The Doors - looking for my L.A woman

Hi Jahnova, superbe done brother in green.
Have you got the impression you yielded higher and faster because of the Lumatek
A combination of things. My measures to keep her under control got me plants reduced about 1/3rd in size and less mass in general means faster finish. Lower temps than last round also helps finishing faster. But what i can say is the buds are much heavier than last round. At first i was not convinced about this LED as i struggled to get temps right in winter but looking back at it now i can only imagine what would have happened if i did get that right too.
I still think HPS is more convenient in winter where i live but in general i am very happy with what this light can do and i will definitely keep using it most of the year.
Allright fam, i'm about to finish this grow log, i will update in 3 weeks regarding final weight, taste ,and some dried shots.
New adventures are about to begin, got 6 pheno's Holy Smoke females started, and kept the superlate flowering male HS#3 for future F2's.
I passed 3 HS males to my friend who used them all but he said HS#3 had at least 3 times as much pollen per sack as the other males had so that sounds promising. It was almost 2 weeks slower to show sex than even the latest female. He has a D2 from me just passed midflower so hope there's enough time left for a Doors2xHS#3.
We shall see...
Hey Jahnova, I've been on a break for a while and came back to see you've been posting up some great grows of the kind of plants I love. I want your LA woman too! Great work with The Doors and I can't wait to see what you do with HS too!

I'm currently tossing around ideas of what to sprout next and I'm keen to see how HS comes out in your hands. Keep up the good work!
Allright fam, it has been 14 days on the dryline so the first plant was trimmed today. A whopping 184 grams of dried bud. This pheno is such a yielder, keep in mind these plants barely touched 100cm in height. I am mindblown. The herb looks the business too!
Hi fam, i just trimmed the last 3 plants. So we had 184 grams yesterday, today 164, 161 and 171 = 680 grams of 4 plants with 465 watts of LED giving me 1.46 grams/watt.
That is close to my HPS record of 1.65 grams a watt that stands for a very long time and i am convinced i can smash that with this light. This was my first run with LED so i ran into some problems in the first weeks and the flowertent had to be fine tuned for LED along the way but next run they will hopefully be happy from the start for that little extra height and weight. The future looks bountiful.
Hi fam, i just trimmed the last 3 plants. So we had 184 grams yesterday, today 164, 161 and 171 = 680 grams of 4 plants with 465 watts of LED giving me 1.46 grams/watt.
That is close to my HPS record of 1.65 grams a watt that stands for a very long time and i am convinced i can smash that with this light. This was my first run with LED so i ran into some problems in the first weeks and the flowertent had to be fine tuned for LED along the way but next run they will hopefully be happy from the start for that little extra height and weight. The future looks bountiful.
That's a great result Jahnova - well done on the switch to LED (y) Two questions - which LED fixture are you using and which strain did you set your HPS record with?

You should enjoy some improvements in the smoke between HPS and LED too if your fixture is a full spectrum type.

I think you'll be in for some very fine hash once you process that C5 and Doors trim ;)
which LED fixture are you using and which strain did you set your HPS record with?
I use the Lumatek Zeus pro 465W 2.9µmol/J - 1353 PPF. I think they go by the brandname Photontek outside of the EU. Very pleased with it, excellent coverage for a 120x120cm.
The HPS record was set with C5 in the late 90's. 6 plants under 2 x 400W HPS yielded 1320 grams of dried bud. But that was on hydro.
Hats off to you Jahnova for those numbers.
Your grows are very inspiring and it always seems that you truly enjoy the art of growing.
Enjoy your harvest.
Keep it green.
Thanks brother, thats where i share my grows for, to hopefully inspire people to grow these long flowering varieties, it can be very rewarding once you find a method that works indoors.
I use the Lumatek Zeus pro 465W 2.9µmol/J - 1353 PPF. I think they go by the brandname Photontek outside of the EU. Very pleased with it, excellent coverage for a 120x120cm.
The HPS record was set with C5 in the late 90's. 6 plants under 2 x 400W HPS yielded 1320 grams of dried bud. But that was on hydro.

I know the Lumatek Zeus lights but I don't have one myself. They are a quality unit and the fact that you've broken that long-standing record with it at close to half the wattage speaks volumes. I find the full specturm LEDs tend to give better results with flavour and smell too...a real win-win scenario! Well done!
Allright fam, i'm about to finish this grow log, i will update in 3 weeks regarding final weight, taste ,and some dried shots.
New adventures are about to begin, got 6 pheno's Holy Smoke females started, and kept the superlate flowering male HS#3 for future F2's.
I passed 3 HS males to my friend who used them all but he said HS#3 had at least 3 times as much pollen per sack as the other males had so that sounds promising. It was almost 2 weeks slower to show sex than even the latest female. He has a D2 from me just passed midflower so hope there's enough time left for a Doors2xHS#3.
We shall see...
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thats sound realy promising i read some there that a male with alot of polen sackst is lickly to give pass the trait that the female have alot of buds so maybe alot pollen in the sacks means alot cristalls? maybe
I know the Lumatek Zeus lights but I don't have one myself. They are a quality unit and the fact that you've broken that long-standing record with it at close to half the wattage speaks volumes. I find the full specturm LEDs tend to give better results with flavour and smell too...a real win-win scenario! Well done!
I did not break it but came close for the first time in over 2 decades with a new light source i had zero experience with in a winter run that are usually not your best. I was a bit afraid the blue in full spectrum would give me massive stretch but i found they stretch less instead of more compared to HPS. So i ended up with plants about a foot shorter than i was aimng for but i am sure i would have shattered that record if the plants had ended up in the 1.20 to 1.40cm range.
And yes, totally agree about the flavour and smell under full spectrum LED. I think lower leaf and bud temps have a lot to do with that.
Actually its the other way around. The more blue light the less stretch. Flowering plants actually elongate due to the sudden absense of blue light when switching from MH to HPS.
Yeah, much shorter internodes so i need to rethink my strategy for ideal height.
I never used MH for 18hrs as normally i only grow them a few days under 18 hrs for root establishment and go 12/12 when they're about a foot in size. But the moms and clones are kept under blue light.
I used to run 2- 600w HID lamps in the room, 2x MH for veg and then switch out to 1x MH + 1x HPS for flower. The new LED’s (3x HLG 350r- equivalent amps to my old 2 HID lamps) with full spectrum eliminated the hassle of switching. I can get the light intensity so much closer to the plants without burning them. Like @Jahnova, I be groovin on the new fixtures.

I used to run 2- 600w HID lamps in the room, 2x MH for veg and then switch out to 1x MH + 1x HPS for flower. The new LED’s (3x HLG 350r- equivalent amps to my old 2 HID lamps) with full spectrum eliminate the hassle of switching. I can get the light intensity so much closer to the plants without burning them. Like @Jahnova, I be groovin on the new fixtures.

Agree. I can definitely see the advantages over HPS when you get to really know the fixture and how to deploy it properly. Its challenging but fun too. Never stop learning!