tight grow. All humility aside, you must be pretty pleased with yourself.
Thanks for the tip @Worn Down Soul.(y)
No, I use a good soil mix and there are plenty of good sized holes in the bottom. I tried many different styles and techniques over the years and this work good for me.
Watering habits are most important to me, soil must stay -in the not to wet and not to dry- range.
I don't use heating nor cooling, Lights on starts around 10.30PM here when in flowering.
There is also no direct sunshine on the inner walls of the shed itself. That does help quite a bit.
Best I can do in this current setup, I'm just a hobbyist!:)

All of a sudden I feel dirty looking at your grow space.
Can you please stop shaming me, knowingly or not?

All jokes aside you are a grower to follow and learn from.
Kudos @Swifty
I did not clean my buckets this year @Uncle Jack , still like it a bit dirty also.😄
I'm not special and have many more things to learn here, we all make each other better growers in the end.
That is wat makes this place great for me!
🙏💚 @longball!

Thanks for the tip @Worn Down Soul.(y)
No, I use a good soil mix and there are plenty of good sized holes in the bottom. I tried many different styles and techniques over the years and this work good for me.
Watering habits are most important to me, soil must stay -in the not to wet and not to dry- range.
I don't use heating nor cooling, Lights on starts around 10.30PM here when in flowering.
There is also no direct sunshine on the inner walls of the shed itself. That does help quite a bit.
Best I can do in this current setup, I'm just a hobbyist!:)

I did not clean my buckets this year @Uncle Jack , still like it a bit dirty also.😄
I'm not special and have many more things to learn here, we all make each other better growers in the end.
That is wat makes this place great for me!

There is nothing, you said, that I wouldn't have done, myself, in your shoes.

Partially, I know what it feels like to be new to it all, and just want to help feed the curiosity of the planning stage.

IF there were one thing, I personally do differently, as a generality. If I feel like there is some chance that water might pool in areas, in the bottom most part of the container, I will put a thin but even layer of some sort of rocks (driveway, river, whatever is at hand) in the bottom

In terms of climate control; the truth is, that you are using the best technology available. I was just hoping to possibly learn some new trick. If possible, grow some shade, if you need to. Clumping bamboo can mean training stakes or in the right climates Moringa (there are two and the African species is more drought tolerant) is fertilizer/biostimulant AND shade (and nutrient dense food.) At least during the parts of the year, when it counts. Just saying... I meant to respond earlier. (the later part as a generality to anyone reading)

Thanks for getting back to me Swifty.
Last edited:
Day 15 of flowering.
Still 12/12 for now.

Everything is on track, temps are still a bit on the cold side (between 16-20°C at root zone).
Had to top the biggest MHIBL#9 (insane vigour) and 2 SSH's.

This weekend I will rearrange them and prune the lower branches.
Feeding is 2ml/L Alga Grow this week.

Fingers crossed they stay civil this time and don't grow through the roof.
