The Doors - looking for my L.A woman

Hi fam, so far we have 9 out of 10 Holy Smokes from the first round and the first of 5 from the second round that were sown 2 days later. I'm sure number 10 will pop some day, my 2 latest the Doors broke soil about a week after the others.
All 9 were showing tap root from the jiffy's today and were moved to their first container.
Meanwhile in the flowertent we are in the calm before the storm days. Not much going on for about a day or 4 when topped and flipped 12/12 at the same time and thats precisely why i do it, it takes some stretch out of the 1st week.
Now they are established i brought in the big towerfan today for some serious wind. These branches have to carry a heavy load so they need to be as strong as can be.
Hi fam, so its been 6 days from switching 12/12 and we have lift off in the flowertent. They all turned out beautiful with 7 to 9 shoots each, leaving me some choices later on. Now let's see where this will end...
So far 1 got 12/15 Holy Smokes. 9/10 from the first round and 3/5 from the second round sown 3 days later. Unfortunately i lost number 9 because i beheaded him/her when putting the cover back on the incubator after exposing them to a bit of wind. (RIP H.S.#9). I reused the soil and container so we have a new number 9 now.
Got 25% weird ones with 2 finger and 3 finger first true leaves. Dont know if its typical for H.S. but it's something that catched my eye.
Number 1 is the most long leaf of the bunch.
Now it is hoping for the 3 last ones to pop. 14 is my lucky number...
Hi fam, good news from the incubator, the last 2 seeds of round 2 popped about 2 days ago, that makes 13/15 because i accidentally killed one.

So it was waiting for the last one of round 1 to pop for my desired 14 plants. And like always, just when i was about to give up hope and settle for unlucky 13 my prayers were heard and booooom...
Lucky number 14!
A bit more pale than his/her brothers and sisters, thats probably why it took so long but otherwise a healthy youngster!
So that makes 15/15 germination wise and gives me 14 plants to work with.
The 11 Holy Smokes that were already potted are doing well, most are on their third set of leaves and growing quick.
In the flowertent the stretch has begun. So far we have a X 1 in the first 10 days and i can live with that. From what i remember she was much taller last round when given 3 days of 18hrs after topping her. I'm hoping for 130/140 cm and getting about 20% off her height she did last time. The branches grow really even, no clear dominant ones at this point. Just really bushy ladies...
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Hi fam, so in the last 6 days we went from 40cm to 65cm giving me on average about 4cm of stretch a day. Still growing her branches quite evenly but we are getting some dominators on a few plants. Somewhere in the upcoming week when it is staking time i will decide which to keep.

Meanwhile in the propagator most Holy Smokes are outgrowing their pots fast and will be up potted today.
I am getting 3 leaf types. . There's Afghan looking ones like this...
The motherload are in betweens like this...
And we have a few more sativa leaning...

Pretty plants overall.
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Hi fam, so yesterday the first 10 Holy Smokes were uppotted and are enjoying their new space. They grow fast now and it wont be long before i have to raise the light.
In the front we have some cavolo nero and asian greens sprouting for the cold frame and a freshly started mama D6 and D2.
In the flowertent we are experiencing serious stretch atm. Some branches just broke 70 cm and it is probably their last day on the table before i drop them from 75 to 50 cm from the ground. Because of the size of my LED it gets stuck behind the filter when i lower it so i just keep it in its highest position and work the plants up and drop them in phases as you normally would by raising the light. So now i go from 75 to 50 to 30 to 10cm to the floor. Its more work but the advantage is you get to inspect them a few times from closeby. Every disadvantage has its advantage Johan Cruyff would say.
still running the LED at 75% and willl only go to 100 during the drop from 30cm downwards to make that one less noticable.

Hi fam, first of all a happy new year to you all. May 2022 bring you good health and bountiful harvests!
So yesterday i staked the plants in the flowertent allowing for a few more days on the table as stretching them out sideways takes out a few inches off their height. As i explained in another topic, i dont necessarrily stake for weight support but for an even spread of the branches and thats why i do it early on in week 3, when there's no real need for bud support yet. It still looks a bit crowdy as they are still on a 100x60cm table but will soon be spread out over a 120x120cm floor space and light will be able to penetrate everywhere.
The Holy Smokes in the propagator are growing fast. So far when we go by leaf morphology alone the clear favorite is HS#4 that has the prettiest leaves and looks distinct from all its brothers and sisters. Let us all pray it's a she.
But you never know. When you look at my last post and you see D6 and D2 side by side, there's no way you can tell D2 will go 16 weeks with her broader leaves and will turn out much more sativa than D6. But she did. But hey, we can all dream right? HS#4 surely got that looks!
Amazing how much they can change from veg to flower.
Yeah, i remember the Hashplant Haze doing that even more. It had huge leaves, long like sativa's but wide like a Kush when young. In flower that changed to superthin sativa leaves. But the first 2 weeks those leaves looked kinda crazy. Very hard to recognize any Haze in it.
Oh man oh man. I wish weed became so legal worldwide we could ship clones to eachother.
You got something very precious on your hands Jahnova.
Thanks brother, very few people have smoked her so far but the 2 friends who did and are both long time Haze growers agreed she is special. Has the whole package. Insane yielder, pretty herb, an all sativa high and nice terps to go with it. I feel very lucky to get her out of just 4 females. Still have like 40 seeds left that i will wade through some day but i doubt if i find anything better than her. But who knows?
I definitely need to run the rest of the pack soon as it brought me lots of males but females on the extreme end of things ranging from 61 to 110 days. I think i never saw a the Doors in a grow log with a that short flowering cycle before either, not even 9 weeks. So who knows what the remaining 6 seeds will bring? Chances are a lot of females as 8 males are already filtered out now and hopefully more extreme end phenos.
Hi fam, so we're at early days of week 4 and the ladies were dropped to 50 cm today and spread out over the floor space. With 2 to 3 weeks of stretch on them left they will fill the tent up nicely.
From week 3 of flower she starts to show where she is mostly made of. I really like those leaves!
In the propagator the H.S are taking a run for it.
We're getting the weirdest leaf shapes from this cultivar, something that already started at first true leaves
How about an Affie dominant one trying to do 9 finger leaves?
Screenshot_20220105-015827_Gallery.jpgor curly wurly
But overall they are pretty plants. Very smelly too. Real fruity and familiar, especially when the light comes on/off . I bet this will be a great smoke.