The Shed Shack®️

Day 15 of flowering.
Still 12/12 for now.

Everything is on track, temps are still a bit on the cold side (between 16-20°C at root zone).
Had to top the biggest MHIBL#9 (insane vigour) and 2 SSH's.

This weekend I will rearrange them and prune the lower branches.
Feeding is 2ml/L Alga Grow this week.

Fingers crossed they stay civil this time and don't grow through the roof.

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Your fingers might be 🤞, but your skills, 16 plants and lights-a-plenty, you’re getting a mighty jungle. 🤩🤩🤩
Fingers crossed they stay civil this time and don't grow through the roof.

lol... I had a Walkabout Haze, that was like that. The more you can train the apical tips in the canopy, to stay even, the more the growth will actually be distributed.

Another thing I have done, is in addition to LSTing with the bamboo stakes, I have gently sort of twisted them around the stake, tying it in place, with training tape. In my mind: I called it the "lucky bamboo tek."

The other thing, that is pretty easy: is go to a store, with a supplements section. Look for a LIQUID melatonin supplement that is ***10mg/1mL**** Then take 0.25mL of that and add it to 1 US gallon of water. Shake it up. Use it as a foliar and root drench (along with whatever else) once a week, cutting it off 2-3 weeks before the end of flower. In addition to a lot of documentable stuff in terms of nutrient utility, stress resilience etc, it seems to SERIOUSLY shift more energy to secondary growth tips. In other words, it slows down upward growth a bit.
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Thanks @Skuncle Lenny, @musashi, @Worn Down Soul, @longball and @eazynz !🙃

Had a good laugh also.😂

Do you always top your plants? Is it to max yield or limited headroom? I mean do you have a preference?
I'm still experimenting mu, I do prefer to top once in veg to maximize the decent tops (and yield).
I like to create "upside down pyramids".
For me this seems the most logical thing do to when having 'static' light sources above the plants.
Topping the heavy sativa dom. plants is early flower can be done without losing to much but only when hight is a concern imo.
We will see how it turns out, to be honest I would have liked them to stop stretching now, height is ideal now for my set up.
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Thanks @Skuncle Lenny, @musashi, @Worn Down Soul, @longball and @eazynz !🙃

Had a good laugh also.😂

I'm still experimenting mu, I do prefer to top once in veg to maximize the decent tops (and yield).
I like to create "upside down pyramids".
For me this seems the most logical thing do to when having 'static' light sources above the plants.
Topping the heavy sativa dom. plants is early flower can be done without losing to much but only when hight is a concern imo.
We will see how it turns out, to be honest I would have liked them to stop stretching now, height is ideal now for my set up.
I like “I like to create upside down pyramids".
Gonna try that.
Day 22 of flowering.

The stretch is almost over, lots of buds already.
Looks like I managed to have another jungle.🙄
Not as bad as last time, just on the limit of doable.
Next grow I will aim to have plants that are 30cm shorter, it is crazy how these grow.
The Western Winds cut looks like a tame plant in there but in reality she also has strong vigour.
Just look at the size of them 21 days ago, it is amazing!

Grow is still at 12/12 for the moment, feeding at 2ml/l Alga Bloom (made a mistake last post, was also Bloom and not Grow).

Lights are almost at maximum height. Distance is 30+cm (except some tops).
Not much difference between the Bat Mix and the Light Mix for now.

I forgot to take pictures of Mango Haze IBL#9 today, they are in there somewhere.
It is difficult to take nice shots when they are crowded, tried my best.

I will rearrange some more this weekend and still have to prune out the lowers.


SSH looks promising again!


Western Winds:


Mango Haze#11:


And some jungle shots:


Día 22 de floración.

La recta casi ha terminado, ya hay muchos cogollos.
Parece que logré tener otra jungla.🙄
No tan malo como la última vez, sólo que está al límite de lo factible.
El próximo cultivo intentaré tener plantas que sean 30 cm más cortas, es una locura cómo crecen.
El corte de Western Winds parece una planta mansa, pero en realidad también tiene un gran vigor.
Solo mira el tamaño que tenían hace 21 días, ¡es increíble!

El crecimiento todavía está en 12/12 por el momento, alimentando a 2 ml/l de Alga Bloom (cometí un error en la última publicación, también era Bloom y no Grow).

Las luces están casi a la altura máxima. La distancia es de 30+cm (excepto algunas tapas).
No hay mucha diferencia entre Bat Mix y Light Mix por ahora.

Olvidé tomar fotografías de Mango Haze IBL#9 hoy, están por ahí en alguna parte.
Es difícil tomar buenas fotografías cuando hay mucha gente, así que hice lo mejor que pude.

Reorganizaré un poco más este fin de semana y todavía tengo que podar los inferiores.


¡SSH prometedor parece otra vez!

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Vientos del Oeste:

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Neblina de mango#11:


Y algunas tomas de la jungla:

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o con tu cámara

I also want some plants like that! What is the secret? ha ha ha
Nice Skuncle Lenny! 😄

They look outstanding, Swifty. And they are growing just like weeds! ;)

Thanks Longball! They do justice to their name.😄

Swifty is now the new Tarzan, ruler of the jungle! It will be very interesting to hear what you have to say about similarities etc between Western Winds and Mangos or NH and any other of your Sat doms. You are a busy man Swifty. Good that you are young and full of energy…
I will give smoke reports later on BrotherBoris.(y)
Although I am not so young anymore and having a busy life, I manage to keep it up.
It is my love for the plant that drives me and gives me energy and doing only one grow this year to refill my jars I have to make it count.
Keeping focus/overview and setting priorities right in life is key imo, thanks!

Tarzan would be at home in your jungle!
I guess so Diesel! 😅

o con tu cámara

I also want some plants like that! What is the secret? ha ha ha
No secrets Salva, it is all here for you to read!

Jeez Swifty your room looks amazing.

Starting to remind me of LEETS efforts back in the day.

Great job mate.
Thank you Uncle Jack!
Leet is in another league, one of the true OG's here.
Learned so much from these OG's and you are right, I do try to grow like he did.
His tents with sativa's that reached to the ceiling will never be forgotten!:)
Hello Uncle Jack,

Those are 20L buckets with around 10-12 big holes drilled through the bottom.
I use these for more than 15 years now, even outside they work like a charm.
Don't use trays indoors anymore, I always give water in the center and since I don't compact the dirt much after planting this creates an natural bowl-like chape to catch the water.
I think that it is very important to time the waterings so that the dirt still takes up the water fast and isn't too dry. I believe that too dry results in root damage and is not beneficial to the plants.

Traducir texto con tu cámara

And how much and how often do you water the plants? Does it drain a little every time you water? Do you also water in 2 or 3 shifts? I think the "secret" is irrigation... 🤔 happy weekend
Traducir texto con tu cámara

And how much and how often do you water the plants? Does it drain a little every time you water? Do you also water in 2 or 3 shifts? I think the "secret" is irrigation... 🤔 happy weekend
Correct Salva,

I've experienced the same over the years, soil is a host for microbes and fungusses that live in symbiose with the plant.
These organisms must be taken care of as much as your plants, give them the conditions regarding soil and temp were they will thrive.
Temps around 18-20°C and humidity is a bit trickier but I would say keep it between minimum 30 and maximum 80% at all times (0% being bone dry and 100% waterlogged).
Your plants roots will also thrive in these conditions.
Key is to have a wet and dry cycle everytime.
This helps to aerate the medium, for the roots but also for your organisms!

I am growing for a very long time in these specific containers, this helps in judging when to water.
It's my experience over the years with them that helps me judge.

Numbers mean less to me but I give them around 1,5L of water each time in one go when they are bigger.
If a pot is still to heavy looking he is skipped.
This every 1-2 days (when they are smaller could be from 3-6 days).
If you keep the humidity of the soil in range you should not have runoff in soil.
When I give water it drains in completely in few moments. Rarely I see runoff.

Hope it helps.