The Nina

Pat u amaze me sometimes everything u say is like a story n i see it all happen wile ur sayin it haha makes things alot easier to understand n remember ty

I kno i'm definantly thinkin to much into all it but i am tryin to not get any high expectations wat ive been mostly tryin to learn is wat will go rite if i'm doin it rite n wat will go rong if i do it rong.....i kno experience is the only way but u have helpd out alot by wat u've told me

N it'd b nice to kno wat traits r linked to the makin THC n cbd's trait to bad we don't got scienctist goin over that daily haha(i think i read shanti say a thick stock relates to producing more thc n a faster growth is more a hemp gene that wouldn't produce so much thc)

But i was jus bein a dumbass bout the purple thing i dint think purple really meant anything bcus i've had a bunch of dif purps n a bunch of dif highs from them

i've had some batches wer half was more purp than the rest n the less purp nugs wer sometimes better n some of the purp ones wer better

I've had friends say they took out all the purple parts of the nugs n rolled it in a blunt n got really high but iono i think they jus plecebo(can't spel) themselves they got regularly high but jus thot it'd b better cus it was purp

Purple to me may increase ur high bcus wen u look at it its amazing but bsides that i don't think it relates to potency at all
Whattap, Bud, and ty for the kind words :D

I never 'finished' a male, just ran em till I got the pollen I needed, and cut them down. But at less than 4 weeks from first nut, DaddyFatSax has pretty much come and gone. I cut his top last week, and there are some stray sacks, but he is pretty much done. And going purple...


Here is the other male I'm using for the incross. He is not the one that I considered 'strongest' a week or so ago, but he stinks like DFS, and he has filled out thicker and faster than the 'other 2' recently. STINKY. Both males are stinky. Until I know better (by running offspring), I'm a select for stinky kinda guy!
Chopped down DaddyFatSacks today after a final dusting. Prolly ~5days to a week I'll start dusting with 'the side piece'. It's good to be a side piece sometimes;^0

4 weeks from 1st.



Hi PatrickStar,

They are looking good :)

Don't you think you're flowering them too small for yelds?
With that pot size you could easily flower them twice as big...
Hi B.driz-eem :) I have a perpetual, and I needed to flip plants. Really what I should have done is set the bloom room on ~18/6, and pulled out the plants that were already in flower for 6 hours a day. As it is, I dropped MAD seeds from Feb --> Mar, and a mouse ate the first ~12 for 15 that I dropped - forcing me to flip the next round a lil early I'm making up for the little veg time with plant #'s. I also kept these too wet on the transition. If the roots can't stretch, neither can the plants.
Hi P*,

Shame to hear about the meices ect,bet they had no idea they would be messin up proceedings down the track.
hope they enjoyed that last peice of cheese eh!.
hopefully! those ladies come good for you with a little tlc hey?

ps just helped me coin a new line when that happens for one reason or another......boggy roots meanz fekk all shoots!
Yo, gm :)

Yeah, I knew I had problems with 'available' veg plants BEFORE the mouse took me out. I dropped those seeds, cause I could see the gap coming. When the mouse hit it hurt that much more. If I'd had my shit together, I would have had clones ready to go. Hey, I'm just glad that the first winter didn't bankrupt me (came REAL fukkin close. If I had to come up with cash reserves just to open the doors, I'd have needed a bailout... ;)). I was freakin when I was looking at an empty veg room, and an underperforming bloomroom. Now both are full, and I know that broke is temporary :D

Always glad to help provide the inspiration for the catch phrases with fukked up plants :p
Great to hear the good word there Pat, sounds like you had a tuff WINTER(looks chilly! there then)...attention no longer seving due to till shortages ect and the head chef frozen to the floor or almost anyway:rolleyes:

recon im in a a permanent state of temporary;) when it comes too the kitty if i dont get my shite fully together sometime
#1 1/2 way there...

#2 ~2/3wks to go.

#3 under 2weeks to go. This one has the most seeds, as she was most developed when Daddy was around. BTW, the only non-LN plant that met daddy is a JiC that would have been a winner if I didn't abuse her.

#'s 2 and 3 are fast plants. I chopped #3, and #2 is coming in ~a week. #2 is sort of heavy, and has a GREAT funky smell. I took the lowest branch, and I hope I can root it.

#3 Small, fast and funky/fueley.

And because I took one out, I flipped the #4 plant.


I had 2 cuts of #4 root FAST, so I took 5 more before I flipped. I tried something new, I sprayed the hell out of the root mass with my 'fugazee' LK on transplant. Today is day 1. Very nice menthol funk from this plant in veg. I already like her because she roots quick, and I can just call her "4" as I'm running out my SSH #4 cut :^)

#1 had a growth spurt too, but is still a month+ away.

Dried pics of #3 soon.
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How is it going buddy?Hope you're doing well!

Your plants look great as always. Enjoy the harvest and cant wait to see some dried bud shots.

Keep up the good work and thanks for all the nice pics.
Yo, L, whattap!! :D Life is good, the sun is strong, and the outdoor train has started to leave the station ;)

Lol, these plants are fast if nothing else... Fast to flip, fast to pull, fast to dry, lol. I'm so happy the winter is over :^)

Fast to dry lil #3 popcorn. HARD HITTING bud. Who boy. I think that the commercial that I was getting for ~18 mo before I started growing may have been related to LN or Widow. There is a dry/fueley/funky/spice that I haven't smelled in any of the plants that I've done to this point. I really should have let this plant go a week or so longer, but I needed the space, and the 3 gallon, lol.

Whattap, Krew! I'm sorry I've neglected this thread, as this strain is straight FIRE. I ended up keeping plant #4 through attrition. I had cuts of #'s 1 and 2, but I'm a slob, and let 2 rot away, and #1 cooked in the sun. So I'm left with plant #4, and she is a superstar. ~9weeks, and absolutely top-shelf buds. The yield isn't bad either, especially considering that she comes in kinda quick. I get a STRONG sweet/spicy catpiss smell from her that starts ~week 2 or so. Prolly one of the stinkiest (stinky = type of funk x strength of said funk) plants (and buds) that I have run from clone.




I hit this female with the Shit male I was holding for a while, and if the offspring smell like I THINK they should, I'ma call em Dirty Diapers ;-) Dirty diapers is just for kicks, but I DO want to select/breed a few generations with this strain. A few days ago, I dropped 8 of the F2's that I made with LN #1 and Daddy. I'll be looking for a male to hit my cut with, and if the female f2's from the more sativa dom plant are better than the female I got, than I'm open to going down that road. I have 7 above dirt so far. I'll drop off more pix as the cut I have in bloom ripens, and as the seedlings grow.
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Thanks fer the love, Joe :D I dunno if this cut is 'special' with reguards to the other LaNina's, but it is prolly the best bud that I've ever had. I had the option recently of keeping ~20g of this plant, or 20g of my hazy/lemony SSH, and I'll be damned if I didn't pick the LaNina (trust me, I still have a healthy stash of the Super Silver, lol). It's the only plant that I currently have that has no problem stinking through a ziploc freezer bag. :^0
Hi patrick

nice to see youre well and youre hazing aroung :D
The Lanina is probably the most underestimated line from Shanti, there are uplifting phenos that are great representations of the legendary haze high. The female haze parent the La Nina uses sure is very special yet so different to the Haze A or Haze C that most hybrids from MNS are based on. Glad to see you got some a nice girl that rocks , LN is more special and elegant in high has a unique rushy up effect .

Great job man you really did the LN justice . Very nice flowers and pix , thank you for sharing ENJOY!
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